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OK last year I've read that Obama was a secrete Muslim then a secrete Marxist, and now I'm reading that he was a CIA operative- so my question is does he get to say "stay thirsty my friends" when the other guy gets too old.

OK last year I've read that Obama was a secrete Muslim then a secrete Marxist, and now I'm reading that he was a CIA operative- so my question is does he get to say "stay thirsty my friends" when the other guy gets too old.

This is perceived as a secret?


Don't forget that he eats arugala.





.. or that he's the anti-christ, or extremist christian, or black activist, or fascist, or the savior, or controlled by the teleprompter, or kenyan, or hitler, or emotionally distant, or too angry, or the messiah, etc, etc

Wow, connor, thanks! I knew Obama was a lot of things, but you've added new dimensions to his breadth of inability. Again, thanks!

Don't thank me, thank FoxNewsBreitbartLimbaughDrudgeCoulter and friends.

Don't forget that he eats arugala.

If you're going to look down your nose at people, learn to spell.

.. or that he's the anti-christ, or extremist christian, or black activist, or fascist, or the savior, or controlled by the teleprompter, or kenyan, or hitler, or emotionally distant, or too angry, or the messiah, etc, etc

Which is totally different than how the wacko lefties portrayed the previous chimp, AWOLer, extremist Christian, Mission from Godder, etc? Don't like it? Don't engage in it, you !@#$ing hypocritical moron.

If you're going to look down your nose at people, learn to spell.


Which is totally different than how the wacko lefties portrayed the previous chimp, AWOLer, extremist Christian, Mission from Godder, etc? Don't like it? Don't engage in it, you !@#$ing hypocritical moron.

Up until last year our soldiers had !@#$ing Bible verses on their rifles.

If you're going to look down your nose at people, learn to spell.


Which is totally different than how the wacko lefties portrayed the previous chimp, AWOLer, extremist Christian, Mission from Godder, etc? Don't like it? Don't engage in it, you !@#$ing hypocritical moron.


Only you do realize, the Conservatives lost any ground to stand on by using the same tactics, right? Vote em all out.

OK last year I've read that Obama was a secrete Muslim then a secrete Marxist, and now I'm reading that he was a CIA operative- so my question is does he get to say "stay thirsty my friends" when the other guy gets too old.




Not because I don't believe you...it just sounds like a hilarious read. :wallbash:

Don't forget that he eats arugala.





.. or that he's the anti-christ, or extremist christian, or black activist, or fascist, or the savior, or controlled by the teleprompter, or kenyan, or hitler, or emotionally distant, or too angry, or the messiah, etc, etc


he's the anti-christ - uh, yeah. :wallbash:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hyperbole


black activist - One need look no further than his angry pig faced B word of a wife to know this one's not too far from the mark. His church of choice didn't help things either.


fascist - This word doesn't mean what you think it means.


the savior/messiah - He is the one we've been waiting for.


emotionally distant - Does he strike you as the warm fuzzy type? Just curious.


hitler - You can count those people on your fingers. Of course, if anyone brings up Obama's fascist tendencies and how in the past socialist/fascist regimes have led to disaster such as the USSR or Nazi Germany some shrill lib with a double digit IQ will accuse you of calling Obama Hitler.


controlled by the teleprompter - Is this somehow unfair? I distictly remember President Ron Burgundy thanking himself at an event.



Not because I don't believe you...it just sounds like a hilarious read. :wallbash:

Most of the stories seem to be rehashes of Rev James David Manning work(insane rantings) the Rev is putting Obama on trial at his church - here is a small sample of his writing (well not really small)


"Obama was recruited in 1980 by the CIA while a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. The CIA needed Muslims who were fluent in Farsi and other Islamic customs and understandings. Obama was perfect as an undercover agent. The CIA then later enlisted Columbia University to extend its foreign student program to Barack Hussein Obama that he might enroll in the universities around Karachi and in Pakistan, and also the Patrice Lamumba school in Moscow. With a perfect cover as a US student identity, Obama became the lead agent in the arms and money supply to the struggling Taliban army against the Soviet war machine. Obama's cover was flawless, and his skills as an agent incredible. He was more than integral to the Taliban victory later on that decade.


