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9th Circuit Strike Again

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Given the influence of the sugar lobby - already one of the most subsidized and protected argricultural markets - and the fact that almost half of sugar production comes from genetically modified beets, will we now see an additional subsidy from the administration to assist farmers switch crops?

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Given the influence of the sugar lobby - already one of the most subsidized and protected argricultural markets - and the fact that almost half of sugar production comes from genetically modified beets, will we now see an additional subsidy from the administration to assist farmers switch crops?


More likely there'll be a sugar shortage, prices will skyrocket, the sugar companies will make a killing, and the administration will demonize Big Sugar for stickin' it to the working class while their fat-cat Wall Street CEOs make bonuses that are "too big", resulting in the appointment of a "Sugar Czar" to determine executive compensation, and ultimately the bankruptcy of the industry and the screwing of the bondholders when the administration gives the industry over to some migrant workers' union.

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... resulting in the appointment of a "Sugar Czar" to determine executive compensation, and ultimately the bankruptcy of the industry and the screwing of the bondholders when the administration gives the industry over to some migrant workers' union.


I believe the correct term is "Sugar Daddy."

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Utah and Idaho have to be concerned.

I think the genetic modification was the addition of a frog gene or two that prevents a certain mold or rot from forming.


Guess this is how we have rapprochement with Cuba. Of course, the farmers will have to be paid off, but the government can force them to begin growing "medical" marijuana.


I'm with Joe. Roasted beets are great, as are most roasted root vegetables.

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So, once again, instead of letting the customer make the decision, which is how this gets done properly, we have yet another fool deciding that "Beet Warming"TM is real with no data to support that.


I wonder if there is a political organization at the UN that can collect "data", like undergraduate papers, and news pieces, that will give us unequivocal proof that genetic beets are bad.

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So, once again, instead of letting the customer make the decision, which is how this gets done properly, we have yet another fool deciding that "Beet Warming"TM is real with no data to support that.


I wonder if there is a political organization at the UN that can collect "data", like undergraduate papers, and news pieces, that will give us unequivocal proof that genetic beets are bad.

Exactly. I bought a 2 LB box of C&H sugar yesterday[very reasonable price, under $2.00, I don't know how they can ship it here for that] and wondered about the contains no beet sugar blurb on the front till I saw this thread. So the choice is already mine, with or with out the help of the 9th short circuit.

Oh and the Sierra club is devoting their resources to beets and ignores some thing like Alaska's pebble mine

I have never noticed them adding any input on this massive project. Sierra club has become a fringe group like the ACLU.

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