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New report shows Obama is spending more than GWB.


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The article is about how we wasted almost 800 billion on Iraq, most of it following the Bush "surge."


How did you get your headline?

Exactly, but Obama has wasted even more than that on the "stimulus" plan that he and his congress passed. :thumbsup:

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Exactly, but Obama has wasted even more than that on the "stimulus" plan that he and his congress passed. :thumbsup:


So you read a story about all the money we wasted on Iraq and decide that the most important thing to note is that the stimulus spent more?


Do you think that kind of "thinking" helps?

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So you read a story about all the money we wasted on Iraq and decide that the most important thing to note is that the stimulus spent more?


Do you think that kind of "thinking" helps?

Yup :nana:

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So you read a story about all the money we wasted on Iraq and decide that the most important thing to note is that the stimulus spent more?


Do you think that kind of "thinking" helps?


What about all the money wasted on the "stimulus"?

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What about all the money wasted on the "stimulus"?

I'm not going to call it a complete waste, it did add to growth and the unemployment rate would certainly be higher today if we hadn't of done so, but where the stimulus fails is that it didn't create or promote sustained growth.


The real question we should be asking is, Was the stimulus worth the $800 Billion? And what will we have to show as a result of it one, two or three years from now?

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What about all the money wasted on the "stimulus"?

Exactly, the point I was trying to make is that idiot #1 (GWB) wasted a lot of money on the war in Iraq, then along comes the new guy, idiot #2, (Obama) and instead of learning from idiot #1 about not wasting our money he decides that he wants to waste even more money (stimulus). I guess that makes him an even bigger idiot.


I really would like to see what Obama's grades were in economics and business classes at Harvard......

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Exactly, the point I was trying to make is that idiot #1 (GWB) wasted a lot of money on the war in Iraq, then along comes the new guy, idiot #2, (Obama) and instead of learning from idiot #1 about not wasting our money he decides that he wants to waste even more money (stimulus). I guess that makes him an even bigger idiot.


I really would like to see what Obama's grades were in economics and business classes at Harvard......





Just like most of his Senate votes.

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The article is about how we wasted almost 800 billion on Iraq, most of it following the Bush "surge."


How did you get your headline?

To use Obama lingo, I'm agnostic on the broader issue of the war as far as was it or wasn't it a good idea. But whatever you think about that, the Bush "surge" clearly worked and is why we can now pull out all our combat troops and call the remaining combat troops something else.


How pathetic that the empty suit in the White House still doesn't have the balls to admit it. Yet he takes credit for the success. What a classy guy. A real Reagan of the left.

Edited by Rob's House
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To use Obama lingo, I'm agnostic on the broader issue of the war as far as was it or wasn't it a good idea. But whatever you think about that, the Bush "surge" clearly worked and is why we can now pull out all our combat troops and call the remaining combat troops something else.


How pathetic that the empty suit in the White House still doesn't have the balls to admit it. Yet he takes credit for the success. What a classy guy. A real Reagan of the left.


Saying it worked is both way early and also naive. 50,000 troops are still there and will remain. What happens when those 50,000 people leave in 5 years? Who knows? It will likely make no difference to overall regional stability unless we keep our troops there.


I just found it amusing that the waste of money on the war (100% unnecessary) was turned into stimulus waste (also unnecessary but at least a real crisis) discussion.


Exactly, the point I was trying to make is that idiot #1 (GWB) wasted a lot of money on the war in Iraq, then along comes the new guy, idiot #2, (Obama) and instead of learning from idiot #1 about not wasting our money he decides that he wants to waste even more money (stimulus). I guess that makes him an even bigger idiot.


See above. Apples and oranges, at least in terms of what was being done. Idiot #1 started a crisis. Idiot #2 was facing a crisis.


Both idiots but idiot #1 is still in the lead.

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To use Obama lingo, I'm agnostic on the broader issue of the war as far as was it or wasn't it a good idea. But whatever you think about that, the Bush "surge" clearly worked and is why we can now pull out all our combat troops and call the remaining combat troops something else.


How pathetic that the empty suit in the White House still doesn't have the balls to admit it. Yet he takes credit for the success. What a classy guy. A real Reagan of the left.

I think his speech tonight about the Iraq war will be interesting, and by interesting I mean that you will likely wake up tomorrow to find out it was the least-watched Obama address yet. The economy is in deep crap...all the economic news is bad...nothing he's been doing domestically has worked, and he's rolling out a speech on Iraq. One of the commentators at Politico brought up an interesting point; he's doing it for two reasons: (1) he can finally point to a promise kept and (2) apparently a basic political strategy is "when you've completely fubar'ed economic policy, start talking about economic policy...and vice versa."


