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Guest dog14787
  On 8/24/2010 at 8:09 PM, BillsFanInLV said:

I can't believe anyone on this board is implying the 'over sensative' tag on coach Gailey. And what about the Coaches 'Freedom of Speech' to tell the disruptive teens what HE thinks? -- Is the Coach not entitled?? :angry:


Good for Gailey! He did what anyone who 'believes' in their 'product' would do; STAND UP FOR IT! ---I'm sure it wasn't a few episodes, but rather an annoying group of punk kids who were disturbing those around them....and perhaps the entire practice session. Another option would be to take the practices inside and allow NOBODY to attend.


I constantly witness teenager punks who think they are assuming annonominity at public functions by being vocal, loud and obnoxious. This breed of teenager thinks they are 'cute' and 'funny' when in actuality they are being disruptive. Theres a BIG difference between that behavior and Freedom of speech.


For years, many on this board have voiced their dislike with Coach Jauron and his lack of emotion and enthusiasm on the field. Now some of you are bashing Coach Gailey for demonstrating that exact enthusiasm the team has been missing for 10 years. Pathetic! :doh:



good post


Loud mouthed Punks :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Posted (edited)

Good for Chan!


Let's face it, heckling at a practice is ridiculous and what does it accomplish?


I know we as Bills fans are disgruntled after the last 10 years, but seriously..

these guys were not complaining about throws or the play on the field, they were

mocking his haircut, etc. I don't get why people personally attack our own players.

You may think he shouldn't start or whatever, but why bash any of the guys personally?


If Trent doesn't play well, I'll be right with you on saying he should be replaced but

I won't be saying I hate the guy, or his mother, or make some stupid gay joke about him.

This is our team for better or worse this year, why can't we support them until proven otherwise.

Do you think Trent (or any other player) doesn't want to get better, or isn't working hard?

How can you fault a guy for that...if he just doesn't have it, he won't be around long,

but it wouldn't be his fault, its not like he's dogging it, or bashing the team, or fans, or city, or

anything that should provoke such hatred towards the guy.


And for those that think Trent should fight his own battles, have you seen what

happens to players in the media if they yell back at or bash the fans? They get killed

in the media and reprimanded by the NFL, players don't get much leeway there.


I really like the team mentality, us versus the world, bash one of us bash all of us attitude that

Chan is bringing to the team. There was also the article about the whole secondary

visiting Byrd at the hospital. These guys are becoming a team, they're going to

fight for eachother and that's great.


Can't we start fighting for this team as well. When I talk about the Bills I always say we,

us...maybe that makes me a loser, but that's how I feel. We can discuss who should start

or not, who's playing well or not and why, who should stay on the team and who should go,

but seriously to HATE any of our players and personally bash them is not being a fan of the



I know I'll probably get called a homer and Trent-lover for this post, so be it, but I'm not

for or against any one player, if Brohm got named the starter, I'll root like hell for him, I

don't think Fitz should start, but I'm rooting for him too...I'm for the Bills as a team and

right now Trent is our starting QB, so until he's no longer on the team, I'll be rooting for him.

Edited by folz
  On 8/24/2010 at 8:09 PM, BillsFanInLV said:

For years, many on this board have voiced their dislike with Coach Jauron and his lack of emotion and enthusiasm on the field. Now some of you are bashing Coach Gailey for demonstrating that exact enthusiasm the team has been missing for 10 years. Pathetic! :doh:


+1. Any fire from the coach and sense of cohesivenes whatsoever is very appreciated at this point after Jauron.


  On 8/24/2010 at 8:21 PM, San Jose Bills Fan said:


Not really. By all accounts, Coach Gailey did not lose his composure.


Alright, I admit, I just wanted an excuse to bring up "I'm a man, I'm forty."

  On 8/24/2010 at 4:49 PM, Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog said:

Gailey has grown on me a lot, but this is one thing I don't like. In essence, he's hurting the good fans who cannot get autographs because of a few bad apples. Not to mention that it's a fan's right to heckle. Not something I would do, but it's their right I think. It's part of the deal. Maybe less so at a free practice as opposed to paying for a ticket at a game, but still. There is still free speech and the fans have a right to yell. I don't mind him laying into those fans, that's actually pretty cool. If they can dish it out they can take it. But to stop his players from giving autographs to the good fans, too, who look forward to it doesn't seem right to me.



