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If there is TRULY an open QB competition


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The first drive was good. But we again saw the short pass to ML on 3rd and 13. Was that really what the play called was for? A QB in his 4th year who has thrown umpteen picks for TDs on passes out to the sidelines should know you can't try to force it into a guy standing there. If Evans isn't doing what he supposed to, don't throw it anyway, throw it away for cryin' out loud. I put 100% of the blame on Trent.


Again we start with a nice drive that stalls out. Then a pick 6 on the next drive followed by 2 3and outs. That's just Trent football. It's time to move on. The thought of signing Pigpen if he gets cut by the Fish is starting to sound more appealing.

yes dear God!!! im so tired of seeing the same crap. im totally into givn Chan time. But last nite felt like everyother night for the last decade. shew i feel a lil better now. thanks for listening.

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I'll say it again - on Sept. 12, the QB 'pecking-order' will be


Brian Brohm - Starting QB

Bad Bad Levi Brown - #2 QB

Ryan Fitzpatrick - Clipboard

Trent Edwards - President, Dakota Fanning Fan Club - Los Gatos Chapter


While I agree and always have thst Brohm will win this job, I cant see any scenario where Levi is the #2. I mean anythings possible, but Levi looked like a 7th round pick out there last nigh and isnt ready to play at this level yet. Not saying he doesnt have potential, just that he wont be ready to step into a game if our starter is out.


I think Ftiz will be in the most danger of being cut because of his salary, but then again, after Trents game last night they may keep Fitz and cut Trent if he keeps performing like that this preseason.

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I'll say it again - on Sept. 12, the QB 'pecking-order' will be


Brian Brohm - Starting QB

Bad Bad Levi Brown - #2 QB

Ryan Fitzpatrick - Clipboard

Trent Edwards - President, Dakota Fanning Fan Club - Los Gatos Chapter



Edwards wont get cut. its brohm or fitz.


I dont understand the optimism with brohm. He was cut by GB and hasnt looked good in buffalo. Im not defending edwards i think he blows too but what has brohm shown? i guess well see thurs what hes got.



Is it me or did anyone else notice that brown had a lot of zip on his passes?

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If there is truly a God, Bills fans will be spared another year of watching Edwards and Fitzpatrick.



Trent was back to his old tricks again, and Fitz looks tired and worn out. Either let Brohm play, or put Levi to work. For a rookie, that kind looked poised.

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Then Brohm deserves a chance to start next week and get some good reps in. I am guessing Trent will start and Brohm will come in with the 2nd unit and Fitz wont play with Levi in mop up duty, but in all fairness let the kid start. He may bomb or he may do well, but it doesnt matter, all today proved is that Trent and Fitz dont have it...so let the kid that we dont know enough about yet get some well deserved reps and play a quarter or two with the first unit.


I agree for the most part. At least Fitz got his **** together and did something. Trent had the suck pedal mashed through the floorboards after the first drive.

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If the decision is between Trent and Fitz, how do you NOT start Fitz against Miami? I mean i was at the Miami game last season and he showed damn good leadership and poise vs. 1st string Dolphins who were gunning for the playoffs. If they start Trent then look for another game with 3 points ala Cleveland last year....

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Still think Jason Campbell is not an upgrade?



Campbell is an upgrade, but that's not a very high bar. Campbell isn't good business, though. He gets you nuthin beyond a win or two more, for a season or two more.


Definitely not Campbell, but certainly none of our "big three" either.


CG has to get this team through this season, so we gotta watch what we're gonna watch :beer: , but our long-term starter gets drafted next spring :P and the seasoned vet to ride shotgun for him is still playing for someone else. We'll draft Luck or one of those guys, and we'll have to pick up a guy like Brunell who knows he won't start but has something to teach the rook.


I doubt we want TE, RF or BB filling the role of mentor to a stud rookie. Brown hangs around because he's an athlete and an unkown as yet.

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Yeah, posters like you is exactly what I meant. I have no problem with you having your own opinnion, hell if everyone had the same opinnion on this board it would be pretty boring. The issue with your posts is that you like to twist a request for a young prospect to get playing time into some kind of made up claim to his future greatness. Every poster who replied to your post said the same thing...NO ONE is saying he will be this or that, we just want to see the kid get a shot.


In fact, you are the only one making proclamations to what it will be like if he plays. We just want to see him play while you spout off coninuously that a kid who hasnt really played in the NFL yet is a bust and cant cut it. He may bomb, but he also may surprise and develop. No one knows (well nobody besides you) if he will do well or not, thats the point. Its time to find out because Trent and Fitz continue to show no reason to be optimistic that they are capable of being a starting QB in this league.


And FYI: Those other offenses played one or two series max, our first string offense played almost an entire half.


Nice rebuttal dawg.

As someone brought up a few months ago, you also have to look at a player's floor. Brohm has a much bigger floor, or downside potential than Edwards or Fitzpatrick. I can honestly say from what I saw in Brohm's floor game last year (3 points) that he has a lot more "DOWNSIDE" than any other QB on the roster. GB didn't need to see any more of Brohm when they cut him last September & dared the league to claim him before he joined their PS.

If we're screwed with the other two guys, we could be screwed, tattooed, and just plain booed with Brohm out there if he lives down to his potential.

