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You're most depressing movie ever?


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Was checking out movies to watch online yesterday and I stumbled onto this one: The Road, since Viggo Mortensen was in that movie and I really liked what he did in Eastern Promises directed by Cronenberg, I figured I'd give hit a shot without really knowing what it was...


I can't even tell you if with was really good or bad since it left me with such a depressing feeling, what a depressing movie! And I guess the fact that my only child is a boy a bit younger than the boy in the movie got me going pretty good , anyway you have to see it for yourselves to know what I mean...


What's your most depressing movie ever and if you've seen The Road, I'd like to know what you think..


***Football games don't count as most depressing movie, I know many of you would be tempted to list Friday's game vs the Skins or last year Browns game or any Super Bowl lost.......

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I thought the Road was more uplifting than than No Country For Old Men. At least there's arguably a happy ending in the Road.

The good thing at the end is that the boy won't be alone, but you know there is no hope afterwards....


Johnny Got His Gun was fairly depressing.


Forgot about this one, that was good, I liked what Metallica did with the video for the song One featuring scenes from the movie.

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I'm really not a huge movie watcher. I prefer documentaries and true crime stories, but here are a few...

-The Wrestler

- Monster

- 8MM

- No Country For Old Men

- American Beauty

- There Will Be Blood


And don't forget Bambi and Old Yeller!

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I thought The Road was pretty well done. I agree it wasn't the "blue skies" type of movie you may have been in the mood for, but then again, when you read the description beforehand what did you think "post-apocalyptic" mean, exactly? lol

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Days of Wine and Roses

Good choice there. The dark side of alcohol is very dark indeed.



A few other good ones that left me pretty down/empty:


Shindler's List

Million Dollar Baby

The Deer Hunter



Most depressing book: Angela's Ashes

Most depressing play: Caberet

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I'm only really thinking of good movies, so...


Days of Wine and Roses


La Strada




The Bad Lieutenant is depressing and disturbing.

I'm guessing the one with Harvey Keitel, I'll admit this one was pretty f...ked up!, not the latest one with Nicolas Cage, that was pretty good actually.

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I'm guessing the one with Harvey Keitel, I'll admit this one was pretty f...ked up!, not the latest one with Nicolas Cage, that was pretty good actually.



Yes, I meant the one with Keitel. And I really mean the unrated version of that movie. I think the movie is well done, just twisted and sick.


I haven't seen the Cage version. Are you suggesting it is better than the original?

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Requiem for a Dream


The last 5-10 minutes was one of the most f-ed up endings I've ever seen.

Most depressing film I have ever seen. There is another which I can't remember the name- but it is about a women dying from cancer. Butterfly Effect was depressing too. And the most disturbing, etched in my memory ending to a film is Being John Malkovich (with Cusack in the babys body leering at this mother)

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Yes, I meant the one with Keitel. And I really mean the unrated version of that movie. I think the movie is well done, just twisted and sick.


I haven't seen the Cage version. Are you suggesting it is better than the original?

They are two very different movies IMO , the one with Keitel is much darker style while the one with Cage that takes place in post-Katrina New-Orleans, while still twisted has a funny side to it with the play of Cage. Cage can be either really good or really bad sometimes, but he's really good in that movie, not a classic but worth seeing...

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