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A new Charles " The Hammer"

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:lol: The fact that you picked those two guys as your example says more about you than I ever could. Why not throw in John Stewart while you're pulling out the intellectual heavyweights. :lol:


Bill Nye


I think the same thing of you and writers like Matt Taibbi and Eugene Robinson.


You crack me up with joke statements like this. This is the pot calling the white picket fence black.


Race baiter extraordinaire.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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Oh goodness. I see where OC finds the supplies to build his layers of ****. I can't even get past the first sentence without hitting a plethora of incorrect information.


But for you LA, I'll try to chip at just one of these layers. Just one.

  • Liberalism is not under siege
Hah! Yeah, right. 20% of people now ID as liberals. That's the same amount of people that believe in alien abduction, and all the rest of the "scary" stuff. You do understand that right now, being a liberal puts you on the same credibility scale as people who believe alien's are abducting them and touching their pee pee's, right?

Liberalism (not being) under siege is not ugly
Right, liberals only current argument is NOT calling everybody who doesn't agree with them racist, bigot, homophobe, etc. Nah, nothing ugly about that at all. I don't remember you ever winning an argument on this board based on it's merits. It's always platitudes, obfuscation, and name calling....and that's not ugly either. :rolleyes:

The assumption that Liberalism is under siege is such a ridiculously simplistic view of politics that I don't even know where to start (but lets try)
  • The world and government is not "liberals" vs "conservatives", political views are a vast rainbow of stances and positions
  • Many people have hated liberal views for as long as history can remember, it is not any more or less so now (but the discussion is a topic of it's own)
I'll help you: the stupidity of this far-left administration has succeeded in:
1. uniting people who otherwise have nothing in common
2. energizing people who thought there was no hope, and that they were the minority
3. awakening people who would otherwise have no interest in politics
4. driving all of these people, who absent the idiocy of the far-left, would indeed have variance of views and differences that would otherwise be near impossible to reconcile, into a massive, energized, voting block.
Great Job! The only people who can fail on this scale, when they have literally everything going for them? The far left, because their BS ideology will always destroy them in the end. It simply doesn't work, and it's far past time to move on.

Just as many people hate Krauthammers views
Back this up with 1 poll, study, anything. You can't of course, so how about I just say: don't be an idiot conner.

Most (what you people call) "liberals" barely consider Obama a liberal, the guy is a moderate
Exactly as many people think that as call themselves "liberal" = 20%. I hope you guys are prepared for the ass reaming that is coming. I REEEEEAAAALY hope you don't start trying to blame everybody else for your abject failure.

Historically the political party that any elected President belongs to *always* loses congressional seats in the midterms (history repeating itself it not "a siege")

And that is just the first sentence (or layer of ****) out of a complete story that is just more and more complete **** piled on top of more ****.

Clearly, once again, you are making fact-less arguments. I have quoted common knowledge polls and/or things you can find at RCP in 20 seconds. What's the 3nd stage of death? Ah yes, Anger. Clearly you are in denial right now. The Scott Brown thing was your Shock stage. We are seeing the transition from denial to anger is well underway. Call me some more names...prove me right, again.

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I think the same thing of you and writers like Matt Taibbi and Eugene Robinson.

Ahhh yes, Eugene "Race-baiting" Robinson


Did you happen to hear him this morning on Morning Joe? They asked him, "so what should the democrats do knowing it will be a tough election cycle", he responded "Demonize them".


Pretty much sums up Eugene "Race-baiting" Robinson....

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