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Koran (Quran) burning and my evil side

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The Koran states that Jesus (Isa), was born of the virgin Mary, had healing powers, spoke as a baby, and brought the dead back to live.

You can say the same about me, though not born of the virgin Mary but of the Bloody Mary, usually two or three of them, with tabasco and some horseradish. You're not bringing the dead back to life without an ample amount of horseradish in your Bloody Mary.


Just sayin'...

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Booster do you think it'd hurt his feeling if he knew that in Africa Christian Pastors are out and about killing and exorcising witches which is usually the same thing since the exorcisms include

•being forced to drink acid

•Bound and thrown in rivers

•Dunked in sodium hydroxide

•Nails hammered into skulls

•Burned alive

.skinning of breasts and genitals

•Chained, starved, and flogged for weeks at a time


The problem of course is they take that "you will not suffer a witch to live" seriously - religion is fine if you realize that the benefit from it is mainly a few words of wisdom and social networking.


Are you serious? I am sure he would be equally outraged. Frigging moron ...

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Whose books also say that people define themselves through their actions and Islam whether it be radical or not does not have a very good track record this century even. Islam Kills gays, cuts the hands off people, beats and honor kills wives sisters and daughters , rapes enemies, slaves, Darfur, ect.. and all allowed sanctioned in the Koran under certain conditions. No Harami we know Islam very well.


News Flash...


Ethical principles


The ethical principles of these 3 "Abrahamitic Religions" are also related to each other. The commandments also occur in the Koran, but not listed in the same way, e.g. in sura 17,22-39; sura 5,38-40; sura 2,188; sura 4,135; sura 2,195; and sura 17,70* (human dignity). The Koran, for example, outlaws the killing of innocent ones without exceptions (sura 5,27-32*). The term "Gihad" ("Jihad") means only: fight, struggle; the meaning "Holy war" is not taken from the Koran, but from the sayings of Mohammed and from the schools of Islamic law.*** Inwardly - mentally and morally - working against one's wickedness is called the "Great Gihad", more important than all external conflicts. Compare the teachings of Jesus, to first take out the beam in one's own eye - many external conflicts would lose their basis. The "Gihad of the word" is peacefully speaking out for one's beliefs. The "Gihad with the hand" is the active, instructive example of the believer. The "Gihad of the sword", named also "the small Gihad" is only permitted for defending believers who are under attack (compare Koran sura 2,190*). But some "vehemence" in the contact with other religions can be found already in the Koran (e.g. sura 48,29; sura 47,4*)


Those people that commit those heinous acts aren't true Muslims.


BTW. Check the link, this piece was written by a CHRISTIAN.



Edited by b.harami98
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News Flash...


Ethical principles


The ethical principles of these 3 "Abrahamitic Religions" are also related to each other. The commandments also occur in the Koran, but not listed in the same way, e.g. in sura 17,22-39; sura 5,38-40; sura 2,188; sura 4,135; sura 2,195; and sura 17,70* (human dignity). The Koran, for example, outlaws the killing of innocent ones without exceptions (sura 5,27-32*). The term "Gihad" ("Jihad") means only: fight, struggle; the meaning "Holy war" is not taken from the Koran, but from the sayings of Mohammed and from the schools of Islamic law.*** Inwardly - mentally and morally - working against one's wickedness is called the "Great Gihad", more important than all external conflicts. Compare the teachings of Jesus, to first take out the beam in one's own eye - many external conflicts would lose their basis. The "Gihad of the word" is peacefully speaking out for one's beliefs. The "Gihad with the hand" is the active, instructive example of the believer. The "Gihad of the sword", named also "the small Gihad" is only permitted for defending believers who are under attack (compare Koran sura 2,190*). But some "vehemence" in the contact with other religions can be found already in the Koran (e.g. sura 48,29; sura 47,4*)


Those people that commit those heinous acts aren't true Muslims.


BTW. Check the link, this piece was written by a CHRISTIAN.



Please! and who defines who is in innocent and who is not, a secular court of law that respects human right or some nut job Iman reading the Koran hell bend on converting the world to ISlam.

I not buying peaceful Islam Its a scam to get their foot in the door Once in Muslims will demand more and more "rights" over any other group at the threat of violence.

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This is the real issue here without getting into a mini holy war: Most Muslims find it inappropriate to burn Korans. Most Americans find it inappropriate to build the Ground Zero mosque. An argument for courtesy in one matter should lead naturally to an argument for courtesy in the other. Every argument in favor of building the mosque is, logically, also an argument for burning the Koran. Both actions are protected by the First Amendment.

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No, you don't and it's quite pathetic that you think anyone is buying the charade.

Charade? I'm not even smart enough to know what it means let alone selling and buying one. I have heard the word used by Sean Connery in a movie once but you're right I am quiet pathetic that I don't know what it means. I have never been accused of being the smartest person in the room and yes I am the village idiot.

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Charade? I'm not even smart enough to know what it means let alone selling and buying one. I have heard the word used by Sean Connery in a movie once but you're right I am quiet pathetic that I don't know what it means. I have never been accused of being the smartest person in the room and yes I am the village idiot.


We finally agree on something.


BTW. How does it feel to live in a fish bowl?

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