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good for Chan. pretty embarrassing behavior from the supposed "best fans in the league". heckle on game day all you want, but anyone who goes to a practice and runs their mouth isn't a fan.


and for all of you who are worried that Chan is babying Trent, it has nothing to do with Trent. Chan took the opportunity to FURTHER SOLIDIFY the "us against the world", "we're all in this together" attitude that he has to get this team to embrace. this is coaching 101. glad to see we finally have a coach who might have taken that course already.


I completely disagree with the part in Bold.

It has been documented that players on the team are not behind Trent. Lee Evsns for one.

Chan babying Trent could backfire in the lockerroom and undermine what little credibility Trent has.

This is not a good situation, no matter how you try to spin it. Chan has not earned the right to go after the fans regardless of his 'show me the baby' lipservice. He's accomplished nothing. Until he does. He should be careful not to bite the hand that feeds him. Polian has built up some credibility before his "get out of town" rant. and BTW, look how that ended, with Polian out of town.


Yeah, because the 45 seconds it took for Chan to tell the fans to shut up will stunt Trent's growth this season. Secondly, Chan probably has the coldest "hot seat" position in the NFL aside from the perennial contenders. The whole regime is buliding this slow and won't hold it against him for one bad preseason game.


He's on the coldest hot seat because noone else wants the job

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LMAO no ****. I would think they are sleeping together considering how sensitive Gailey is in regards to his boy getting heckeled.





Bull ****. Pure and absolute Bull ****. What is this Russia or China? I and every fan has a right to boo, wear bags or whatever. 'Good fans'? You mean lemmings? 'Good' fans? Who the !@#$ are you or gailey or anyone to say what a good fan is? all gailey has done is show he is an over sensitive kitty

I have no idea what you're age is, but I do have a pretty good idea of your maturity level. On a scale of 0-10 with 0 being the lowest, it is probably 3 and that may be generous.


a.) You are one who contributes to such antics, as shown on this board with your diatribes about what the team and coaching staff does or doen't do to meet your prescribed ideals for this organization.

b.) I know that this post, if responded to by you will be dripping with sarcasm because you dislike being reprimanded like an insolent child.

c.) And, try to grow up a little and show more respect to the new FO and coaching staff until they can actually show something in the coming season or not.


I certainly would have gained more respect for Fanning-Fan if he himself had got in the fans' faces and told 'em to STFU, instead of Gailey doing it for him!

I suspect Trent doing that would only have inspired the jerkoffs to do it more.

Chan doing it, at the end I believe, was probably the best way and time to handle the situation.


!@#$ Him. Trent sucks and the fans are sick of his ass being on the field let alone this team. If a team sucks or a player sucks its every fans right to boo or heckle or whatever. If Gailey doesn't like it, then do something about it, get a real god damn QB in here and start winning some ball games.

As one of those fans that you somehow feel qualified to speak on behalf of, how bout stfu, on behalf of THIS fan. Did TE run over your tricycle or something?


I completely disagree with the part in Bold.

It has been documented that players on the team are not behind Trent. Lee Evsns for one.

Chan babying Trent could backfire in the lockerroom and undermine what little credibility Trent has.

This is not a good situation, no matter how you try to spin it. Chan has not earned the right to go after the fans regardless of his 'show me the baby' lipservice. He's accomplished nothing. Until he does. He should be careful not to bite the hand that feeds him. Polian has built up some credibility before his "get out of town" rant. and BTW, look how that ended, with Polian out of town.



LOL, that sure showed HIM!! :rolleyes:


also, please link the documentation that shows Evans is not currently behind Trent.


Chan wasnt babying Trent at all. He was sticking up for one of his players to a bunch of classless, loudmouths. Something all respected coaches do.

Posted (edited)

I have no problem with either side of this. If the fans feel like heckling guys at open practice then feel free. I just don't think there should be any surprise that they don't get autographs either.

