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Farewell to all, you guys are great fans.... I mean that!


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Talk about frustrated, you were with the Bills during their lowest point ever


(November 8, 1970 to November 12, 1972)


The Bills had been an AFL power in the mid-60’s, appearing in three straight title games, but had already fallen on hard times before the merger, winning only 5 combined games in 1968 and 1969. The 1970 season started with a slow 1-4 start, but back to back wins, including a 45-10 thumping of the Patriots, signaled hope. It was a mirage, as the team would not win again for over a full calendar year, going 0-16-1 over the next 17 games. The streak included three coaches (John Rauch, Harvey Johnson, and Lou Saban), and would not end until the team recorded its third win of the 1972 season (in the 10th game), appropriately, against the Patriots as well.

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First, if I were a former player I would leave my name out. Second, there are certain people who like to lash out in posts and email because there is a degree of anonymity. When dealt with on a personal level they are usually cordial. There is something about these forums that bring out the worst in those types. I agree with your comment that its not the one great player, but the team as a whole that will win games.


As fans we are going to root for the team and players and vent our frustrations at bad players or situations. There is nothing like the thrill of victory and for the price of admission or the time it takes to watch a game, we fans get to have our heart beats increased and feel exhilarated at a win. We will also feel frustration at a loss. If we feel a player is not giving his all, or the coach is making poor decisions we are going to voice our opinion. The same player I was critical of one week can be my hero the next. Such is sports. That is why we love it so.


I would tell players not to take the criticisms too personally. Yes, we can be obnoxious at times, but its only because we are fans identifying with the team.


Last year it was tough on fans and players alike. We didn't seem to catch a break. This year I do feel better about the team, the coaching and the players in general.


Football is very competitive. We will soon cut down to the core team and many players will be cut. That is tough and there will be many fans with counter opinions as to who was cut and why. All part of the game. But to put things in perspective, I feel even being on a practice squad is an amassing accomplishment. I love to talk to former players and hear them relive their moments on the team. Its all part of being a fan. :D


I wish you would reconsider leaving. I love the dialog on this site and former players can only add to it.

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I would agree with the OP. Current players (and former palyers too) probably shouldn't be on this board and the internet in general. This is a fan message board. Many people come here to vent frustration and I do think they have every right to do so. This is why the board was made and this is how the internet has evolved - as a place for people to B word and moan while hiding behind their computer screens. This isn't going to change ever because it's part of human nature. People leaving the board isn't going to change this.


That said, it would have to take some pretty thick skin for current players (and former players) to sit by and read this stuff on here. Thicker skin then we would think is needed. We all say "it's the internet, grow some balls", but I think it is much harder than we think. We underestimate the psychological toll of constantly being thrown under the bus. I probably wouldn't be able to sit by and read it and not get angry. So, it's probably best if these type of people just left and we should respect their choice.

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pretty thin skinned there arent ya paul costa? dick cunninham? paul guidry? remi prudhomme (played both ol and dl!)?


i worked for twenty years in corporate america, the last handful as an executive. do i get offended or upset when people call those kinds of people generally soulless automatons so lost in their godlike worship of money and social status that they become empty shells of people devoid of sensitivity and compassion focused on only the most superficial elements of life as they claw and scratch their way to the front of the rat race even though when they get there they will find it completely lacking in the kind of internal satisfaction they were so desperately looking for leaving them gasping for any kind of semblance of meaning in their wretched lives?


heck no, cuz its usually me making those observations


being under the microscope and criticized unfairly is part of the life celebs choose. sure, it would be great if people werent like that, but they are. you either deal with it, do something about it, or choose other pastures to graze in. what does saying 'hey i used to be one and you guys suck' accomplish? its like the guys around here who announce they are finished with this team and are leaving - thats cool but just go. if youre not actually going to do something to try to make it better than i dont need to hear that youre leaving


people do generally suck, but celebs bring a ton of that upon themselves too. all the money (least nowadays) and attention is like a drug. and just like other addicts, celebs get fooled into thinking their status has something to do with how great they are, so usually they turn into self centered douchebags who cant relate to the average joe. same thing with corporate execs, actually. not always, of course, but enough that the people in those circle self-perpetuate the poisoning of their spiritual selves and cementing the douchebaggery among most of them


thats the reason i dont buy or wear current players jerseys, because i refuse to stoke the hero worshipping sickness that entraps a great many fans and players. celebs are just people, usually (not always) attention craving messed up people, but people nonetheless. im not going to feed their addiction, nor am i gonna feed mine. i will watch, i will root, and i will pay to attend games, but i wont put the humans involved on any kind of pedestal. they really become more like two dimensional cartoon characters, which is pretty much the same impact they have on my life. if they dont want to get to know me as a person and like me for it then why would i want to make them a hero in my life?


so go in peace. but next time dont announce when youre leaving. if youve really had your fill you dont need to tell everybody about it

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Die Hard,


I know I probably won't change your mind but I'd like to give you something to consider.


Internet message boards are like football games. Every time you go to one you inevitably run into some people that you have something in common with and you like to hang around with. Then there's a group that you'd rather not be in the same county with. The fact that people can hide behind anonymity means that the lesser posters would rather flame, opine and in the word's of O'Reilly "bloviate".


Don't let the idiot minority ruin your enjoyment of TBD. The vast majority of the smacktard crowd is just trying to impress everyone with their Lombardian football knowledge in an effort to somehow validate their own miserable existence. Most of them have pitifully low self esteem and if you get to meet them in person (some I have) you realize how dreadful their existence really is.


Anonymously coming to a message board to rip people who are ACTUALLY PLAYING professional football is the lowest forth of self loathing.


