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Why all the Brian Brohm negativity?

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This is an excellent question. Clearly, Brohm has been a Rorschach blot for many—they projected their hopes onto him as an unknown quantity. It makes perfect sense that people not sold on Trent (many of whom, as Rico says, were JP backers) would be especially hopeful for Brohm, though that does not make such hope a bad thing. It is certainly possible for one to have hope for Brohm but not have negative feelings toward Trent or Fitz. Frankly, I just want whoever does play QB for the Bills to do well. I would have been delighted if Brohm had seized the starting job back in Atlanta last December, or during camp this summer. He did not, and Trent did, so I am waiting to see whether Trent can make it work.


An even bigger question is, what does it take for a QB to climb the depth chart? Assuming that every QB on a pro roster was a starter in college, which means he was already in the top percentages of all QBs in the country, they all have at least some of the skills necessary to be a success. Yet the vast majority never rise to #1. Talent is crucial here, of course, but so is luck. If they happen to be on the same team as a very healthy starter, they will never sniff the field, and within a couple of years, the window closes. If the starter happens to go down, then a chance opens up. Brady being the best example. But no matter how good Brady was looking in practice in NE (I have no idea whether he was, and actually suspect, based on what I remember from 2000-2001, that he was nothing special), without Mo Lewis, Brady probably never starts an NFL regular season game. Makes one wonder how many "Bradys" go undiscovered, and how many backups on the other hand can parlay one or two good performances into a big contract, then fail (hello Rob Johnson, Scott Mitchell, Elvis Grbac...). It certainly makes me reflect on the heavy role played by fate/chance/luck in football and so many other sports....

You make some very good points. I've always believed the luck of the draw is the determining factor many times. Right place at the right time, or right coach with right offense. And I just don't get the love affair with Troy Smith. He was cut for a reason, I'm sure, and he is totally unfamiliar with the system here. The way I see it we have 3 QB's on the roster that are capable of running it. Why change?

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These guys all get a shot with free agency. A good example is Shaun Hill, who is now Detroit's #2. He was on the bench in Minnesota & got his chance after he left for SF.

Besana actually got his shot in the USFL after the Bills let him go, he was the starting QB for the Oakland Invaders the 1st 2 years of the league, but in the 3rd & final year, the Invaders merged with the Michigan Panthers and Besana ended up backing up Bobby Hebert.



Dude, anyone who gets my reference to Fred Besana deserves this.... :worthy:


You have an excellent point with free agency. That does create more chances for promising young QBs to shop their services, provided of course that they have a portfolio to show off, and a good agent. Heck, even Billy Volek was able to profit from free agency, wasn't he?

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It's not just the board, but the media as well. I'm not touting him as the starter but he has shown he can be an efficient QB( move the chains, manage the game). Doesn't that fit into the game plan for a predominantly run oriented offense? I just don't get it. The kid didn't cut it in GB for what ever reason, but that was in the past. It's a new ballgame. How about a little support instead. For all anyone knows this kid could be a diamond in the rough, or a lump of coal, but he hasn't had much of a chance to prove either so far. Just my two cents for what it's worth.


I listened to the Bulldog the morning after the lions game and I almost spit out my morning coffee when I heard him say that Brohm should be cut. He either did not watch that game or he does not have a clue when it comes to evaluation of football talent. I swear he looked at the stats and saw the interception and no touchdowns and came to a very wrong conclusion.

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I just cant figure out what people are thinking that say this kid, Brohm, is a scrub or not a potential contributor. He lit up college in a highly competitive league (Big East, West Virginia was a top 5 team (U of L busted them), Pitt was top 5 to 10 (Brohm and U of L busted them), and I think Rutgers (U of L had every shot to win, but lost this one) cracked the top 10). He man handled wake forest in the Orange bowl, was Orange bowl MVP and set a passing yards record in the Orange bowl. He was one very close game (Rutgers) shy of an undefeated season and a chance at a national title, he was in the top 2 to 5 in the nation in every positive statistical catagory for a quarterback as a sophmore,Junior and Senior. AND, he didnt have a bad senior year. He had a great statistical senior year..........his defense just sucked, thus his team sucked (6-6). He put up great numbers in spite of being on the field far less. What are you people hoping for in the draft ("Jim Kelly isnt walking in that door", ok, sorry, couldnt pass that one up). I think he made a big mistake by not going the draft in his junior year, and watching the draft and his sliding into the 2nd round after being projected as the possible top pick the year before, you could see the confidence slipping out of him. And I think that confidence kept slipping away in Green Bay. And, for a kid that never had confidence issues (cover of sports illustrated in high school), I would say it was hard for him to find his stride. BUT, I think he is finding it now, and if he is, he might come back better than ever as a result. Whether or not many of you want to admit it,confidence is a huge factor in NFL success and failure (especially at the QB position) or for any professional athelete AND, it can be lost and never found again. Just look at how your other 2 QB's have performed this year compared to years past. This is a coach that knows how important confidence is to the QB....and one that has built it up in all 3 of his QB's. Case in point: what he did to some fans heckling Edwards a few weeks ago? That was huge and right in line with a lot of other things this man does to build confidence in his players. Buffalo has the right coach.