Edited by timba
Guest dog14787
Posted (edited)

Gailey has grown on me a lot, but this is one thing I don't like. In essence, he's hurting the good fans who cannot get autographs because of a few bad apples. Not to mention that it's a fan's right to heckle. Not something I would do, but it's their right I think. It's part of the deal. Maybe less so at a free practice as opposed to paying for a ticket at a game, but still. There is still free speech and the fans have a right to yell. I don't mind him laying into those fans, that's actually pretty cool. If they can dish it out they can take it. But to stop his players from giving autographs to the good fans, too, who look forward to it doesn't seem right to me.



I agree with you to a certain extent on the freedom of speech, but when the bad apples start getting so carried away that other folks start feeling the insults and getting their collective day ruined , its gone to far,


What about the younger kids who like Trent Edwards for instance, should they have to listen to a bunch of Jerks calling him names and making fun of him like he's on the opposing team?


I don't think so, save it for our opponents or find another team,



Chan Gailey sets a good example in my opinion because what happens is it teaches the A-holes to tone it down because the good fans who missed their autographs lay into the Whiners and babies of the crowd.

Edited by dog14787

I suspect Trent doing that would only have inspired the jerkoffs to do it more.

Chan doing it, at the end I believe, was probably the best way and time to handle the situation.


the worst thing a player can do is acknowledge hecklers. it just proves to the hecklers that they're getting through and encourages it more.


short of having security remove them, this was the only way to handle it, and the best way too.


Interesting references to Communist nations, where free speech is not something guaranteed. Remember that when you vote for your next Demosocialist here in the USA.


That being said, why would you go to a PRACTICE to criticize a team? One obviously has no concept of the term PRACTICE, as it is not a real, "live", game environment, and therefore is more of a learning, or time to rehearse and perfect skills, techniques, etc. It is about improvement.


So why would one- in a reasonable and prudent mind- openly criticize a player in a practice environment? This has nothing to do with free speech, and everything to do with stupidity.


Expecting the Bills to be good on Sunday is one thing. Being disappointed as a fan if they are not is also acceptable. But expecting...well, perfection in a practice setting?!?!?


That is behavior indicative of someone in need of atleast 1 functioning brain cell.


Good Job, Chan!


Not to hijack the thread here, but stop with the political side jabs - people who think they understand politics because their fourth grade teacher broke down the differences between capitalism/socialism/mercantilism/fuedalism/early societies/etc using one and two syllable words and a lot of pictures need to get a clue. There is nothing going on in this country right now that anyone with any sort of understanding of world governments and economies would compare to any other governmental or economic situation that has happened anywhere else in the world. Obama isn't Stalin or Lenin and Bush wasn't Hitler. They all love big business and it's need for government, none of them want more than 60% voter registration, and they'd all rather debate (and do for anythign meaningful) behind closed doors. The real rub is that every partisan idiot (on both sides) has been hornswaggled into thinking that of the two possible sides, one is actually better than the other. Statements like yours in the first line of your post help to perpetuate thinking that it is red v blue, dem v rep, me v you when it's actually us v them (being people with money and power). The reason this country has lasted so long is that the people in power and with money have done the best job in history of making the populace believe that they have a chance.


(that was my political rant for the day - and yes, it did feel good)


!@#$ Him. Trent sucks and the fans are sick of his ass being on the field let alone this team. If a team sucks or a player sucks its every fans right to boo or heckle or whatever. If Gailey doesn't like it, then do something about it, get a real god damn QB in here and start winning some ball games.

You sounds like you need a hug dude...relax loser.


You're probably right. Trent is really good in practice. It's just in the regular season games that he sucks. Maybe I will wait til the season opener to boo him. He'll probably be injured by then, so I can save my voice.


Comments like that, does little to prove your point.


So, you honestly expect him to win in practice? There's no game being played, but if he isn't 100%, unbelievably accurate on every pass, running every play to perfection, timing is absolutely impeccable....


Based on that mindset, Trent shouldn't even have to practice. He should just be perfect, show up on Sunday, and play.


Do I have your thinking right?


The fans have every right to B word, but I respect and enjoy the fact that Chan was willing to demonstrate actively in front of the team that he has their back...


