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Will Israel Bomb Iran?

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Turning iran into a glassed over parking spot would be a good start on solving all of the world's problems.


George I like your style brother but...


I'm assuming Iran is very useful to our(dod) research and development... as in exploiting their strategic defense systems and tracking their development. The political rah rah is merely a soap opera intent on keeping their attention on the shiny object.

Edited by Frit0 Bandit0
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Turning iran into a glassed over parking spot would be a good start on solving all of the world's problems.


Yes, genocide is always a good solution. Incidentally, you do realise that a good section of Iran's population disagrees with the government and is actually quite pro-western, don't you? Also, I seem to remember a candle-light vigil being held in Tehran to mark the 9/11 atrocity (why is that people always remember some Palestinians celebrating but completely disregard things like this?). Still, don't let such things interfere with your ridiculously simplistic world-view.

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Yes, genocide is always a good solution. Incidentally, you do realise that a good section of Iran's population disagrees with the government and is actually quite pro-western, don't you? Also, I seem to remember a candle-light vigil being held in Tehran to mark the 9/11 atrocity (why is that people always remember some Palestinians celebrating but completely disregard things like this?). Still, don't let such things interfere with your ridiculously simplistic world-view.


Then, chicot, why hasn't the green revolution taken root?


Not advocating for a nuked Iran, but just saying...

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Then, chicot, why hasn't the green revolution taken root?


Not advocating for a nuked Iran, but just saying...


Revolutions are not easy. While there is substantial support for reform amongst the young, educated population there is also a lot of support for the government, especially in rural areas. I'm not sure which side makes up the majority. Also, the government holds all the power and is highly unlikely to just step aside peacefully. Any attempt to overthrow the Iranian government would likely cost thousands of lives and, even then there would be no guarantee of success. While some say that is a price worth paying, it's a lot easier to say when it's not going to be your life or that of your family at risk.

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Revolutions are not easy. While there is substantial support for reform amongst the young, educated population there is also a lot of support for the government, especially in rural areas. I'm not sure which side makes up the majority. Also, the government holds all the power and is highly unlikely to just step aside peacefully. Any attempt to overthrow the Iranian government would likely cost thousands of lives and, even then there would be no guarantee of success. While some say that is a price worth paying, it's a lot easier to say when it's not going to be your life or that of your family at risk.


It's hard to get an organized opposition together in the first place. I remember a few years back an Iranian had his tongue filleted publicly for speaking out against the government. That's a powerful message.

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Revolutions are not easy. While there is substantial support for reform amongst the young, educated population there is also a lot of support for the government, especially in rural areas. I'm not sure which side makes up the majority. Also, the government holds all the power and is highly unlikely to just step aside peacefully. Any attempt to overthrow the Iranian government would likely cost thousands of lives and, even then there would be no guarantee of success. While some say that is a price worth paying, it's a lot easier to say when it's not going to be your life or that of your family at risk.


No doubt. But if these people are serious about living in some other way than a theocracy, they'd better act befor the nutcases running the show do something REALLY foolish.

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