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Meantime in the real Muslim world

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Nobody can tell me this is a peaceful religion that got it's bad rep from a few extremists.justice in the land of Mecca


The irony is that the cast of characters that B word about this are the same as pine for "like kind" punishment every time some thread about animal abuse comes up.


Consistency, thy name is...well, not TSW, that's fer durned shure...

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You lose.


BTW, Hitler was a neo-pagan, not a Christian.






...Hitler did mention Christianity many times in his writings. He paid Christianity a lot of lip service in Mein Kampf, and he claimed to be a Christian. But Hitler's secretary, Martin Bormann, also declared that "National Socialism [Nazism] and Christianity are irreconcilable" and Hitler didn't squawk too much about it.
...In a speech at Koblenz, August 26, 1934, Hitler said: "National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity . . . For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of today, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life . . . These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles!"


I'd say it's complicated.

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Not at all.

I was just using Joe's latest technique. Since I've called out the Catholic Church on their many failings, I obviously hate all Catholics and need to somehow prove I have Catholic friends (as if I interview people I hang with on their religion).


Welcome to "The World According to Joe".

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Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not. Should we burn arsonists at the stake, not in in the interest of public safety but because our religion demands it?


No, we should do it to both punish and deter arsonists (and spare me the 'death penalty isn't a deterrent' bullsh--).

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No, we should do it to both punish and deter arsonists (and spare me the 'death penalty isn't a deterrent' bullsh--).



The death penalty CAN be a deterrent. It just isn't typically a very good deterrent. It's very effective at preventing recidivism, though.

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Anyone who knows anything about the SS (the paragons of Nazism) knows that it wasn't rooted in Christianity. Indeed, the whole "Aryan" philosophy was based around demi-Nordic mythology and outright science fiction. Hitler would have gassed Jesus, as he was a Jew.

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Anyone who knows anything about the SS (the paragons of Nazism) knows that it wasn't rooted in Christianity. Indeed, the whole "Aryan" philosophy was based around demi-Nordic mythology and outright science fiction. Hitler would have gassed Jesus, as he was a Jew.




Then Catholics would have to make the sign of the Zyklon B to bless themselves.

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I'd say it's complicated.


It's not really. Hitler may or may not have claimed to be Christian (he was probably raised Catholic, but I wouldn't trust any statements from him on the subject, as he was a politician trying to court the Social Democrats and Catholic center); the Nazi party was indisputably pagan at its core, as a huge number of its celebrations (e.g. harvest and fertility festivals), philosophies, and rites were directly stolen from old pagan rituals.


Note that that's as opposed to "mere" fascism, which was merely a philosophy of "national unit" united with the "Fuehrer Prinzip". Naziism was merely a brand of fascism that included racial/pagan philosophies and hokey pseudo-scientific Darwinistic overtones.

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Hmm. Where should I start with beauty of a post and reasoning? So many different ways! Okay, I'll take a stab at using your rationale.


Ever hear of this little thing called Capital Punishment? About 34 states practice this form of discipline in the U.S. It's when someone that commits a heinous crime is put to death. :worthy:


Or how about all those stories about...


Some guy killing off his whole family?


Or some dude going crazy at work and shooting up the place?


Or some kids taking guns to school to see if they can duplicate the game called "Doom", in real life?


Or some kid killing his own parents?


Or some father sexually assaulting his own children?


Or some Priest sexually molesting a young child?








Drive byes?


Surely all of this people are Muslim, right?


Seeing that most people in the country are Christian then christianity is obviously an unpeaceful religion, right??? :ph34r:


The truth is we don't really know what religion these people practice. The media doesn't make it a point to point out the perpetrator's religion, but if they guy was a muslim you would know real quick.


I wonder, why is that???


I, for one, don't blame any one thing or religion for these acts. I realize there are good people and evil people all over the world and that's just the way it is.


Don't paint all people with the same brush, man. You're better than that.


So the judge wants this criminal to be paralyzed for inflicting the same harm to his victim? The victim will never be able to walk again, the perpetrator should have to suffer the same fate, as well. Lesson learned, mutherbeeper!!!!!Actually, I'm okay with that, maybe someone might see this punishment and that might persuade some other guy from not doing the same thing to another victim.


The point is, just because some guy says he's doing something in the name of God, doesn't make it true or that God actually supports it.

Perhaps, but I have yet to see us televise the state-sanctioned "justice" of running over of a little boy's arm with a car.

Link here...but I suggest you don't bother watching it. It is disgusting.


Look, we can only take the very end result and see similarities, but there is a GIANT difference between what, how, and why we do things here in comparison to these Muslim countries, and that is undeniable. We sure as hell don't drive trucks over little boy's arms. Go ahead and tell me that = one gang banger killing another. :thumbsup:


There is no moral equivalency for that, no matter how hard anyone tries. Driving over that boy's arm is pure evil, those people that support it are sick, with little or no chance of redemption, and therefore they need to be put down. I don't care who does it, and I would prefer the Iranians rise up and take these people out themselves. But, make no mistake, if they continue to tolerate this "justice" system, and the Ayatollah government in general, then they are responsible for it, and they will have accept the consequences of their in-actions.