Pro Debut March 31 1987.bmp

Edited by ShawnEvans
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The open competition was in mini-camp, it was for the coaches & players involved, it was not changed during preseason and it was not for the fans to see their favorite QB play with the starters. People seem to forget that when Chan arrived, Ryan Fitzpatrick was #1 on the depth chart, not Trent Edwards. Edwards showed enough in mini-camp to get the edge on the depth chart, Levi Brown showed the least & was dropped from any further consideration once camp opened. The order didn't change in camp & preseason, mainly because Edwards continued to outplay all the other guys, as confirmed by our camp visitors who posted their observations here. Edwards earned the right to start every preseason game, Brohm did not-it's as simple as that. Also if Trent goes down or sucks, Fitzpatrick will get 1st crack at starting, not Brohm.

Actually, I am not sure you are right about who comes in after Edwards goes down. If it s early season, perhaps we will see Fitz (again) But, if its second half of season, we will see Brohm finish out the season. Reason: All three QB,s contracts are up after this year, and they need to know if any can make the grade in the NFL. We know Fitz is a good backup....but neither Edwards or Brohm has shown they are starters yet, in my view. So, I say, Brohm will get his games this year...to find out what they need to know before spending bucks again for the next season played. (notice I did not say next year) Personally, I think Brohm has a better arm....and I have a back of my mind inckling that Ralph Wilson still thinks he helped draft Trent....and that Trent is being given the chance he now has with a little help from ownership. In the end, our best outcome is to know based on Gailey/Nix's full season assessment who to sign/retain for next year. I have to admit, the comparison to JP Losman is interesting...Brohm does have a big arm like JP does.....he can't be as weak on the mental part of the game as was JP. In any event, Edwards arm is perhaps "adequate", but not of the NFL gun variety. (thinking Joe Flacco)

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Actually, I am not sure you are right about who comes in after Edwards goes down. If it s early season, perhaps we will see Fitz (again) But, if its second half of season, we will see Brohm finish out the season. Reason: All three QB,s contracts are up after this year, and they need to know if any can make the grade in the NFL. We know Fitz is a good backup....but neither Edwards or Brohm has shown they are starters yet, in my view. So, I say, Brohm will get his games this year...to find out what they need to know before spending bucks again for the next season played. (notice I did not say next year) Personally, I think Brohm has a better arm....and I have a back of my mind inckling that Ralph Wilson still thinks he helped draft Trent....and that Trent is being given the chance he now has with a little help from ownership. In the end, our best outcome is to know based on Gailey/Nix's full season assessment who to sign/retain for next year. I have to admit, the comparison to JP Losman is interesting...Brohm does have a big arm like JP does.....he can't be as weak on the mental part of the game as was JP. In any event, Edwards arm is perhaps "adequate", but not of the NFL gun variety. (thinking Joe Flacco)

And this is whats wrong with Brohites. Chan sai halfway through training camp that BROWn had the second strongest arm on the team. behind Edwards. That means Brohm or Fitz was 3rd and the other last. Brohmites change facts and haven't a clue at what they actually see.

