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Fidel: 'Cuban Model Doesn't Even Work For Us Anymore'


1. This is an article from the Atlantic, which is a reasonable magazine, and is written by a self-described "ex-self-defined socialist".

2. Clearly this is one person's point of view, and anecdotal. But, this is what we have, and there's no reason for this guy to lie. If anything, his (ex-?)political views tell him to cover it up and/or deny it.


So, apparently Michael Moore telling us that we should be more like Cuba...isn't in line with the guy who created Cuba seems to think.


Also, apparently this guy took a moron with him on his trip:

I asked Julia to interpret this stunning statement for me. She said, "He wasn't rejecting the ideas of the Revolution. I took it to be an acknowledgment that under 'the Cuban model' the state has much too big a role in the economic life of the country."


How can you have a Communist revolution, of all things, whose "ideas" aren't about government control of the economy? Were the "ideas of the revolution" about Fidel being a baseball guy and his popular support? :lol::wallbash::rolleyes: I wonder what else this lady "takes to be"? Up = down? Like I said...moron.


Also, this journalist missed a great opportunity. He should have taken Guevera's daughter aside and asked her:

1. how difficult it was growing up as the daughter of a mass-murdering sociopath who apparently thought it was a better idea to spend more time in Africa and Bolivia than with her?

2. does she get any royalties from the T-shirt industry?

3. does she find it ironic that the tools buying the T-shirts are directly participating in the kind of economics her father spent his life and died fighting?

4. do the relatives of those people her father had executed with 0 due process ever tell her how happy they are that her father saved them from suffering?

5. does she think it's ironic that the people who claim to love her father, are the same people who are currently demanding due process for the terrorists on that island, when her father was such an ardent supporter of group trials, summary judgment, and firing squads? :devil:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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How can you have a Communist revolution, of all things, whose "ideas" aren't about government control of the economy?


Point of note: the Cuban revolution was against the US-backed autocratic/oligarchic government. Like North Vietnam, the revolutionaries were communist only as a matter of convenience, given the bipolar Cold War power blocks.

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Point of note: the Cuban revolution was against the US-backed autocratic/oligarchic government. Like North Vietnam, the revolutionaries were communist only as a matter of convenience, given the bipolar Cold War power blocks.

So, according to you: this lady is still a moron, because in fact there were no "ideas of the revolution" to reject? :thumbsup:

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Point of note: the Cuban revolution was against the US-backed autocratic/oligarchic government. Like North Vietnam, the revolutionaries were communist only as a matter of convenience, given the bipolar Cold War power blocks.



If that's the case, why did they walk the communist walk after the revolution in both states? Just to stay under the wing of Uncle Joe?

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Point of note: the Cuban revolution was against the US-backed autocratic/oligarchic government. Like North Vietnam, the revolutionaries were communist only as a matter of convenience, given the bipolar Cold War power blocks.

If you want to keep your friends you better stop telling such outrageous truths - if you tell them how the U.S. shaped Iran's political landscape they may cry.

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If that's the case, why did they walk the communist walk after the revolution in both states? Just to stay under the wing of Uncle Joe?


Uncle Joe gave Fidel a sweeter deal at the time. It's not like CIA wasn't courting Fidel.

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Has that ever been confirmed? Seems like a lot of good schitt that happened back then is starting to come to light now.


Don't know if there's anything formal that's been unearthed, but the central casting character tilling the third world countryside in the '50s with a briefcase of cash is certainly legit.

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