Please reconsider, contributions from posters like you are invaluable.

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I would agree with the OP. Current players (and former palyers too) probably shouldn't be on this board and the internet in general. This is a fan message board. Many people come here to vent frustration and I do think they have every right to do so. This is why the board was made and this is how the internet has evolved - as a place for people to B word and moan while hiding behind their computer screens. This isn't going to change ever because it's part of human nature. People leaving the board isn't going to change this.


That said, it would have to take some pretty thick skin for current players (and former players) to sit by and read this stuff on here. Thicker skin then we would think is needed. We all say "it's the internet, grow some balls", but I think it is much harder than we think. We underestimate the psychological toll of constantly being thrown under the bus. I probably wouldn't be able to sit by and read it and not get angry. So, it's probably best if these type of people just left and we should respect their choice.

But I thought according to a few people on here that Trent Edwards is the anti-christ because he isn't a fan? I am so confused.

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It absolutely is a physically demanding game. As fans, we lose sight of that. I only played 4 years of high school football, but with each of advancement to the next level, the game gets faster, the players get stronger, the hits get more vicious. I was only good enough to maybe try out for a Division III type of school in college, but I thought better of it and didn't want to cripple myself by playing the game beyond high school. For the guys that DO play college football and for the few that actually make it to the NFL, the toll on their bodies must be immense. As fans, we forget that. We just see them on Sunday and read what they say in the newspaper and make judgements. We have NO IDEA about the kind of pain these players contend with.

Edited by ChasBB
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This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


Are you ready?


I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!





I think I would have kept that a secret :w00t:

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This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


Are you ready?


I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!






University of Arkansas 1966?

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This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


Are you ready?


I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!




Die Hard,

Sorry to hear you are leaving, it is always good to hear a perspective that such a small percentage of even high school and college stars can give, seeing how so few actually make it to the "big time." I am sure that if you did post your real name, and I wouldn't and I was only an average high school player, you would get slammed. If you did in fact play for the Bills, you can let all the people that want to say that you sucked or whatever, but anyone, even the worst players ever to suit up in the NFL were the best players on their teams up to that level, so they really are far from sucking, and were all elite athletes. Comparing the lifestyles of players from your era where you got paid peanuts (compared to today) and had jobs in the off season, can you really relate to todays millionaire athletes? The rules are night and day as much as the pay check is. Once again, I hope you have second thoughts about leaving, but if you don't, as a retired Navy sailor, I tell you "Fair Winds and Following Seas."

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This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


Are you ready?


I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!





I would not put my real name on this board despite the fact I am nobody, no

way would I tell people my name if I played for the Bills 6 years!! :worthy:


Wow, '67 thru '72? It's funny you have Lou's picture as your avatar - he left the year before you started with the Bills, and was only back one year - for your last season, 1972 - into his second go-'round. Plus, you missed the Electric Companies' Turning On The Murdering Felon-Juice and his amazing 2,003 yard season by one lousy year.


In fact, your 6 seasons with the Bills, 1967 thru 1972, were 6 of the worst years in Bills history. Of course I'm not saying you were that bad of a player, but more that you played during a lousy time in Bills' history - sort of like the players who have been toiling on the Bills since 2005 thru today - zero winning seasons, same as you experienced! That had to be tough on you and the entire team.


However, playing for those teams, in the old Rock Pile, in front of those frustrated fans who had recently experienced AFL Championships to cheer for, should have at least given you a thicker skin then you are exhibiting these 50 years later! Players of your day had to take the wrath of the fans, and made peanuts compared to what the players of today earn. It seems to me you of all ex-NFL players should be able to laugh at whatever stupidity we sarcastic and frustrated Bills fans rant about out here!! :doh:

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Edit: I was just a young boy and I my first Bills game was in 1967! It's an experience a kid never forgets. I hope you don't take guessing at your name as disrespectful of your wishes, but when you drop a clue like 1967-72, well, something tells me maybe you WANTED to be outed. Anyhow, great memories of those teams despite the W-L record -- the games were always fun to watch!

Edited by ChasBB
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Thanks for both the posting and the playing--I went to my first game at the old Rockpile in 71/72, so probably caught you at the tail end of your playing career. My dad was a huge Bills (and AFL generally) fan and passed it along to me, thanks in large part to our from then on annual pilgrimages to Orchard Park. Despite their records, I loved those old teams and my introduction to pro football--heck, I probably had your picture on my wall as a kid, since I used to put up the team picture. Good times, so thanks for helping me get to know and love this sport, even if it hasn't been too kind to the Bills lately and hope you stop back by more often than it sounds like you plan to. Don't let the buttheads get you down.....

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This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out.


I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments!


Are you ready?


I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here!


The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time!


So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated.


I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over.


Oh, and my prediction for 2010?


Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome.


Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible!


I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player.


Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is!


So I ask the question and this is a good one.....


IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people!


Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!!





I don't think leavings the answer... usually when a thread goes downhill I tend to just ignore it and move to a more interesting discussion. Regardless of some of the negatives of online communities, there have been a lot of good discussions on this one in the past few months as well. I'm finding myself posting more, rather than less.


While you don't have to reveal who you are, but your point of view has different relevance as former player than just some guy posting. I think it brings a lot of value and as a former rather than current player, nobody can criticize week to week performance.


When Tim Graham (ESPN) participates in the community from time to time, the discussions are much better ones than when a random thread degenerates into "xxx sucks"

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When Tim Graham (ESPN) participates in the community from time to time, the discussions are much better ones than when a random thread degenerates into "xxx sucks"


Actually Tim doesn't participate in the "community" anymore since people couldn't resist telling him that he, his employer, and his co-workers sucked ... over and over and over again

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