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(Desserts) Grape Pie


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Serves: NA

Calories Per Serving: Who care

Preparation Time: lengthy, but worth it

Difficulty: Average



6 cups CONCORD Grapes

1 1/3 cup sugar

4 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon lemon juice

dash of salt

maragaine or butter


Cooking Instructions:

* Make pastry for two pie crusts

* Preheat oven to 425 F

* Remove and save the skins from the grapes.

* Put the pulp in a sauce pan without water and heat to a roiling boil.

* While hot, rub the pulp through a stainer to remove the seeds.

* Mix the pulp with the saved skins.

* Mix together (and lightly through the grapes) the sugar and flour.

* Sprinkle with the lemon juice and the salt.

* Pour the filling into the pie crust.

* Put several dabs of butter or margarine on the top of the filling.

* Cover the filling with the top crust and cut several slits in the top.

* Bake until the crust is lightly brown. 35 to 45 minutes


Serving Suggestions: Serve warm...Vanilla ice cream


Additional Comments: This is a lot of preparation..Make a lot of the filling at one time...Freeze and just add crusts

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