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Meantime in the real Muslim world

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I am not going to refute your entire cut and paste, yeah the US acted in its best interests[ok by me] but going by your logic should not Polish people be strapping on suicide vests and killing Innocent Germans and Russians? After all, they were slaughtered by the thousands in WWII by those country's.

But of course that is not nearly as generational venom producing as not supporting a UN resolution.

I am starting to think this Muslim "eye for a eye" thing is more prevalent than I thought, including the very people whose eyes are looking at the knife.



I take it you missed the Serbo-Croatian conflict ?

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And what US foreign policy brought on 9/11? I don't recall invading anyone prior to that.

I'll excuse you for your ignorance of history. There's plenty of evidence, should you desire to know anything beyond the end of your nose.

I think you are hooking up with the wrong team.

So did the 9/11 Commission, apparently. They came to the exact same conclusion. When you don't know the issues, it's pretty easy to accuse others of not having the best interest of the country in mind. Pretend for a second that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Because you don't.

Oh right, we support Israel and eat pork and don't hide our woman under rocks and we buy oil and have a military base in Saudi Arabia. That alone should make us a target.

When exposed for not knowing WTF you're talking about, regurgitate some ridiculous simpletonian garbage. You think that helps you?

I prefer US foreign policy be made in Washington, not a hut in Afghanistan.

I'm super glad for you. Now try to imagine that the same government that's been !@#$ing up domestic policy for the last century is probably doing the same thing abroad. Because they have been. Regularly. You informed conservative, you.

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I'll excuse you for your ignorance of history. There's plenty of evidence, should you desire to know anything beyond the end of your nose.


So did the 9/11 Commission, apparently. They came to the exact same conclusion. When you don't know the issues, it's pretty easy to accuse others of not having the best interest of the country in mind. Pretend for a second that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Because you don't.


When exposed for not knowing WTF you're talking about, regurgitate some ridiculous simpletonian garbage. You think that helps you?


I'm super glad for you. Now try to imagine that the same government that's been !@#$ing up domestic policy for the last century is probably doing the same thing abroad. Because they have been. Regularly. You informed conservative, you.

So many words, so little information.

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So many words, so little information.

You're hardly worth the time. The information is all over the place and the concept is so simple even !@#$ing Conner could understand it. The fact that you're too lazy to learn something and instead simply repeat the same tired stuff the media feeds you isn't anyone's problem but yours.

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I could see that happening. That's also the reason I understand the successes that terrorist organizations have recruiting and why I subscribe to the theory of blowback. Nothing frustrates me more than the idiots who don't get the concept of people not liking the results of U.S. foreign policy and then having a willingness to do something symbolic against us. As if we'd all sit by when one of our relatives got killed by bombs from the sky or an invading force of foreigners. Please.


Whereas a lot of middle eastern groups have legitimate gripes with aspects and consequences of certain US policies and alliances they often use those grievances to make us the scapegoat for all of their societies' ills. It's similar to the NAACP and other minority groups that get so caught up on one aspect (such as racism) that they lose perspective of the big picture which prevents them from making progress in other areas, often to the extent that their own self-imposed belief system holds them back more than that which they are fighting against.


By the same token, power brokers in the region often use those sentiments to bolster their own power similar to the way Jesse Jackson exploited racial tension for self-promotion for decades.

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If Iran gets nukes, we have no choice but to take them out. Iran is the #1 state supporter of terror, and has been for years. Am I supposed to believe that they won't give them to terrorists? They give everything else to terrorists, why not nukes? Am I supposed to trust you/them that they won't try to set off a nuke? what difference does it make where they set it off?


So the casus belli isn't about Islamic law? It's about nukes?


Either way, going to war is always a choice.




IF we go in and "correct" them, then I don't want to hear any whining. The Iranians have had years to "correct" themselves. IF they choose to continue on this path, and that's exactly what they have done while Obama's "engagement" strategy has failed miserably, then they are also choosing the consequences of our response.


There's no such thing as a "noncombatant" when we are talking nuclear war. If you choose that weapon then you choose all the terrible responses that come with it. The civilians that would be killed by an Iranian nuke remove the "noncombatant" status of those Iranian civilians that are killed by us taking that nuke away.


Is that really "breathtaking"? :w00t: More like, simple and straightforward.

Less breathtaking than going to war over an eight year old's arm.


But I don't expect Iran to spend billions on getting a nuke simply to hand it over to Hezbollah.

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I suppose Iran having nukes will stabilize the middle east. It will serve as an equalizer, the Israelis will respect them and everything will be copasetic...


I would imagine that this will deter the Saudi's, Turks and other nations of the region from acquiring nukes. This will actually inhibit a nuclear arm's race. I admire the resolve of the Iranians and the "reset" button with Russia is working out wonderfully. Yes, a new age of foreign policy is under way.

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Why, because it was a middle-aged white guy?