With Brohm there's at least a 50-50 chance that he could be A LOT worse than Edwards or Fitzpatrick-just look at his TD-INT ratio when he's played vs NFL competition, just look at that Atlanta game without falling back on the excuse that "He was too new to the system to be effective" In contrast, Fitzpatrick came into a game cold for the 1st time in his rookie year & lit it up. Now he may have been in the Rams' sytem longer than Brohm was with the Bills, but he was a friggin' rookie & he lit it up! Edwards has had games where he lit it up as well. Brohm has not done a thing in the NFL but get his @ss cut. QBs get cut every year with less of an opportunity than the Bills have given Brohm and nobody ever accuses the team of not giving the guy a fair chance. Virtually every one of these types are never heard from again.

I've used the Gary Marangi analogy to Brohm a lot-once we knew what we had in Marangi, he was out of the league. Brohm is a lot closer to Marangi than he is to Kurt Warner.

Actually I agree with one thing-Brohm has a chance of getting better, because it's hard to imagine him being able to get any worse than that 3 point Atlanta game, which no matter what excuse you try to come up, with was a disaster.

Brohm will be a lot better off after the Bills cut him & he has time to line up a high school coaching job for 2011. That's where his true potential & future is-some high school in Kentucky.


I don't have the time to get into it with you and I wish i did. But I saw the atlanta game in a whole different light than you. Whether you want to admit it, being with the team for a few weeks DOES have something to do with it. The line was in shambles that game and Brohm held his own for being thrown in the fire. He's had ONE friggin game to show us something. that is NOT ENOUGH TIME. All we are saying is give him more work cuz we dont care for the other two. Don't really care if you agree or like it, but that is what "I" want to see.(and apparently some others as well)


Relax. They announced at the beginning of the game that Brohm would not be playing tonite but would be playing in game 2.


Pay attention boys.

I am relaxed, thanks for caring. Was busy getting dinner for my 13 year old so missed that part. But that makes me happy.


Edwards wont get cut. its brohm or fitz.


I dont understand the optimism with brohm. He was cut by GB and hasnt looked good in buffalo. Im not defending edwards i think he blows too but what has brohm shown? i guess well see thurs what hes got.



Is it me or did anyone else notice that brown had a lot of zip on his passes?

Why is it so hard to understand some of us think we know what we got in trent and fitz? Brohm hasn't really even had a chance to show anything in buffalo so why are you writing him off so quickly? The bottom line is what you said; lets see what he's got thursday.

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I'm thinking Gailey may give Trent another game....maybe 2, to see if his production improves. If not, Chan may very well pick a new #1QB by game 3 or 4.


Trent can play his lights out in practice, but unless his production improves and his mistakes drop dramatically against other teams in live play, Chan may make a move to Fitz as #1 with Brohm waiting right behind him.


Next game will be very important for Edwards.

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I put Trent in the Wednesday-Thursday 80 degrees and sunny category. I put Fitz in the Sunday category. I don't think he's great or even very good for that matter, don't get me wrong. But he does make some nice plays. That TD pass was extremely nice. He's got football smarts and is a gutsy leader. If we crowned his a$$ the starter and he got most of the reps instead of them being wasted on Trent and our defense improved and we ran the ball a lot. I could see that working.

why do you say this???

you are clearly a fitz supporter. i am a bills supporter! Based on yesterday and trents whole career, fitz is better.


So that makes me a fitz supporter!


compared to trent, i hope ALL BILLS nation is a fitz supporter.

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I'll say it again - on Sept. 12, the QB 'pecking-order' will be


Brian Brohm - Starting QB

Bad Bad Levi Brown - #2 QB

Ryan Fitzpatrick - Clipboard

Trent Edwards - President, Dakota Fanning Fan Club - Los Gatos Chapter

You may be right except Fitz #2 and Levi #3. Can't see Gailey making the rook #2.

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I'm thinking Gailey may give Trent another game....maybe 2, to see if his production improves. If not, Chan may very well pick a new #1QB by game 3 or 4.


Trent can play his lights out in practice, but unless his production improves and his mistakes drop dramatically against other teams in live play, Chan may make a move to Fitz as #1 with Brohm waiting right behind him.


Next game will be very important for Edwards.

let fitz play with first team and trent 2nd next week.


Because fitz is better, he will outperform trent like he always does anyway. Then hopefully fitz can be named starter for decisive game 3 and regular season.


then delegate trent as our #3 or #4.


im being serious this time.

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But you don't think what we saw on the first drive is enough to build on vs. what you saw from Fitz? I mean that was as impressive as Fitz's performance. I blame the INT on Evans or at least 50% of it.

What game were you watching last nite? Edwards was downright horrible. Defenses know he will not throw the intermediate pass across the middle of the field so they crowd are receivers and play all throws towards the sidelines. And he has no accuracy on the deep ball as exhibited when he overthrew Stevie J by 5 yards. Can you really see Trent leading an offense that can score in the 20's on a regular basis? I just can't see it. As for Fitz, I have always been a big supporter of his. But I will admit he is not a stud in the slightest. But he brings some moxie and savvy to the table at times which Trent just doesn't have. I hope Brohm is the answer. But if not, based on what I have seen from both TE and RF over the past year plus, there is absolutely NO WAY that you can honestly say that Trent should be starting ahead of Fitzie.

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