My friend, nobody stopped their right to free speech. They freely spoke out. Chan Gailey freely told them what he didn't like and the consequences for it. I'm sure for Gailey to go over there in the first place these particular hecklers must have been over the top. People have the right to say what they want. Other people have the right to respond. nobody took them off to jail for saying things. They just didn't get autographs and the truth of that is the players are under no obligation to give autographs to fans. None at all. I happened to go to Cowboys camp yesterday and three players came over after practice and signed for the fans. THREE. And none of them a starter. People need to remember these guys are at work. Yes it's sports. But it is their job. People need to treat people the way they want to be treated. Bottom line.

  On 8/24/2010 at 7:59 PM, kasper13 said:

Last time I checked, booing and heckling is as old as sports. Bills players have been booed and heckled by Bills fans since the 60's. Jack Kemp was booed and had beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown at him. Joe Feguson was booed. Jim Kelly was booed and heckled by Bills fans many times. All three of those guys were better than Trent Edwards any day of the week. Should the "kids" have heckled TE? Who cares? Should Gailey have said something? Who cares? Non-issue. Besides, anything autographed by Trent Edwards is pretty worthless anyway.


Couple thoughts.

First, it was a free night practice with a limited number of tickets available. These night 'events' are set to maximize the number of people - who have regular jobs - can see the Bills practice. I don't get the whole "I paid money so I can say what I want" argument. If you paid to go to a game and want to boo. Well OK. The two are completely different in my mind. But take a free ticket from some other fan so you can heckle.... seems selfish to me.


Second, if you really think "I can say what I want" then I guess the same rule should apply for the coach -- or any other adult -- to tell you to shut up. I would think it would detract from my experience of watching a practice if the guy next to me was imposing his freedom of speech over my freedom to watch a scrimmage without being subjected to boorish behavior.


Finally. Congrats to Chan. A great way to build team unity.


But, I could be wrong.

Guest dog14787
  On 8/24/2010 at 6:54 PM, CodeMonkey said:

I just texted my wife and asked if she saw/heard anything. She said she heard some people being pretty loud but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then saw Gailey over there and did notice her area had lots of players after practice while the "prime" area with the hecklers had none.


She also said my 9 year old daughter, a Trent fan, was closer and apparently heard at least some of it. And told her Mom she was going to go tell the 'jerks' to shut up or go home. My wife stopped her, but knowing her I'm sure she would have.


But she now has a Trent autograph on a football and on her Trent jersey so she is a happy camper :)



This is what its all about right here,


This mans daughter is a perfect example of why you STFU and mind your manners if you have a drop of decency in you because kids are listening and watching every stupid thing you morons out there do and say :angry:


Maybe, just maybe, Chan Gailey disgrees with your assessment and those of others that post here. Maybe, just maybe, he really believes what he has said after reviewing the game film: "It is hard to throw the ball while lying on your back."


To me, Chan gets it. He realizes that our offensive line has been horrible in pass protection and that has impacted the QB play etc.


  On 8/24/2010 at 7:35 PM, FightClub said:

Let me be clearer, as I thought afterwards what I wrote might get interpreted in that way. I love Gailey so far. And of course I know he watches film, a ton of it, I am sure. I am just surprised he is ignoring it. If he watched the film from last year, he should have made Fitz the #1 going into camp, as he earned it based on last year's performance, and let him lose the job if he thought that was what was going to happen.


In fact, if he is a player's coach as he seems to be by these actions, I am astonished this did not happen. It can't feel good to know you will be the best at a position one year and not be guaranteed to have first shot at the job the next year under this particular coach.


Does anyone deny Fitz was the better player last year? Despite the fact it was a different offense, you can't come in here and act like last year with these same players didn't happen. This is what I am confused by. Those were real games. As everyone has been indicating, this is merely PRACTICE (he said, channeling Alan Iverson).


And, just to continue on Gailey, I think we can all see this running game is going to be sick this year. Like best in the league sick, I think. The offense is going to score points based on the running game alone. But here again, if we would just start the right QB, we could win games, maybe make a playoff run with that running game. Instead, when third down comes along, we have to watch drive-killer Trent throw it into the ground or get sacked. I pray the right decision gets made before it's too late to save this season.

