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It is agenda based as usual, but I wish we would stop seeing corporate "sponsorships." The Obama campaign set a terrible precedent. Soon the rich will be able to buy the government....some would claim that day has already come



So true, look at Fox News shelling out $1 Million to the GOP. Crazy.

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The News Corporation, controlled by Rupert Murdoch, contributed $1 million to the Republican Governors Association this summer, Bloomberg news service reported this week.


So the National Geographic channel donated $1M to the RGA as well.

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Does the National Geographic channel have news?

Does ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, CNN Headline News, CNBC or MSNBC have news?

CNBC- probably no, since there is always an infomercial on when I scan past it.

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Does ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, CNN Headline News, CNBC or MSNBC have news?

CNBC- probably no, since there is always an infomercial on when I scan past it.


CNBC has had to abandon news since Immelt at Zucker pulled the talent aside and let them know on no uncertain terms that they were to back off any negative comments about Obama.


I suppose we could track the political donations of GE and attribute them all to NBC News and giggle at how clever we were to do so.

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Again, something I didn't know. Thanks! They're the parents of the National Geographic Society, or do they just run the channel for the society?


They just run the channel. NGS is a separate entity from NewsCorp (though they obviously provide content and branding to NatGeo).

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They just run the channel. NGS is a separate entity from NewsCorp (though they obviously provide content and branding to NatGeo).



That's what I figured. I didn't think a body as August as the NGS would subject themselves to the whims of Murdoch. Murdoch has, fwiw, done an excellent job with NatGeo.

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That's what I figured. I didn't think a body as August as the NGS would subject themselves to the whims of Murdoch. Murdoch has, fwiw, done an excellent job with NatGeo.


To Murdoch's credit, he had nothing to do with Mother!@#$ing March of the Mother!@#$ing Penguins.

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