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Rian Lindell


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this guy is going to cost us a game at some point. he cannot hit a pressure kick, and his kickoffs are consistently short. what are cap ramifications if the Bills cut him before next season?


that being said, that fact that the Bills won on the road, when McGahee was not a big factor, whent the defense was not dominant in the first half, bodes very well for the future.

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i said it befor. when we get to the 30 yard line we PUNT!!!!!


we punt cus hes 1-4 from 40 yards or more. and hes not even "automatic" inside the 40.


how much does vinatieri (sp) want to play for us?? pay they guy. atleast 3 more points a game (since we would kick a FG insted of punting atleast once a game).

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