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I'm seventy years old. I've watched the Bills, either at the stadium or on TV, since Christ was a midshipman. I've "seen" last night's game at least one hundred times--inept, uninspired, clueless.


The ONLY question I have is why fans continue to pay money to support such a poor product?

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I'm seventy years old. I've watched the Bills, either at the stadium or on TV, since Christ was a midshipman. I've "seen" last night's game at least one hundred times--inept, uninspired, clueless.


The ONLY question I have is why fans continue to pay money to support such a poor product?

Many don't. In places like this you're going to get a skewed indicator as to who does.


My guess is that there are a lot of fans that are not as serious as we are and others that like to discuss the team actively and they buy tickets strictly as entertainment value, and while they want the team to win, don't get all upset when they don't.


Otherwise how do you explain it? I mean what sort of person that's really interested in watching a well managed team actually pays to see this stuff? I don't know, just asking, because I agree that it's a waste of money. I'd rather spend the money on taking the family to a theme park or something.


I was offered free tickets to last night's game which would have been several hours of a drive for me, and I didn't accept and after seeing it on TV I'm glad I didn't. It would have been a waste of time even if I lived right around the corner.


Buffalo may not even have a team in 2012. Next year looks like a lockout or another one of those scrub player years. Wilson's living on borrowed time. It should be interesting to see which team it is that's going public for 30% ownership in September if that's really true.

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