Because all conservatives are radical Christians who follow Bush's statement that we're at war with Islam (which he never said, but anyway...) literally and slavishly.


And how do we know he's a conservative? Judging by Obama's statements re: the lower Manhattan mosque, a liberal wouldn't commit either way.

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So the casus belli isn't about Islamic law? It's about nukes?


Either way, going to war is always a choice.

Yes, yes, and I have a car and you are standing in the street. You can choose to stand there and let me hit you, or you can get the f out of the way, and then call the cops. But, what's important here is not my bad driving, or my indifference for human life, or the plain fact that I shouldn't be allowed to have a car because nobody can trust me. No, what's important is to remember that you have a choice. :rolleyes:

Less breathtaking than going to war over an eight year old's arm.


But I don't expect Iran to spend billions on getting a nuke simply to hand it over to Hezbollah.

8 year old arms aside, the problem is that we are dealing with a f'ed up mindset here, and f'ed up values. No amount of apologist crap or appeasement is going to change the fact that you apparently think its a good idea to negotiate with people who have the exact same veracity and credibility as Dr. Evil. :wallbash: Ok, Mr. Powers, please tell us how Obama's "engagement plan" has succeeded...and don't tell me it's going to cost...1 million dollars.


Oh, so you expect them to do nothing with it? Spend 8 billion...just to have it? I can see threatening Israel with it...but that is only going to get it destroyed...by Israel. So what is the point? Perhaps you have some latin for "there's no point in spending that much money, that you don't have, on a weapon, that you won't use"?


Using the nuke as a check on Israel would be a rational, dastardly, but rational approach. The problem for you here is: Iran is not being led by rational people. There is no "relative peace due to mutually assured destruction" endgame here...there is only destruction. The only question is who and how much?


Owww. Wish I could add to your reputation (that is going to get ugly down here btw).

No, what you really wish is that I would have cared that I offended you when you were a bartender, and now, that I cared that you have a real job. Then, your petty little crusade could end.


Sorry. I didn't care then, and I don't care now. You are going to have to continue your Retard's Crusade. Let me know when you get to Cypress and are out of money. I know a guy who owns a bar there, and I sure he could use a bartender with your level of commitment. Perhaps then you'll be done making yourself look...exactly as you are.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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No, what you really wish is that I would have cared that I offended you when you were a bartender, and now, that I cared that you have a real job. Then, your petty little crusade could end.


Sorry. I didn't care then, and I don't care now. You are going to have to continue your Retard's Crusade. Let me know when you get to Cypress and are out of money. I know a guy who owns a bar there, and I sure he could use a bartender with your level of commitment. Perhaps then you'll be done making yourself look...exactly as you are.


I haven't been a bartender since way before I started posting here. I used to think of you a pompous, narcissistic ass. Now I know better, you are a pompous, narcissistic ass with a glass jaw. Frankly, you react far too predictably to even be entertaining and I have left you alone for that reason.

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I haven't been a bartender since way before I started posting here. I used to think of you a pompous, narcissistic ass. Now I know better, you are a pompous, narcissistic ass with a glass jaw. Frankly, you react far too predictably to even be entertaining and I have left you alone for that reason.

As evidenced by your 98% reply rate to everything I post. Look, you can call me all the names you want. Names mean nothing. I am calling out your behavior. You say your Retard's Crusade is over...well, we will believe it when we see it. Let's see the behavior.


I knew the bar tending thing would provide the required response. Who has a glass jaw again? Who is predictable? Please.

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I haven't been a bartender since way before I started posting here. I used to think of you a pompous, narcissistic ass. Now I know better, you are a pompous, narcissistic ass with a glass jaw. Frankly, you react far too predictably to even be entertaining and I have left you alone for that reason.




At least my jaw's made of...well...tempered glass, at least.

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As evidenced by your 98% reply rate to everything I post. Look, you can call me all the names you want. Names mean nothing. I am calling out your behavior. You say your Retard's Crusade is over...well, we will believe it when we see it. Let's see the behavior.


I knew the bar tending thing would provide the required response. Who has a glass jaw again? Who is predictable? Please.


98% huh? You're the data cruncher, prove it. Or did you pull that number out of your ass like you did the horror of a little boy's arm being crushed by those despicable Muslims? That was debunked a while ago on Snopes. Way to keep up genius.

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98% huh? You're the data cruncher, prove it. Or did you pull that number out of your ass like you did the horror of a little boy's arm being crushed by those despicable Muslims? That was debunked a while ago on Snopes. Way to keep up genius.

So is this the end of the crusade? Or, do I get to look forward to more posts that add 0 value? Christ, at least if you were still a bartender I could get a drink out of the deal.

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So is this the end of the crusade? Or, do I get to look forward to more posts that add 0 value? Christ, at least if you were still a bartender I could get a drink out of the deal.


So you cannot prove it then. "98%" you said it and one of the few things you have ever gotten right is the statement, "Words mean something." Of course you screwed it up after that by usually not understanding what was said.

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