That's the kind of guy I want around... (Let's just hope he wins and we see more of what we did last time out)


Not to hijack the thread here, but stop with the political side jabs - people who think they understand politics because their fourth grade teacher broke down the differences between capitalism/socialism/mercantilism/fuedalism/early societies/etc using one and two syllable words and a lot of pictures need to get a clue. There is nothing going on in this country right now that anyone with any sort of understanding of world governments and economies would compare to any other governmental or economic situation that has happened anywhere else in the world. Obama isn't Stalin or Lenin and Bush wasn't Hitler. They all love big business and it's need for government, none of them want more than 60% voter registration, and they'd all rather debate (and do for anythign meaningful) behind closed doors. The real rub is that every partisan idiot (on both sides) has been hornswaggled into thinking that of the two possible sides, one is actually better than the other. Statements like yours in the first line of your post help to perpetuate thinking that it is red v blue, dem v rep, me v you when it's actually us v them (being people with money and power). The reason this country has lasted so long is that the people in power and with money have done the best job in history of making the populace believe that they have a chance.


(that was my political rant for the day - and yes, it did feel good)


pssst...hey buddy....do you know what time it is?


Sunshine and lollipops is long gone.


Personally, I would hope Trent Edwards is not on the field focused on a section of fans heckling him while practicing. Gailey hears it on the sidelines, so that's why he's addressing it, and not Edwards. Good for Chan. Yes, I do wish Edwards was as fiery as Kelly or Flutie, but he's not. He hasn't done anything to lose his job, so whether Bills fans like it or not, he is our QB for now. Brohm, I hope, will be #2 after all is said and done. As far as the dude showing off his hatred for Edwards, he's still mad that his homeboy, Sam Bradford is not in Buffalo. Next year is probably the year we draft a QB, and it'll probably be with the first pick. It's going to be a long 2010.


When does the Sabres season start?


It is freaking morons like yourself that give the best fanbase in the NFL a bad name across the country.

:thumbsup: Agreed. Like it or not, Edwards is the QB and Leach isn't the coach. This is what we have, so let's work with it.

Posted (edited)

Hmmm...maybe you need to switch your sarcasm detection meter back on - of course he doesn't wear gloves in August - and yes, of course he wears gloves in December because he's a Los Gatos wuss who can't handle the cold.


As for Chan, I like the guy and admire the gesture but he best be careful about alienating fans - Chan has yet to prove a damned thing on the sidelines as of yet.



I agree. You have to win a few games before you can earn the right to tell the fans to shut up. Coach needs tougher skin. This is a football practice, not bingo night. (And no, i'm not defending the actions of the fans, which were out of place/out of line). This is the sort of juvenile coaching I expect out of Jauron, not Gailey. Instead of chastising the fans, how about getting the team together and telling them that nothing will shut up the a-hole fans more than winning.

Edited by RyanC883

I just texted my wife and asked if she saw/heard anything. She said she heard some people being pretty loud but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then saw Gailey over there and did notice her area had lots of players after practice while the "prime" area with the hecklers had none.


She also said my 9 year old daughter, a Trent fan, was closer and apparently heard at least some of it. And told her Mom she was going to go tell the 'jerks' to shut up or go home. My wife stopped her, but knowing her I'm sure she would have.


But she now has a Trent autograph on a football and on her Trent jersey so she is a happy camper :)


I was there in my pirate costume. Here's the exchange I witnessed:


Crowd members: "You suck Trent. We know football better than Gailey and you suck. We listen to the smart people on message boards, and therefore we know a lot about football."


Gailey: "We are a busy and dynamic organization whose mission needless effrontery and harassment can only hinder. If you molest us again, sirs, you may feel the sting of the lash across your pitiful shoulders."


Crowd members: "Speak slower please. May I have a towel for my drool?"


Gailey: "This liberal doxy must be impaled upon the member of a particularly large stallion."


Crowd members: "I need my diaper changed. Time for my nappy!"

hahaha....post more!

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