  On 8/24/2010 at 8:06 PM, San Jose Bills Fan said:


Fight Club, you are missing the point.


The nucleus of this issue is the behavior of these hecklers and whether that behavior is justifiable.


When you express disbelief about Coach Gailey's evaluation of Trent Edwards, you're not dealing with the central issue here.


Point taken. I am on one of my rants again. I'm not as bad as Ice, but I do get fixated on getting Edwards out of that spot. Sorry to those I annoy with the mantra.


Anyway, my stance on the heckling is this. I'm with you guys - though I might've said in a post earlier in the thread that I would heckle to get Trent gone, I really wouldn't. I don't even cheer or boo loudly at the games. I'm sort of quiet fan, and that includes (mostly) quietly and not vociferously seething when I disagree with decisions the team makes.


Once in a while, I vent on this board, just to get it off my chest, but that's about it.


Heckling at a practice (or even a game) would be something I wouldn't really even think about doing.


I do stand with Chan on his coming to a player's defense, whether I think that player is any good or not is probably irrelevant, as you say.

  On 8/24/2010 at 4:49 PM, Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog said:

Gailey has grown on me a lot, but this is one thing I don't like. In essence, he's hurting the good fans who cannot get autographs because of a few bad apples. Not to mention that it's a fan's right to heckle. Not something I would do, but it's their right I think. It's part of the deal. Maybe less so at a free practice as opposed to paying for a ticket at a game, but still. There is still free speech and the fans have a right to yell. I don't mind him laying into those fans, that's actually pretty cool. If they can dish it out they can take it. But to stop his players from giving autographs to the good fans, too, who look forward to it doesn't seem right to me.


And it's the coaches and Bills players right not to offer autographs to hecklers...payback's a B word...deal with it.

Posted (edited)

I love a good trashing of Trent like any other fan that is tired of seeing him fail on the field. That being said I don't really agree with hecking your own teams players. I have voiced my opinion of Trent almost daily at times in this forum and much more calm bar conversations but I wouldn't go so far as to heckle any of our guys. I'm still not a fan of Edwards. At best my hope is that with any luck Gailey can make him a game manager that at least won't lose the game for you.


Edwards had good numbers last week and was 5/8 93 yards and a TD which aren't bad with a great QB rating. Lets not forget that was over the course of FIVE series. Basically Gailey asked him to throw 1.6 times an entire drive!!!! Not really putting the ball in the hands of your QB and letting him win it for you. I do not mean to discount the TD to Lee just like I don't mean to discount Spillers big run...but...take away some amazing play action and a pass to a wide open Lee due to busted coverage and Edwards numbers are VERY unimpressive.


Let's hope Chan can make the guy a game manager who is adept at handing off to the 3 headed monster and occasionally exploiting play action.

Edited by PDaDdy
  On 8/24/2010 at 4:41 PM, billsfreak said:

It is freaking morons like yourself that give the best fanbase in the NFL a bad name across the country.


We have great fans, but the Bills fans aren't "The Best." Steelers fans are. They travel better than any other fan base in the NFL.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/24/2010 at 4:41 PM, billsfreak said:

It is freaking morons like yourself that give the best fanbase in the NFL a bad name across the country.


Agreed. That was quite the masturbatory reaction to the original post, at least the obscenity-yelling teenagers didn't hide behind a message board.


This was a group of punk kids- teenagers (no parents anywhere - shocker!) who have been going to camp and yelling obscenities for days. I saw them yesterday. There have been reporters and photographers confronting them the last few days, but Gailey was the first person with the team to approach them. Gailey spoke to them, but was not hot headed.


The issue with me is not Gailey, its why camp security did not deal with this earlier, it was going on for days with the same group of kids, fans were noticing it, and as I said, photographers and reporters were noticing/confronting as well.

Edited by bobblehead
  On 8/24/2010 at 7:02 PM, Maddog69 said:

But, here's the thing, we don't have to like it. Yes, Trent is currently the QB. But he sucks and I don't like it. I will let express my dislike for him every chance I get. That does not diminish the fact that I am a diehard Bills fan. I love the team and want them to be successful. I really don't like Trent Edwards and wish he were not on my team. I am rooting for him to be successful and will cheer when he does something well, but I will also boo at him and complain about him when he does something bad.



We know you don't like Trent. The thing is what's the point in you repeating this every chance you get? It just gets old. We get it, you don't like him. There's no benefit in you repeating it over and over and...over...


