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Ross Tucker a busy busy man...


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He's one of my favorites as well (despite being a Princeton guy!)--he brings a very different perspective to covering the sport and mixes that with intelligence, wit and good writing, along with a self-deprecating tone that gives you the strong impression that he's a good guy who'd be interesting to hang out and have a beer with. It also doesn't hurt that he's a former Bill who seemed to really enjoy his time in Buffalo (he's on record saying it was his favorite place to play--other stints included the 'skins, Pats* and 'boys, I believe). I look forward to his columns every Wednesdays and Fridays on si.com.......

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Ross Tucker is great. I've been following him on twitter for a while now. A lot of the sports writers I've seen bring up the standard issue bland topics to write about. Ross is different, he finds unique angles. His articles are very common sense and I really like that he brings an O-lineman perspective to his writings. So far his articles are fairly solid in my book and great and informative reads. My favorite to this day is on the importance of the 5 different 0-linemen positions.




So what's with the links lately named "leonidas"? Are u guys trying to stick it to him? lol just curious

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