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I guess killing dogs is worse than raping a human


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How about because every situation isn't the same and shouldn't be treated the same?


Lynch was in a hit and run and there is a VERY good chance he was drunk when it happened. He embarrassed the **** out of the NFL (with a bunch of help from the BILLS, of course) with his actions both that night and in the follow up legal process. Then a story surfaces about him having a run in over a tip in a restaurant. Not long after he gets arrested IN HIS CAR with DRUGS and a GUN. How exactly is the NFL supposed to react when he committed similar WILLFUL acts?


I really hope most of you are never in charge of anything.


Was it ever determined that there were drugs in lynch's car? Or was its simply the "smell" of pot in there?


Regardless of Lynch's issues, what bothers me more than anything is that Brandon Marshall has a history of smacking women around, and he got his suspension reduced. So beating women is ok, just don't bump them with your car?

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I guess because OJ was not convicted, he was not guilty. We all know if Ben was a regular Joe, he would at least be charged of rape.


1) Yes, that is generally how it works here. Innocent until proven guilty. Or would you rather have to prove you didn't do something(pretty much impossible) to be found innocent, like in all those countries with human rights violations running rampant-China anyone?


2) Actually he wouldn't have, because if he was a regular Joe, she would never have known who he was to be able to charge him.

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It wasn't rape, no matter how badly you want it to be. Perhaps you are mad that you could never hook up with a hot chick like that, so it makes you feel better to call it rape? Basically just another ho trying to make a buck off a famous and wealthy athlete. You saw how fast she went away once Ben fought back with his own attorney. She thought he would cave in and settle with some money so she would keep quiet, but he wasn't feelin' it...

You are so right. She was probably wearing skimpy clothing too when Ben had her cornered into a staging area and then trapped her. I mean don't these athletes have enough stress without having to worry about legal problems? There are so many of these chicks that accuse athletes of rape that the legal system should come up with a remedy like exempting all players from rape charges while they are on an active roster. The really famous ones should be exempted for life. This would put an end to this phony baloney.


I mean Ben alone has been accused of raping at least three different chicks. This absolutely proves they are picking on him.

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You are so right. She was probably wearing skimpy clothing too when Ben had her cornered into a staging area and then trapped her. I mean don't these athletes have enough stress without having to worry about legal problems? There are so many of these chicks that accuse athletes of rape that the legal system should come up with a remedy like exempting all players from rape charges while they are on an active roster. The really famous ones should be exempted for life. This would put an end to this phony baloney.


I mean Ben alone has been accused of raping at least three different chicks. This absolutely proves they are picking on him.



I think they should legalize rape and then tax it.

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I'll admit I'm biased against Big Ben. Someone I know is good friends with the girl that was raped by Big Ben. They decided not to go to court due to the extreme publicity that the case would bring. I'm fairly certain that Big Ben did it; however, it never went to trial.


I thought they didn't go to trail because there wasn't enough evidence. I thought that was the DAs call, not hers.........That girl sounded horrible in her police statement.

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I thought they didn't go to trail because there wasn't enough evidence. I thought that was the DAs call, not hers.........That girl sounded horrible in her police statement.


Apparently she was trying to see how "Big" Ben was...

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Just heard that Big Ben will probably only miss 4 games this year. HUH? Compare Mike Vick's suspension to Ben R's suspension. When you do the comparison something doesn't add up. Big Ben should have been suspended from the league for at least a year, or maybe more. There is no excuse for rape or killing dogs. Both men should be out of the league.


Your thoughts?

No they should not be out of the league...they deserve another opportunity as long as they earn it and prove they have changed.


Would you want to be fired from your job and banned from working in your professional field for the rest of your career...if you committed a crime, or moreso just made a mistake, like ALL humans do?


I highly doubt it.

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No they should not be out of the league...they deserve another opportunity as long as they earn it and prove they have changed.


Would you want to be fired from your job and banned from working in your professional field for the rest of your career...if you committed a crime, or moreso just made a mistake, like ALL humans do?


I highly doubt it.

There are plenty of professions in which you can't get a job as a convicted felon, though. Considering the fact that the NFL is the highest profile league on the entire planet, it really needs to be one of those professions. Convicted felons can go play in the UFL or the CFL or something if they really wanna get paid lots of money for playing a game. Allowing any convicted felon back into the league is a black mark on Goodell's tenure as commissioner...especially when you consider early reports were that he was going to be known as tougher on trouble makers. When it came time to really step up in that regard, he folded like an inexperienced poker player

Edited by The_Philster
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I'll admit I'm biased against Big Ben. Someone I know is good friends with the girl that was raped by Big Ben. They decided not to go to court due to the extreme publicity that the case would bring. I'm fairly certain that Big Ben did it; however, it never went to trial.

If your conversation with a friend who overheard another friend talk about something that might have happened doesn't lead to a conviction, well, I've just lost all faith in the US criminal justice system.

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I thought they didn't go to trail because there wasn't enough evidence. I thought that was the DAs call, not hers.........That girl sounded horrible in her police statement.

They "didn't go to trial" because there was no charge filed against him. Need one of those first.


There was no charge because the DA felt there was insufficient evidence to charge. It's his call only.

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No they should not be out of the league...they deserve another opportunity as long as they earn it and prove they have changed.


Would you want to be fired from your job and banned from working in your professional field for the rest of your career...if you committed a crime, or moreso just made a mistake, like ALL humans do?


I highly doubt it.



I agree people deserve a second, and even third chance in life. I think Vick could have been given another chance at a lower-profile, lower-paying job, before going right back on the pedestal and once again becoming a highly paid, public representative of the NFL. There probably aren't too many companies that would take a convicted felon and immediately give him a multi-million dollar job to publicly represent the company.


As for Ben, he would probably get nothing more than a slap on the hand from most companies, for being accused of something but not charged. But if he were a very public figure, as Ben is, he might be suspended, demoted or even fired.

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This post is absurd. Let's not forget that Vick electrocuted, hung, beat, tortured, dronwed (in a 5 gallon bucket).....to completely defensless animals. He is a career criminal which priors for drugs and he knowlingly gave woman herpes.

He is a sociopathic scumbag who hopefully will get his real payback when he's broke and in jail by the time he's 40.


Ben was out at a college bar and had sex with a drunk girl. No charges, no indictments, no criminal rapsheet, NO CRIME! Bad Judgement? Arogant Ahole? Evil Kanevil? YES, but he hasn't even scratched the surface when it come to comparing what he's done to Mike Vick's disgusting past.

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