I'm not super high on Trent, but I do hope he succeeds. If not him then someone. I hope that if he's successful, that you will cheer for him just as often, loudly, fiercely and vigorously as you like to trash him.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/24/2010 at 9:04 PM, Pilsner said:

We know you don't like Trent. The thing is what's the point in you repeating this every chance you get? It just gets old. We get it, you don't like him. There's no benefit in you repeating it over and over and...over...


I'm not super high on Trent, but I do hope he succeeds. If not him then someone. I hope that if he's successful, that you will cheer for him just as often, loudly, fiercely and vigorously as you like to trash him.


Are you so quick try to squelch the bleating cries of his supports who continue voice their opinion on how everything in the world other than Trent is the reason why he has failed? Lee Evans isn't a #1, The offensive line sucks, Jauron wouldn't let him throw deep, he got a concussion 3 years ago...etc...etc...etc. Be fair if you want the haters to stop tell the defenders too as well.


If you really look IMO the haters are merely replying to these lame threads the supporters try to start to make excuses.

Edited by PDaDdy
Posted (edited)
  On 8/24/2010 at 8:12 PM, OvrOfficiousJerk said:


...anyone else think of Mike Gundy during all of this?

Not as much as I think of Marv Levy...


Edited by The Senator

Edwards is a wash-out. Should fans heckle him at practice? Probably not. If he's *ever* going to get better, we have to give him some space at practice. But I wont go as far as supporting him simply because he's on our team. It's nice that CG is backing him. However, it wont make a lick of difference on the field. He's a third-stringer on most teams.


Buffalo Bills = preparing for a sale of the team, not for the playoffs

  On 8/24/2010 at 9:09 PM, PDaDdy said:

Are you so quick try to squelch the bleating cries of his supports who continue voice their opinion on how everything in the world other than Trent is the reason why he has failed? Lee Evans isn't a #1, The offensive line sucks, Jauron wouldn't let him throw deep, he got a concussion 3 years ago...etc...etc...etc. Be fair if you want the haters to stop tell the defenders too as well.


If you really look IMO the haters are merely replying to these lame threads the supporters try to start to make excuses.


Nope, I'm simply just saying that sometimes repeated complaining just gets old. Nothing more nothing less. Simple as that.

  On 8/24/2010 at 9:09 PM, PDaDdy said:

Are you so quick try to squelch the bleating cries of his supports who continue voice their opinion on how everything in the world other than Trent is the reason why he has failed? Lee Evans isn't a #1, The offensive line sucks, Jauron wouldn't let him throw deep, he got a concussion 3 years ago...etc...etc...etc. Be fair if you want the haters to stop tell the defenders too as well.


If you really look IMO the haters are merely replying to these lame threads the supporters try to start to make excuses.



And objectively speaking, how would you compare the general behavior of the negative posters versus the positive posters?


Which group uses more profanity?


Which group uses more name calling?


Which group is more overzealous as far as taking EVERY opportunity to comment on a player?


I think if you're objective, then the answers to these questions are pretty obvious.


The subtext to the optimist versus pessimist argument is the well-behaved to poorly-behaved argument, IMO.

  On 8/24/2010 at 5:01 PM, The Senator said:

As for Chan, I like the guy and admire the gesture but he best be careful about alienating fans - Chan has yet to prove a damned thing on the sidelines as of yet.

This is not a criticism, but an observation: If Chan gets this team to play well -- and I'm not necessarily talking about wins and losses -- then he will endear himself to a lot of fans. I say good for him for standing up for his team and telling the hecklers to p**s off.

  On 8/24/2010 at 9:04 PM, Pilsner said:

We know you don't like Trent. The thing is what's the point in you repeating this every chance you get? It just gets old. We get it, you don't like him. There's no benefit in you repeating it over and over and...over...


I'm not super high on Trent, but I do hope he succeeds. If not him then someone. I hope that if he's successful, that you will cheer for him just as often, loudly, fiercely and vigorously as you like to trash him.


I am the first one out of my seat cheering when he plays well. It just doesn't happen enough for my liking and I don't have much hope he will improve. I hope he does, but it would definitely surprise me.


As someone else posted, whenever I say something negative about Trent, it is in response to someone else who is over effusive with undeserved praise for him.

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