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Espn analysts Bill williamson dogs bills

b stein 22

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The guy is a dolt. The bills have been doing quite well offensively, but it will be a very good thing in the regular season to have both Jackson and Lynch back, opening up lots of offensive looks and spelling Spiller without much a drop in effectiveness. The problem was our offense, and our offense seems to be getting better and better and most importantly the offensive line is improving.


The defense? New system takes a lot of time especially with how many of our personnel are playing new positions. Tt will take a little time.


Nine wins.

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He was talking about were jackson would be traded and he said this for the bills



"Buffalo: The Bills need a playmaker and sending Jackson to a weak team would teach Jackson a lesson. "


Just a comparison to a probably worse team


"St. Louis: Jackson would be a very nice welcome gift for Sam Bradford."


Come on what the !@#$ is going on with analysts this year. Do they really hate the bills?






Some things aren't worth being insulted over. His "analysis" is that SD wants to teach him a lesson? Soap opera journalism minus the journalism.

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He was talking about were jackson would be traded and he said this for the bills



"Buffalo: The Bills need a playmaker and sending Jackson to a weak team would teach Jackson a lesson. "


Just a comparison to a probably worse team


"St. Louis: Jackson would be a very nice welcome gift for Sam Bradford."


Come on what the !@#$ is going on with analysts this year. Do they really hate the bills?






Never heard of Williamson but he shows his incompetence.


Yes, Mr. Williamson -- trade a Pro Bowl player to "teach him a lesson". Great idea.

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um mcflys ...


you might want to admit it but the bills ARE the laughingstock of the league


no team has been out of the postseason longer. only a couple teams have had more losses since y2k


i realize the koolaid is especially fresh tasting after two straight preseason wins but cmon. if im gonna pick a team to be my example of nfl siberia then the bills are a very strong candidate


and hell, i would love it if sd send jackson here on the cheap to teach him a lesson. whip us aj, whip us good!

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Has anyone ever started an internet posting with "Um..." ever managed to avoid sounding like a total douche? Seriously, I want to know.


Meathead nonetheless makes a valid point: there is a reason why national reporters whose actual knowledge of individual teams (especially bad ones, ironically enough) is superficial, have the Bills at the top of their list of bad teams. The measurables are all dire enough, and Buffalo has been a punchline for decades. No one would say such things about Oakland (history trumps current events) or St. Louis (too busy touting Bradford) or even Kansas City (St. Scott is there), even though any one or combination of those teams could very well be worse than the Bills this year.


All that being said, it will take wins, lots of them, for the Bills to climb out of the dark hole they have been in of late. As fans, we can hope those wins will come soon, but until they do, no one in the media is going to be changing their tunes.

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He was talking about were jackson would be traded and he said this for the bills



"Buffalo: The Bills need a playmaker and sending Jackson to a weak team would teach Jackson a lesson. "


Just a comparison to a probably worse team


"St. Louis: Jackson would be a very nice welcome gift for Sam Bradford."


Come on what the !@#$ is going on with analysts this year. Do they really hate the bills?





Why does anyone care or expect any different based on the product we have put out there the last couple of years?

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Trade for a "proven" LT? How many teams have one to spare? I agree that the Bills need one desperately, but they need to draft a stud in the first round and keep him for a long time. The Bills have had that opportunity and have passed on it. Speaking of tackles, our RT could stand an upgrade as well. An old Raider retread who looks to be just like the last Raider retread who played tackle for the Bills.

During the 2011 off season, which direction would you suggest the Bills take at RT? Do you think they should acquire yet another Raiders retread? Or would you prefer to see them take someone from Green Bay's practice squad? :P

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Take this for what it's worth...Marcellus Wiley was on the radio dial last night and the question of Jackson came up. He related that in his 7 years with Smith he had spoken 7 words to him. When he was cut by SD he didn't find out from Smith or anyone else in the Chargers FO, he found out from an ESPN crawl. Mind you, he wasn't bitter about it, said that's Smith. He doesn't waste time on what's not in front of him (Jackson).


So his thinking could well be to teach Jackson 'a lesson.' Wiley said Smith would let him sit as long as he wants, but maybe he would trade him. He & the co-host then went on to talk about all of the unsuccessful Charger player attempts at renegotiations or extentions over the last 3-4 years.


I realize not exactly on topic, but interesting none the less.

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It's obvious that they go out of their way to insult us. I choose not to read anything from ESPN.com, unless it's TG, because i know an insult is coming.

He who laughs last, laughs....... Seriously though, I agree, why read crap you know is only going to inflame?

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