We learned our lessons from WWII and the Cold War. We are not going to sit by and let another Nazi/Stalin type regime rise, do nothing, and then be forced to fight it at the height of its power. Not when we could have stopped it years before, and before millions lose their lives. The Iranian people need to accept their responsibility for their government and act accordingly, or, others will accept the responsibility of removing their government, and they will have to accept how the rest of us do it. The choice is theirs.

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Perhaps, but I have yet to see us televise the state-sanctioned "justice" of running over of a little boy's arm with a car.

Link here...but I suggest you don't bother watching it. It is disgusting.


Look, we can only take the very end result and see similarities, but there is a GIANT difference between what, how, and why we do things here in comparison to these Muslim countries, and that is undeniable. We sure as hell don't drive trucks over little boy's arms. Go ahead and tell me that = one gang banger killing another. :thumbsup:


There is no moral equivalency for that, no matter how hard anyone tries. Driving over that boy's arm is pure evil, those people that support it are sick, with little or no chance of redemption, and therefore they need to be put down. I don't care who does it, and I would prefer the Iranians rise up and take these people out themselves. But, make no mistake, if they continue to tolerate this "justice" system, and the Ayatollah government in general, then they are responsible for it, and they will have accept the consequences of their in-actions.


We learned our lessons from WWII and the Cold War. We are not going to sit by and let another Nazi/Stalin type regime rise, do nothing, and then be forced to fight it at the height of its power. Not when we could have stopped it years before, and before millions lose their lives. The Iranian people need to accept their responsibility for their government and act accordingly, or, others will accept the responsibility of removing their government, and they will have to accept how the rest of us do it. The choice is theirs.


This is breathtaking in its progression.


Islamic law prohibits punishment before puberty. So I think you've been had.


But.....think of all the noncombatants that would have died correcting this. :w00t:

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Perhaps, but I have yet to see us televise the state-sanctioned "justice" of running over of a little boy's arm with a car.

Link here...but I suggest you don't bother watching it. It is disgusting.


Look, we can only take the very end result and see similarities, but there is a GIANT difference between what, how, and why we do things here in comparison to these Muslim countries, and that is undeniable. We sure as hell don't drive trucks over little boy's arms. Go ahead and tell me that = one gang banger killing another. :thumbsup:


There is no moral equivalency for that, no matter how hard anyone tries. Driving over that boy's arm is pure evil, those people that support it are sick, with little or no chance of redemption, and therefore they need to be put down. I don't care who does it, and I would prefer the Iranians rise up and take these people out themselves. But, make no mistake, if they continue to tolerate this "justice" system, and the Ayatollah government in general, then they are responsible for it, and they will have accept the consequences of their in-actions.


We learned our lessons from WWII and the Cold War. We are not going to sit by and let another Nazi/Stalin type regime rise, do nothing, and then be forced to fight it at the height of its power. Not when we could have stopped it years before, and before millions lose their lives. The Iranian people need to accept their responsibility for their government and act accordingly, or, others will accept the responsibility of removing their government, and they will have to accept how the rest of us do it. The choice is theirs.

Hoax. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/child-stealing-bread-iran.shtml

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This is breathtaking in its progression.


Islamic law prohibits punishment before puberty. So I think you've been had.


But.....think of all the noncombatants that would have died correcting this. :thumbsup:



Yeah, looks like they got me. I wonder who did this. Certainly a d-bag.

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Perhaps, but I have yet to see us televise the state-sanctioned "justice" of running over of a little boy's arm with a car.

Link here...but I suggest you don't bother watching it. It is disgusting.


Look, we can only take the very end result and see similarities, but there is a GIANT difference between what, how, and why we do things here in comparison to these Muslim countries, and that is undeniable. We sure as hell don't drive trucks over little boy's arms. Go ahead and tell me that = one gang banger killing another. :thumbsup:


There is no moral equivalency for that, no matter how hard anyone tries. Driving over that boy's arm is pure evil, those people that support it are sick, with little or no chance of redemption, and therefore they need to be put down. I don't care who does it, and I would prefer the Iranians rise up and take these people out themselves. But, make no mistake, if they continue to tolerate this "justice" system, and the Ayatollah government in general, then they are responsible for it, and they will have accept the consequences of their in-actions.


We learned our lessons from WWII and the Cold War. We are not going to sit by and let another Nazi/Stalin type regime rise, do nothing, and then be forced to fight it at the height of its power. Not when we could have stopped it years before, and before millions lose their lives. The Iranian people need to accept their responsibility for their government and act accordingly, or, others will accept the responsibility of removing their government, and they will have to accept how the rest of us do it. The choice is theirs.


That's despicable, but to say it's done in the name of Islam is simply wrong.


I can tell you I had sex with Jessica Alba, that doesn't make it true.


No where in the Koran does it say to run a little boy's arm over with a car if he steals. Adult thieves can have their arm chopped off for stealing, but they have to be adults.

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