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Is Patrick Crayton a guys the bills look at ?

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Patrick Crayton is expected to be released by dallas before sundays deadline. Is he someone the bills look at ? I think you know what you get with him. He a bigger receiver, not sure how fast he is, likely a 40+ catch guy as a # 2, but he is older, and do you take away a roster spot from a young guy in order to sign him. I think Hardy did enough to stay around, I like steve Johnson, but he didn't WOW me, David Nelson I liked very much, made the most of his chances. I would like to see what Nelson can do against starting Db's. You know what you have with Parrish and Evans. Jackson I don't dis-like but he just in the mix. The others practice squad at best for now. With team looking for vet WR's he will not be easy to get if they our interested.



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Patrick Crayton is expected to be released by dallas before sundays deadline. Is he someone the bills look at ? I think you know what you get with him. He a bigger receiver, not sure how fast he is, likely a 40+ catch guy as a # 2, but he is older, and do you take away a roster spot from a young guy in order to sign him. I think Hardy did enough to stay around, I like steve Johnson, but he didn't WOW me, David Nelson I liked very much, made the most of his chances. I would like to see what Nelson can do against starting Db's. You know what you have with Parrish and Evans. Jackson I don't dis-like but he just in the mix. The others practice squad at best for now. With team looking for vet WR's he will not be easy to get if they our interested.



I am excited about our receiver group of EVANS, JOHNSON, PARRISH, NELSON, SPILLER, JACKSON (Fred), and THE BEAST plus McIntyre. We really don't need an old expensive receiver because we finally have a creative offensive minded coach who will throw downfield as well as utilize the middle of the field and the screen.


Watching Roscoe versus the linebacker in the Cin. game was pure excitement and I have visions of similar match-ups throughout the season because teams will be watching for Spiller and Evans and Jackson ... and, I think Stevie will be a good number two who catches what is thrown his way. Then you add in David Nelson ... this kid knows how to run routes and hold onto the ball in traffic plus he bounces back from little hurts without requiring bench time. McIntyre brings a bowling ball who always seems to catch the balls thrown his way.


Let's concentrate on finding a #2 TE since Foschi appears to think the idea is to bat the ball down to the ground rather than catch it. Stupar will begin as an average TE but he can catch the ball ... but obviously after last night we know that there is no one behind him on the bench until Nelson returns. So, forget Clayton and all these old has-bins with huge contracts and ego's ... let's find ourselves a tight end somewhere.

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Patrick Crayton is expected to be released by dallas before sundays deadline. Is he someone the bills look at ? I think you know what you get with him. He a bigger receiver, not sure how fast he is, likely a 40+ catch guy as a # 2, but he is older, and do you take away a roster spot from a young guy in order to sign him. I think Hardy did enough to stay around, I like steve Johnson, but he didn't WOW me, David Nelson I liked very much, made the most of his chances. I would like to see what Nelson can do against starting Db's. You know what you have with Parrish and Evans. Jackson I don't dis-like but he just in the mix. The others practice squad at best for now. With team looking for vet WR's he will not be easy to get if they our interested.



He would help without a doubt, he is better than anyone we have after Lee Evans. This new regime doesn't seem inclined to bring anyone in, they wanna suck on their own terms.

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