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I just cant figure out what people are thinking that say this kid, Brohm, is a scrub or not a potential contributor. He lit up college in a highly competitive league (Big East, West Virginia was a top 5 team (U of L busted them), Pitt was top 5 to 10 (Brohm and U of L busted them), and I think Rutgers (U of L had every shot to win, but lost this one) cracked the top 10). He man handled wake forest in the Orange bowl, was Orange bowl MVP and set a passing yards record in the Orange bowl. He was one very close game (Rutgers) shy of an undefeated season and a chance at a national title, he was in the top 2 to 5 in the nation in every positive statistical catagory for a quarterback as a sophmore,Junior and Senior. AND, he didnt have a bad senior year. He had a great statistical senior year..........his defense just sucked, thus his team sucked (6-6). He put up great numbers in spite of being on the field far less. What are you people hoping for in the draft ("Jim Kelly isnt walking in that door", ok, sorry, couldnt pass that one up). I think he made a big mistake by not going the draft in his junior year, and watching the draft and his sliding into the 2nd round after being projected as the possible top pick the year before, you could see the confidence slipping out of him. And I think that confidence kept slipping away in Green Bay. And, for a kid that never had confidence issues (cover of sports illustrated in high school), I would say it was hard for him to find his stride. BUT, I think he is finding it now, and if he is, he might come back better than ever as a result. Whether or not many of you want to admit it,confidence is a huge factor in NFL success and failure (especially at the QB position) or for any professional athelete AND, it can be lost and never found again. Just look at how your other 2 QB's have performed this year compared to years past. This is a coach that knows how important confidence is to the QB....and one that has built it up in all 3 of his QB's. Case in point: what he did to some fans heckling Edwards a few weeks ago? That was huge and right in line with a lot of other things this man does to build confidence in his players. Buffalo has the right coach.




Excellent, if optimistic, post. Brohm looks to be a real player, once he gets some experience in the NFL. I think he was the smoothest operator of the Bills QBs in preseason.


Out of curiosity. What the heck was that attachment?

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I am a little message board slow, thought it was the option to ad a picture to my profile. The attachment was a pic of me, pro boxer in the 80's and 90's. Thanks for the comment on the post.



Pretty cool!


To add a photo to your profile, to your profile (I think it's here):




Then "Edit My Profile". After that, click on "Change Photo" and upload your photo. Good luck!

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I just cant figure out what people are thinking that say this kid, Brohm, is a scrub or not a potential contributor. He lit up college in a highly competitive league (Big East, West Virginia was a top 5 team (U of L busted them), Pitt was top 5 to 10 (Brohm and U of L busted them), and I think Rutgers (U of L had every shot to win, but lost this one) cracked the top 10). He man handled wake forest in the Orange bowl, was Orange bowl MVP and set a passing yards record in the Orange bowl. He was one very close game (Rutgers) shy of an undefeated season and a chance at a national title, he was in the top 2 to 5 in the nation in every positive statistical catagory for a quarterback as a sophmore,Junior and Senior. AND, he didnt have a bad senior year. He had a great statistical senior year..........his defense just sucked, thus his team sucked (6-6). He put up great numbers in spite of being on the field far less. What are you people hoping for in the draft ("Jim Kelly isnt walking in that door", ok, sorry, couldnt pass that one up). I think he made a big mistake by not going the draft in his junior year, and watching the draft and his sliding into the 2nd round after being projected as the possible top pick the year before, you could see the confidence slipping out of him. And I think that confidence kept slipping away in Green Bay. And, for a kid that never had confidence issues (cover of sports illustrated in high school), I would say it was hard for him to find his stride. BUT, I think he is finding it now, and if he is, he might come back better than ever as a result. Whether or not many of you want to admit it,confidence is a huge factor in NFL success and failure (especially at the QB position) or for any professional athelete AND, it can be lost and never found again. Just look at how your other 2 QB's have performed this year compared to years past. This is a coach that knows how important confidence is to the QB....and one that has built it up in all 3 of his QB's. Case in point: what he did to some fans heckling Edwards a few weeks ago? That was huge and right in line with a lot of other things this man does to build confidence in his players. Buffalo has the right coach.


Great post!

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He may not have shown anything in the league yet, good or bad. But everytime I see him play he throws a nice ball , on time and on target, with a little zip. He seems to know where to go with the ball, maybe better than our others. Yeah I know there has been some confusion between him and recievers, but who am I to judge who was wrong, I'll let the coaches do that. They must see something to keep him around. I'm not saying he should be the starter at all, but they must like something they see!

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A few things come to mind: Maybe Trent Edwards has looked better than any of us are willing to give him credit for? If the coaches looked only at what he's done since their arrival, what if he has played the part of a good NFL QB, and not merely an average or below average one. I think part of the reasoning for Brohm being considered as doing so poorly is that people say to themselves, If he can't beat out a bad QB, then how good can he be? But, he also hasn't unseated Fitz, from what we know - maybe Brohm is #2?


