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Health insurance premiums going up, thanks to new legislation

KD in CA

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Gee, who would have ever guessed this might happen?





In addition to pledging that the law would restrain increases in Americans' insurance premiums, Democrats front-loaded the legislation with early provisions they hoped would boost public support. Those include letting children stay on their parents' insurance policies until age 26, eliminating co-payments for preventive care and barring insurers from denying policies to children with pre-existing conditions, plus the elimination of the coverage caps.



Cue some Obama worshipping idiocy from Dave and conner in 3...2...1...

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Cue some Obama worshipping idiocy from Dave and conner in 3...2...1...


With an intro like this, how can I resist?


1. Insurance rates were going to go up no matter what. They've been sky rocketing for a while now.

2. Things will settle down, various stages of the bill come into effect.

3. I still think we should do universal HC, personally

4. The article does not seem to mention benefits of the bill, such as people actually having health insurance now.

Edited by conner
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1. Insurance rates were going to go up no matter what. They've been sky rocketing for a while now.

Ahhh, is that like saying the economy would be worse without stimulus, or that the government is counting how many jobs they "saved?"



2. Things will settle down, various stages of the bill come into effect.

Can you define what you mean by "settle down?" Also, can you let me know which part of the Obamacare bill will help things settle down once they come into effect, and specifically when it will come into effect? That's okay. Neither can the people who passed the bill.



4. The article does not seem to mention benefits of the bill, such as people actually having health insurance now.

Just curious; how many people have health insurance now who didn't have it before the bill passed? In what ways did the bill help these people get health insurance now?

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With an intro like this, how can I resist?


1. Insurance rates were going to go up no matter what. They've been sky rocketing for a while now.

2. Things will settle down, various stages of the bill come into effect.

3. I still think we should do universal HC, personally

4. The article does not seem to mention benefits of the bill, such as people actually having health insurance now.

I have a question for you Sunshine: When and how did my family's health insurance become any of your God damn business?

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I could have told you beforehand that this would happen. Oh wait, I did.




If you eliminate underwriting to determine risk, all rates increase...both for the healthy and unhealthy.


Do you mean to say that if all unhealthy people have insurance and many healthy people opt out knowing they can get it at any time, that rates will go up? But we were told rates would go down, even before anyone read the bill. :oops: x a trillion friggin dollars!

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As you guys know I went into great detail regarding this topic. This isn't a surprise....



However I will note that the bad economy is also causing rates to go up as well. As the economy remains poor, more people are dropping their coverage, which means that the risk pool is diminishing which in turn drives up premiums.

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Yeah I knew this was going to happen too not a big freaken surprise- which is why we wanted single payer or at least a public option but Obama was too bu$y ki$$ing corporate a$$- on the bright side he's going to spend a couple months campaigning as a progressive before he returns to ki$$ing corporate a$$.

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Yeah I knew this was going to happen too not a big freaken surprise- which is why we wanted single payer or at least a public option but Obama was too bu$y ki$$ing corporate a$$- on the bright side he's going to spend a couple months campaigning as a progressive before he returns to ki$$ing corporate a$$.

You are the lefts version of the tea party.


Take that as you will....

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You are the lefts version of the tea party.


Take that as you will....


That's fine with me .... while I don't agree with the tea party on a lot of issues we are both strong supporters of the 2nd amendment, we both opposed the bank bailouts and we both think the Washington establishment need it's a$$ kicked.

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Yawn... My premiums have gone up ton (almost doubled) every year for the past 5 years... What legislation made that happen?



I know that in NY and MA, which are guaranteed issue states, rates are 2-3x elsewhere in the country. When you insure everyone, everyone pays more.

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When family XYZ was not able to acquire insurance because they would cut into the insurance companies profit margin.


Insurance companies will stil make a profit, even with the abortion that is Obamacare. They'll just pass on the additional cost to customers.


So, enjoy this poorly crafted piece of guano.

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Insurance companies will stil make a profit, even with the abortion that is Obamacare. They'll just pass on the additional cost to customers.


So, enjoy this poorly crafted piece of guano.

Probably this is partially true. However, there does in fact exist people who now have health insurance who could literally not get insurance before at any price. They just could not get insured, no company would take them. That is health insurance they could not get, you know, health being the thing that keeps you from being dead. Your ideologies are messing with peoples lives, and killing them literally.

Edited by conner
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Probably this is partially true. However, there does in fact exist people who now have health insurance who could literally not get insurance before at any price. They just could not get insured, no company would take them. That is health insurance they could not get, you know, health being the thing that keeps you from being dead. Your ideologies are messing with peoples lives, and killing them literally.


Right. Enjoy paying 3x to 4x more for health insurance including higher deductibles, higher premiums, higher co-insurance percentages. It WILL happen. Take it to the bank. This "reform" is going to destroy the average working man's budget, not to mention the country's.

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