Now I will be presenting documentation to all that I say here in this announcement. But it is public knowledge that Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981. We don't know how often he traveled between Pakistan and Russia, or his return back to America and back to Pakistan, off and on, during his undercover operation in Afghanistan training and being a money supplier and interpreter for the CIA to the Taliban during those war years. The state Department records have been scrubbed and the State Department employee was killed to cover the passport office break-in of April 2008, Lieutenant Quarles Harris, a young African American who was found shot dead in front of the Judah Praise Baptist church in northeast Washington, DC. Obama learned his Islamic language skills while he spent six years in Indonesia with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and his mother. When he returned from his CIA assignment in the mid 1980s, he pressured the State Department to allow him to enter Harvard Law School He excelled at Harvard, became the Editor of the Law Review. Where upon his graduation he could have become a Supreme Court clerk or a multi-million dollar salary would have been offered to him at America's best law firms, except for one thing...he did not have a legitimate background as a US Citizen or as a student from Occidental or Columbia. A diligent investigation by a personnel agency of a major law firm would have revealed he was not a US citizen. And how could a "C" student go from Occidental College to America's fifth most difficult school to enter, into Columbia University, and then from there three years later enter into the world's most difficult lawschool, Harvard?


So what does a former CIA operative do when they cannot pass a personnel test? Obama becomes a "Community Organizer" on the South side of Chicago, where no background check is needed. His marriage to Michelle Robinson, a lawyer and connected Chicago politician, although a convenient marriage, now gives him citizenship and the beginning of a solid background. He takes a job at the same law firm where Michelle becomes his trainer and supervisor, a law firm that is heavily influenced by small time criminal, Tony Rezko. Michelle Robinson controls the personnel records, and his hiring takes place without a hitch. When questions were raised during the 2008 campaign for presidency about his Columbia years, he spun those questions and the media by declaring himself to be an Ascetic, a monk, and a hermit, going days on end without speaking or interacting with anyone, and he did not live one campus with the regular Columbia University students. Today, Obama is a man who loves the limelight and can hardly tear himself away from any camera he passes by, wants us to believe that he was once a monk or hermit with no interaction with anyone.


Michael Wolf, former NTA Chairman and graduate of Columbia says he remembers Obama s very smart and a great debater while he was at Columbia, and he was very active in student activities. Now it appears that Michael Wolf remembers things about Obama that Obama does not remember about himself. FOX news during the 2008 campaign, when questions were raised about Barack OBama's Columbia years, interviewed more than 400 people on campus during the years of 1980 to 1984--students, nurses, librarians, custodians, shopkeepers, people in the environment, in their investigation, not one of the 400 people remembers Barack Hussein Obama during his alleged Columbia years.


The Reagan Bush administrations and the Bush 43 administration, all know this about Barack Obama as a CIA operative, and his help to win the war there for the Taliban in Afghanistan during the Russian invasion. They just did not expect Barack Obama to win the Iowa Caucus. When he won that, there was no way they could assassinate him, remove him from the scene. They had to allow him to march over the Clintons and over John McCain that he might be the president.


We as a government and and as a people are being held hostage by this former CIA operative Barack Hussein Obama who has heavy Muslim beliefs Marxist politics and has an intense hatred for this nation called America. At the trial 14th of May I will document, all these statements that are not public knowledge. But because of growing threatening circumstances I must present my case to the public now. I am James David Manning, Senior Pastor of the Atlah World Missionary Church in Harlem, New York and host of Manning report."



Another repeated source is Wayne Madsen, Madsen never comes out and calls Obama a CIA operative much the same way I never called anyones mother a whore- just that she worked in the the red light district and had many gentlemen callers who stayed for half an hour and often left with their pants unzipped.




This seems to be a stand alone



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