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OT, kinda, College whiners...BCS!


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I dont know about you but im sick of all the college team whining about there BCS position. I sick of all the cry babies complaining about the system and why they arent in the (fill in the blank) bowl.


The BCS IS by far, the best way to figure out who is best. Its the most comprehensive tool out there....FOR NOW.


Got news for you Auburn or Utah, if you think your so great, get on the field in a playoff system and PROVE IT!


Im saying take the top 8 teams and run a 4 game playoff, top prize is the top bowl and the national championship. We will still have whiners at say 9 or 10 but so what, they had control and could have won one more or added to there strength of schedule by scheduling a tougher team.


These babies are done with there season like a month and a half before the pros, why? Leave that time for playoffs.


BCS + playoffs = Most fair system!

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Um, maybe because they are college students and not professional athletes?    :doh:



Yes, they are literally "college students" but it's a very different form of college from what the rest of us experience.


This issue is about money, pure and simple. As soon as they figure out how to keep the bowl gravy train in tact and develope a playoff system we'll see a legitimate national champion.


It's ironic how they claim to be concerned about the "poor kids" missing another week of school yet they have no problems when the basketball team goes to a tournament at the beginning and end of each season.

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As a fan whos team is seemingly always going to be in the thick of this....I will add my two cents.


Honestly...USC is a joke. Weakest schedule of all 3. Weakest W/L record for opponents of the three. Weakest Non confrence schedule. So either OU or Auburn will get screwed.


This last offseason the MEDIA got it's wish. THEY want to control who goes. That is why the left coast WEAKER team will finish #1.


USC to me will get beat by either OU or auburn. They are VERY Weak against the run. OSU (ok state) beat the sh-- out of UCLA early in the season. V. Morancy put up over 200 yards rushing on them. This is why Reggie Bush doesn't impress me. BTW...go see how many VM put up on OU....not much.


As for Auburn, the SEC usually is a great confrence, but go look at the records this year. It's not as tough as last year that is for sure. Auburn screwed it's self by agreeing to play a NCAA Division II team this year. Volunteered to play them. You don't do that if you want to play for a national championship.


OU? is BETTER than last year. MUCH Better. They are a much more complete team. They don't rely on just Jason White. You do and AP will put up 200 on your ass. Shut him down and White will burn you for 300 and 4 TD's. Weakness? Secondary? Well it was due to 2 reasons. We had to start a Freshman at corner due to our top CB Being out until yesterday. We lost the top DT in the nation in Dusty Dvoracek. We had to start another freshman that was pulling a mike williams in Moe Dampeer in his stead. We lost another starter and one back up on the DL to injury. FINALLY OU has it's sh-- together from top to bottom.



Look someone is getting screwed. If it is OU so be it. We go to a BCS Game and are going to finish no worse than #3 in the nation. How many times in the last 6 years has OU finished in the top 6 in the last 6 years? I can live with that. To be in the top 5 or so and in the race EVERY year? Damn guys I can sure as hell live with that. Knowing you are always in it, you WILL play for it from time to time....Not too bad in my opinion.


What if OU Goes and loses again? Well folks I root for a team that lost 4 straight superbowls. I think I can live with it esp when we EARNED the right to get there.


As for NCAA in general, it's a fuggin joke. It's all about the benjamins and we all know it. We will never have a playoff system with the current people in charge of the confrences.


Long story short, it should be OU and Auburn. They have better strength of schedule, better non conf SOS and a better opponant W/L record AND Both won their confrence championships.

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This last offseason the MEDIA got it's wish. THEY want to control who goes. That is why the left coast WEAKER team will finish #1.



I couldnt agree more ICE, because Bobby Bowden and Tom Osborne got the sympathy National Titles in 1993 an 1994 because the media loved them and wanted them to get their titles. I remember Bob Costas sucking Osborne's a$$ right after Nebraska beat a overrated Miami team, and barely, EVEN BEFORE Penn State was playing the next day,HE declared them National Champs.


College football is ALL politics. Case closed.

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There's a playoff in every other team sport plus there's a playoff in Division 1AA, 2 & 3 football, but why not for 1A, because it would interfer with the student athlete.


OK, we're suppose to believe the NCAA's line of crap!


Here's how I'd organize such a tournament:

16 teams, 8 conference champions and the next 8 highest ranked teams.


The conference champs should be seeded #1-8 and host the first round games.



ACC, SEC, Big10, Big 12, PAC-10, Big East are automatic,

Virginia Tech, Auburn, Michigan, Oklahoma, USC, Pittsburgh

the MAC, WAC, MWC, Sun Belt and any other small 1A conference, the top tated two conference champions would get in. This year it would be Utah and Boise State.


Take the next 8 high rated teams: California, Texas, Georgia, Louisville, Miami, LSU, Iowa, Florida State


Therefore tournament might look something like this.

Higher seed hosts first round games, the last 3 rounds played ona neutral site using the bowl sites.


1. USC

16. Florida State


2. Oklahoma

15. Iowa


3. Auburn

14. Miami


4. Utah

13. LSU


5. Boise State

12. Louisville


6. Virginia Tech

11. Georgia


7. Michigan

10. Texas


8. Pittsburgh

9. California

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I have a better idea. A confrence win does NOT give you an automatic bid. Make all teams earn it. I guarentee you SOS will go UP for all top teams if you take away the guarenteed bid :doh:


Now take the top 8 BCS Teams and have a playoff. Pretty damn simple to me. Oh and take the vote away from the media PERIOD! Let all 117 NCAA div I coaches vote and have the computers do their deal. Then the biased is greatly negated.

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...this just in: life isn't fair. In the world of D-I/A football, that's the way the cookie crumbles.


Would have loved a 1 v 4 (USC/Utah), 2 v 3 (OU/Auburn) playdown for #1. But that's not how it's done.


USC-OU in the Orange Bowl? I'd make the Sooners an early favorite based on their defense. The last three weeks, they have been in shutdown mode. Combine that with how they totally smothered Texas earlier in the season, that unit may make the difference.

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