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Hooray for Mike Mayo! Obama better get ahead of this one

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Mike Mayo

I don't know if this is something that just Citibank is doing or it goes much wider than them but the Obama admin. better get ahead of this before we need a TARP 3. I can't believe this type of BS is going on at this time it could sink us.

Surprised this hasn't gotten more attention. Mike Mayo is one of the finest banking analysts on Wall Street over the past 10 years.

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Nothing to see here folks. This publically backed bank is a veritable Rock of Gibralter. So go out and get your student loans and 30 year mortgages, and stop trying to bring down the Summer of Recovery

I will forever think of Joe Biden when I hear the phrase "Summer of Recovery". What an A-hole

Edited by whateverdude
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I will forever think of Joe Biden when I hear the phrase "Summer of Recovery". What an A-hole


I kinda feel sorry for Biden. The VP has no real duties, so Obama's handlers decided to send Joey on tour with a pile of sh_t and told him to get people excited over it

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I kinda feel sorry for Biden. The VP has no real duties, so Obama's handlers decided to send Joey on tour with a pile of sh_t and told him to get people excited over it

This pile and a bucket of viagra couldn't get me excited about it.

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Don't worry Conservatives it's only free market corruption. Probaly Barney Frank's fault


Ya know, I moved here in late in 2000. And in the decade that I have been here in the decade that have lived in Hampton Roads, you are by far the biggest retard that I have met here


And I have never met you



Okay, so I have never met you. Let's get together. The Waterside bars are closing. The Strip, I'm assuming we're both too old for that. So let's get together. Granby, maybe? I'd say the Duck Inn, but that closed. Pick a place. I really want to know, are you that freaking retarded, or do you really exist?

Edited by /dev/null
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Ya know, I moved here in late in 2000. And in the decade that I have been here in the decade that have lived in Hampton Roads, you are by far the biggest retard that I have met here


And I have never met you



Okay, so I have never met you. Let's get together. The Waterside bars are closing. The Strip, I'm assuming we're both too old for that. So let's get together. Granby, maybe? I'd say the Duck Inn, but that closed. Pick a place. I really want to know, are you that freaking retarded, or do you really exist?


:blink: You feeling okay Dev?

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Ya know, I moved here in late in 2000. And in the decade that I have been here in the decade that have lived in Hampton Roads, you are by far the biggest retard that I have met here


And I have never met you



Okay, so I have never met you. Let's get together. The Waterside bars are closing. The Strip, I'm assuming we're both too old for that. So let's get together. Granby, maybe? I'd say the Duck Inn, but that closed. Pick a place. I really want to know, are you that freaking retarded, or do you really exist?

No, I don't ever want to meet you. Sorry. But, exactly what did you find so offensive in what I said? Obviously it touched a nerve. A non-retard would be able to explain. :)

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Don't worry Conservatives it's only free market corruption. Probaly Barney Frank's fault

Translation: Dave didn't read the article, wouldn't understand it if he did, so he had to resort to the old standard of defending himself with talking points. Nice work, as usual.

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No, I don't ever want to meet you. Sorry. But, exactly what did you find so offensive in what I said? Obviously it touched a nerve. A non-retard would be able to explain. :)

Wasn't anything particular in that article or your post. It's the entire collection of your works that make me go :huh: that boy ain't right.

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Mike Mayo

I don't know if this is something that just Citibank is doing or it goes much wider than them but the Obama admin. better get ahead of this before we need a TARP 3. I can't believe this type of BS is going on at this time it could sink us.


I guess this is news for anyone not paying attention but I thought most people knew that there has been massive corruption and collusion with the Banks, Rating agencies, Accounting firms, Hedge funds, Wall Street, the S.E.C and the FED- If bank assets were given real world value many would be insolvent and this despite the FED propping them up by lending at almost zero interest and buying bad assets (some worth less than 5 cents on the dollar) at 98-100cent on the dollar- a generous interpretation of the situation might be a fake it until you make it desperation attempt to stave off global economic collapse and a new dark age but I think it's more about people trying to steal as much as possible before the collapse and they need time to turn paper into tangible assets.

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