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Something else the Bills have managed to ruin for me...


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Being a fan of such a bad team for so long has really deluded my joy for the NFL in general. About two or three years ago I started tuning out during the playoffs. I just didn't care to watch other teams continue to be successful when my team appears to have trouble even tying their own shoe laces. Hell, now I'm just tuning out of football in general after our game. It just hurts even more watching teams play that actually know HOW TO PLAY THE GAME!! All I think to myself is "Why can't my team do that?!?!" I just wonder what they are going to ruin next for me. Perhaps my love of Buffalo Wings, or rubbing one out on a late Sunday afternoon. All I know is that Bills fans are truly cursed. I think we must inherently be bad people at heart and God made us Bills fans as a way to punish us for being that way.


Sorry. Monday morning rant. I just had hoped things would be different this morning. Hell, at least living in Texas I get to laugh at the the Cowgirls fans!! Hahahahahahahaha...........

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We've had bad management and bad coaches and bad schemes, but I think it's way too obvious that we also don't have enough good players. I like to watch other games still because I wish my team could do those things. Watch a majority of other NFL games, for instance, and you see QBs making throws that we haven't seen a Bills QB make in a long time.


Players are the rarest commodity in this league, and ever rarer to find good players that want to come to Buffalo and can embrace that sort of town. But in order to get any better, that is what needs to change now, better players.

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BAD GAME, means nothing.........flush it!


I respectfully disagree. If it was a bad game in any other way, I would agree, but it was a carbon copy effort of what we have seen for the majority of the past two seasons. It is the 3-4. If Trent has not learned how to play against it now, he never will. It's just the same repetitive crap week in and week out.

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Being a fan of such a bad team for so long has really deluded my joy for the NFL in general. About two or three years ago I started tuning out during the playoffs. I just didn't care to watch other teams continue to be successful when my team appears to have trouble even tying their own shoe laces. Hell, now I'm just tuning out of football in general after our game. It just hurts even more watching teams play that actually know HOW TO PLAY THE GAME!! All I think to myself is "Why can't my team do that?!?!" I just wonder what they are going to ruin next for me. Perhaps my love of Buffalo Wings, or rubbing one out on a late Sunday afternoon. All I know is that Bills fans are truly cursed. I think we must inherently be bad people at heart and God made us Bills fans as a way to punish us for being that way.


Sorry. Monday morning rant. I just had hoped things would be different this morning. Hell, at least living in Texas I get to laugh at the the Cowgirls fans!! Hahahahahahahaha...........

i agree, i find it hard to watch the 4'o'clock games after a bills 1pm loss.i was so ready yesterday, but as the game progressed, it felt like groundhog day. S O S!.. i am as optimistic as one can be, but i wonder the same things. yesterday, for example, i am watching clay matthews run around like a madman for green bay ! i think, how did we pass on him , i know , i know, hindsight is 20/20, but i do sit and compare other teams to the bills as i watch other games.

Edited by dwight in philly
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I respectfully disagree. If it was a bad game in any other way, I would agree, but it was a carbon copy effort of what we have seen for the majority of the past two seasons. It is the 3-4. If Trent has not learned how to play against it now, he never will. It's just the same repetitive crap week in and week out.


I wasn't very impressed with Miami's QB either, both played awful.........we will see! :thumbsup:

Edited by Another Point of View
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