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Taking bets....


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Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."

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Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."

I'm not sure what you're referring to but somehow I doubt it's not you pointing a finger at your own hypocrisy.

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Please illustrate......Ga' head.

Whining about the Muslims putting in a mosque while whining about them possibly whining about Christians doing something similar? You actually think that proves something other than all you religious weirdos are, in fact, weirdos?

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Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."


I am willing to bet that the Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies would just try and take your money. They could give a !@#$ about the conservative cause.

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Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."


I'm willing to bet that the intolerance would be limited to mocking and some funny jokes on the Daily Show.

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Im willing to bet lotsa cashola that if "The Rush Limbaugh Center for Advanced Conservative Studies" was in the works to be built in the middle of Berkeley, CA, Seatttle, Austin or smack dab in the middle of some other liberal hotbed, we wouldnt be hearing too much about "tolerance."





when the shoe is on the other foot then its not tolerance.. but protecting our rights "we are not going to allow you here because we don't want to offend anyone" its amazing how tolerance get used for political gain



i love the double standard of tolerance. its such a joke... don't even get me started on how twisted the idea of diversity has become

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