Also, I've seen the play of Brohm, and I've been saying on these boards - he looks good. His arm strength and velocity on the ball is way better than our other QB's. He gets that ball there, and a lot of his incompletions or even int.'s were the reciever's fault. He also has shown good decision making and good scrambling ability - and I like that he'd rather be a pocket QB, and isn't prone to running out of fear.


Now, is he great? Obviously not, but he's shown me in his play that he looks like he could be a weapon on an NFL team, not a liability. I'd bet if he were let go he'd be sought after by 5 or 6 NFL teams. That is a good measuring stick - fans might say he's not that good, but the professionals who know better, I think, see him as being still very much a promising young QB.

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I just cant figure out what people are thinking that say this kid, Brohm, is a scrub or not a potential contributor. He lit up college in a highly competitive league (Big East, West Virginia was a top 5 team (U of L busted them), Pitt was top 5 to 10 (Brohm and U of L busted them), and I think Rutgers (U of L had every shot to win, but lost this one) cracked the top 10). He man handled wake forest in the Orange bowl, was Orange bowl MVP and set a passing yards record in the Orange bowl. He was one very close game (Rutgers) shy of an undefeated season and a chance at a national title, he was in the top 2 to 5 in the nation in every positive statistical catagory for a quarterback as a sophmore,Junior and Senior. AND, he didnt have a bad senior year. He had a great statistical senior year..........his defense just sucked, thus his team sucked (6-6). He put up great numbers in spite of being on the field far less. What are you people hoping for in the draft ("Jim Kelly isnt walking in that door", ok, sorry, couldnt pass that one up). I think he made a big mistake by not going the draft in his junior year, and watching the draft and his sliding into the 2nd round after being projected as the possible top pick the year before, you could see the confidence slipping out of him. And I think that confidence kept slipping away in Green Bay. And, for a kid that never had confidence issues (cover of sports illustrated in high school), I would say it was hard for him to find his stride. BUT, I think he is finding it now, and if he is, he might come back better than ever as a result. Whether or not many of you want to admit it,confidence is a huge factor in NFL success and failure (especially at the QB position) or for any professional athelete AND, it can be lost and never found again. Just look at how your other 2 QB's have performed this year compared to years past. This is a coach that knows how important confidence is to the QB....and one that has built it up in all 3 of his QB's. Case in point: what he did to some fans heckling Edwards a few weeks ago? That was huge and right in line with a lot of other things this man does to build confidence in his players. Buffalo has the right coach.

Great post. I could be wrong, but the detractors might be fans who are worried that Brohm will take Trents job as the starter, where as Fitz is not deemed a threat.

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And this is whats wrong with Brohites. Chan sai halfway through training camp that BROWn had the second strongest arm on the team. behind Edwards. That means Brohm or Fitz was 3rd and the other last. Brohmites change facts and haven't a clue at what they actually see.



Find Chans quote and post the link!

Edited by FreakPop
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Find Chans quote and post the link!


To the author of the post:"Why all the Brian Brohm negativity": Now you have your answer: There isnt one, other than random ramblings, people trying to pick on something or find something to complain about. The post that states Chan said Brohms arm was weaker than Browns. So? What the hell does that have to do with it? Brohms arms is plenty strong, he has plenty of zip on his throws. Having a cannon doesnt mean you can win in the NFL, put the ball on the numbers, read D's, etc, etc. I throw hard, and hit hard as a fighter (same motion), but I can guarantee you one thing.....I dont have what it takes to QB a high school team. No one would ever complain about my ball velocity, but there would be a lot of other valid complaints....like completion ratio, win ratio, QB rating in the 20's etc. I rarely think the hard core critics, especially ones that have so little sense behind their points, have ever picked up a football, baseball (or laced up gloves, and if they did, maybe they got hit way too much).


The point is, no one is saying Brohm is a shoe-in NFL pro-bowler. NO ONE. There is no formula to predict that until it happens or doesnt. Pretty much everyone supporting him is saying he looks good enough, he comes with a good enough resume, he reads D's well, he distinguished himself as a very astute passer and game manager in college on a top 6 team...............................to be worthy of a chance, to seel what might be there.

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