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I live in San Francisco and I'm willing to bet that the tax rebate had very little to do with why every other car here is a frickin' Prius.

I would argue that this is simply a regional anomaly.

Posted (edited)



Try that. Great piece, and it shows why the GOP hates it so much. Obama is doing too many good things to be tolerated by the oil and coal barons. This stimulous has the makings of a transformational affect. This is one thing I love about team Obama so much, they believe in technology, reasearch and that things can get done. We have elected a technocrat, much like Alexander Hamilton, and I love it!

Alexander Hamilton. Really. Wonderful, I thought we were done with Democrats re-writing history. I thought we were done with "civil war Republicans would be Democrats today". I thought we were done with Democrats claiming both Jefferson AND John Adams would be Democrats today...as if they weren't political enemies for 20 years. :rolleyes:


Now we have Hamilton = Obama? Did any of you pass your 11th grade History Regents? If so, how? :wallbash:

Hamilton, the guy who tried to take over the Army and made himself a uniform for that purpose...is exactly like Obama?

Hamilton, the guy who created the National Bank, as a private institution...is exactly like Obama?


Enough nonsense.


As far as technology goes: Obama believes in technology the same as your average sales guy does. "Don't bother me with the details, just make something work, so I can say 'it works'." He doesn't understand it, and he never will, but he "believes" in it...provided it gets him the non-technical results he is looking for($$$), and who cares if actually does anything useful or actually helps the client. :rolleyes:


Explain how the concept of "meaningful use" Link here = "belief in technology". If one of my people wrote an incoherent requirements doc like this, they'd be looking for a job 5 minutes after I received it. These people do my job like old people f, and while they may claim to believe in technology, they don't know f all about how to apply it, manage it, or leverage it. Worst of all, they don't have a clue how to direct it towards something that will actually produce results. Tracking F'ing smoking? How in the hell does that cut a provider's operational costs? Hint: it doesn't, it f'ing adds to them, because now they have to hire additional resources to offset the time lost doing data collection, and additional admin support to make the reports. Same with all the rest of it :wallbash: This is some health care Ph.D's wet dream, and will fail, as they all have, miserably. This is what happens when you let amateurs, sycophants and lawyers do my job. But I suppose you are ok with it, since they "believe". :wallbash:

Edited by OCinBuffalo


When I lived in soCal I loved that episode. After I moved to SF I realized how well they nailed it. I was talking with someone about how it bugs me that just because a Prius can drive in the car pool lane they don't have to do it and drive 60. He said "what you don't like the fact that I get 56 mpg?" Not if you're in the fast lane and it takes you an hour to use up that gallon of gas. :censored:

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