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Gee .. no posts on Drew doing well ?

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Only if we can also stop all of the idiotic Drew still sucks even though we are winning posts and the even more predictable Drew has only had a couple of good games and the rest were average or lousy posts.  :blush:



Contrary to what you want to believe I want him to do well. You didn't see me starting "I told you so" threads after the Baltimore game. I didn't feel like beating a dead horse and stating what was so painfully obvious.

He DIDN'T play horribly vs. Oakland, Baltimore, and NE? I must be making that up.

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Drew had a good game. I love it when Drew has good games. So does every other Bilsl fan. Why would anyone who wants the Bills to win not want to see their QB have a good game? Some are more concerned than others about his liabilities as a QB.


I'm one of them. He has a long history of making terrible passes in critical situations. Maybe just maybe Sam Wyche has inoculated him against future horrors.


but i doubt it. We've seen Dr. Jeckyl for a few weeks now. We haven't seen Mr. Hyde since New England. Will he show up again this season? I hope not. But I sure as hell wouldn't bet against it.


That's exactly it, nodarb. And nobody, including Drew, and the Bills players and coaches, and me, and you, and everyone on this board, and the rest of the world knows how Dew is going to play the rest of the way. IF he plays the way he is playing lately, he deserves to play. That MAY happen but no one knows. IF he resorts to his erratic past, he will not deserve to play, because everything is working now (the O line, the running game, the receievrs, the coaching). Drew has not had these things working for him since he has been here, and this is his chance.


Since the O line has begun to gel, Drew has played well. Is this a coincidence? Actually, we don't know. The last 4 games should give us a good indication, and the jury is out.

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