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No idea if there's already another topic on this subject, but I was reading through all the headlines from the game yesterday and the Toronto reporters continue to have no problem bashing the whole idea of the Bills playing there. It seems that most articles out of Toronto just reiterate how horrible attending a Bills game is. I understand that most of the Bills games there so far have been unexciting, but if they can't appreciate last night's game, what can they ever appreciate? I can't fully express how much this annoys me right now, but I do know that for all that the Bills put us through, us true Bills fan do appreciate what we have.


Is anyone else annoyed with this attitude coming from Toronto?


Sure, we're all annoyed. Losing a regular season home game to Toronto is pathetic. But as far as what the elitist media from elitist Toronto think about the Buffalo Bills, that's the last thing I care about. Hey, Rogers Group paid Wilson $78 Million dollars, so those Toronto media clowns have only him (and his group, now that he's gone) to blame.


I never heard much demand from Torontonian's for NFL football (from Buffalo or elsewhere) so I'm not exactly going out of my way to crucify them for failing to support it.

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