Normally I look forward to hearing Obama speak because it's funny to watch him start a thought with "Let me be clear..." only to have the ensuing thought to be anything but. Yet I'll probably take a pass tonight and look for the HuffPost 85-point "quotation-required" headline tonight before going to bed.

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I think his speech tonight about the Iraq war will be interesting, and by interesting I mean that you will likely wake up tomorrow to find out it was the least-watched Obama address yet. The economy is in deep crap...all the economic news is bad...nothing he's been doing domestically has worked, and he's rolling out a speech on Iraq. One of the commentators at Politico brought up an interesting point; he's doing it for two reasons: (1) he can finally point to a promise kept and (2) apparently a basic political strategy is "when you've completely fubar'ed economic policy, start talking about economic policy...and vice versa."


Normally I look forward to hearing Obama speak because it's funny to watch him start a thought with "Let me be clear..." only to have the ensuing thought to be anything but. Yet I'll probably take a pass tonight and look for the HuffPost 85-point "quotation-required" headline tonight before going to bed.


Also interesting to see how a "kept promise" includes leaving 50,000 American troops in Iraq.

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I think his speech tonight about the Iraq war will be interesting, and by interesting I mean that you will likely wake up tomorrow to find out it was the least-watched Obama address yet. The economy is in deep crap...all the economic news is bad...nothing he's been doing domestically has worked, and he's rolling out a speech on Iraq. One of the commentators at Politico brought up an interesting point; he's doing it for two reasons: (1) he can finally point to a promise kept and (2) apparently a basic political strategy is "when you've completely fubar'ed economic policy, start talking about economic policy...and vice versa."


Normally I look forward to hearing Obama speak because it's funny to watch him start a thought with "Let me be clear..." only to have the ensuing thought to be anything but. Yet I'll probably take a pass tonight and look for the HuffPost 85-point "quotation-required" headline tonight before going to bed.

If nothing else, I'm glad Obama is president simply due to the fact that it pisses you off a lot.

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Also interesting to see how a "kept promise" includes leaving 50,000 American troops in Iraq.

I don't really care about that. We have military folks stationed all over the world, and having them in Iraq is no different. It's a semantics thing, I know, because the way they say they ended things was by changing the name of the mission. I think there's a larger narrative here; of all the problems in all the states in all the country...he has to talk about Iraq.


It looks very desperate to me. Very, very desperate. "Blind squirrel" desperate.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I don't really care about that. We have military folks stationed all over the world, and having them in Iraq is no different. It's a semantics thing, I know, because the way they say they ended things was by changing the name of the mission. I think there's a larger narrative here; of all the problems in all the states in all the country...he has to talk about Iraq.


It looks very desperate to me. Very, very desperate. "Blind squirrel" desperate.


Agree re desperate look. It's actually a "Bush" like move. Things bad? Wrap yourself in the flag!


Leaving 50,000 troops behind, to me, is Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment. Stupid beyond belief to say he kept his campaign promise.

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Leaving 50,000 troops behind, to me, is Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment. Stupid beyond belief to say he kept his campaign promise.

Disagree. His "Mission Accomplished" moment -- a moment that will dog him as long as the economic falters -- is the "Summer of Recovery" plan; a plan so embarrassingly stupid on so many different levels, that not even putting it in the hands of Joe Biden can help it from looking less stupid.


This Friday the August unemployment numbers will be released. Those who follow those things predict it is likely to remain at 9.5%. Even if it goes down a point or two, it won't matter. The "Summer of Recovery" bashing will go through the roof, especially when the president stands in front of the microphone Friday afternoon with "Let me remind you, when I took office, we were shedding 750,000 jobs a month. Now we're only shedding 20,000/month. The stimulus is working. We're on the right track. No, it's not as fast as some would like, but it's precisely what we expected before we told anyone it was what we expected."

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I'm not going to call it a complete waste, it did add to growth and the unemployment rate would certainly be higher today if we hadn't of done so, but where the stimulus fails is that it didn't create or promote sustained growth.


The real question we should be asking is, Was the stimulus worth the $800 Billion? And what will we have to show as a result of it one, two or three years from now?


If we are going to spend money we don't have (or haven't printed yet)why not just cut taxes? Cash for clunkers really worked, didn't it? If I remember right, it actually cost about $24000 per vehicle that wouldn't have been purchased anyway. Homebuyers credits just put the housing market into a slump in July and August. Now Obama wants to make credit easier for small businesses. It's going to cost the government (us) anyway, so why not just cut taxes? :wallbash:

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