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Everything would go crazy in the world if Israel attacks.


They don't have a choice. If they take out Bushehr, the Iranians can't begin the fuel cycle. From a cost/benefit perspective, it is THE high-value target, and they have to hit it before the fuel is inside, from what I've read.

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And when you (personally) are in one of those situations, do you err on the side of action or inaction?


1. Unfortunately for us, our current president is busy apologizing to Japan for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so the US has to deal with inaction.


2. The Israelis will not do anything without our backing. They know they would need us if a real war broke out in the middle east and they, like us, are dealing with #1!

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1. Unfortunately for us, our current president is busy apologizing to Japan for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so the US has to deal with inaction.


2. The Israelis will not do anything without our backing. They know they would need us if a real war broke out in the middle east and they, like us, are dealing with #1!


They need us as much as they need a hole in the head. They can handle their neighbors. It's the rest of the world they can't handle...the Russias, the Chinas, the Eurotrash.

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They need us as much as they need a hole in the head. They can handle their neighbors. It's the rest of the world they can't handle...the Russias, the Chinas, the Eurotrash.

They buy almost all their military equipment from us. They do need us and won't act without us. I wish they would bomb Iran, but I just don't see them putting themselves out there all alone (they would be alone if they did it). No way Obama approves an attack on Iran.

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And when you (personally) are in one of those situations, do you err on the side of action or inaction?

Action. I recognize, however, that the situation has become rather unfortunate.


They buy almost all their military equipment from us. They do need us and won't act without us. I wish they would bomb Iran, but I just don't see them putting themselves out there all alone (they would be alone if they did it). No way Obama approves an attack on Iran.

I don't think they'll be looking for approval first. When they finally make the decision, it'll be far too late to wait for a head nod from Obama.

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Unless Obama openly denounces the Israelis the world will sit on their thumbs like they did when the Israelis took out that Syrian site a few years back. They're not going to do ****. What can they do? They're a bunch of !@#$ing amateurs...



Who's "they," Walter? Certainly not the people with three thousand years of glorious culture from Moses to Sandy Koufax...

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They buy almost all their military equipment from us. They do need us and won't act without us. I wish they would bomb Iran, but I just don't see them putting themselves out there all alone (they would be alone if they did it). No way Obama approves an attack on Iran.


This opinion isn't what I'd call historically accurate. They didn't act with our approval in 67. They didn't acti with our approval against Osirak (Hussein was an ally at that time). If they feel threatened, they will do what we don't have the huevos rancheros to do.

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Unless Obama openly denounces the Israelis the world will sit on their thumbs like they did when the Israelis took out that Syrian site a few years back. They're not going to do ****. What can they do? They're a bunch of !@#$ing amateurs...

Do you really think they didn't get our approval? Come on, we may not have come out publicly and said we approved this, but we knew about it, and turned a blind eye so that it could happen.


Israel cannot bomb Iran without our knowing about it, and our willingness to let it happen.

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Do you really think they didn't get our approval? Come on, we may not have come out publicly and said we approved this, but we knew about it, and turned a blind eye so that it could happen.


Israel cannot bomb Iran without our knowing about it, and our willingness to let it happen.


Israel probably can bomb Syria without our foreknowledge or preapproval. I doubt they did...but I'm sure they could.


Iran, however, is a completely different story.

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