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Libs target Target

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I think I'll start doing as much of my shopping as possible at Target.

It is agenda based as usual, but I wish we would stop seeing corporate "sponsorships." The Obama campaign set a terrible precedent. Soon the rich will be able to buy the government....some would claim that day has already come

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This is another example of liberals attempting to silence free speech.

The "fairness doctrine" would require Target to sponsor candidates that held an opposing viewpoint.

What if they want to back the conservative candidate because he wants to lower the cost of doing business in that state?

Just because he holds a position on another matter that a group doesn't like - they're going to be blackmailed into forking over money to candidates or causes that they don't have a particular allegiance to?

Welcome to Nazi Germany.

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This is another example of liberals attempting to silence free speech.

The "fairness doctrine" would require Target to sponsor candidates that held an opposing viewpoint.

What if they want to back the conservative candidate because he wants to lower the cost of doing business in that state?

Just because he holds a position on another matter that a group doesn't like - they're going to be blackmailed into forking over money to candidates or causes that they don't have a particular allegiance to?

Welcome to Nazi Germany.


I disagree with them, but would you deny them the right to protest?

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I disagree with them, but would you deny them the right to protest?

If it's private property they do not have a right to protest. Private can even mean the shopping center area where the target is located. If someone doesn't like what I do thay can protest on the street in front of my house but not on my property.

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If it's private property they do not have a right to protest. Private can even mean the shopping center area where the target is located. If someone doesn't like what I do thay can protest on the street in front of my house but not on my property.


Then arrest them for trespassing, I would agree with that if they were warned.

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This is another example of liberals attempting to silence free speech.

The "fairness doctrine" would require Target to sponsor candidates that held an opposing viewpoint.

What if they want to back the conservative candidate because he wants to lower the cost of doing business in that state?

Just because he holds a position on another matter that a group doesn't like - they're going to be blackmailed into forking over money to candidates or causes that they don't have a particular allegiance to?

Welcome to Nazi Germany.


Actually, the Nazi party, if they didn't like an opposing party, wouldn't demand equal time. They'd just kill people.

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Was at a moveon rally the other day and a bunch of tea party people showed up to counter. There was this one woman from moveon that was really confrontational and got right in the tea party peoples faces. Kind of funny in that she kept yelling at this one guy and whenever he tried to speak she would yell at him, "i'm not going to talk to you if you yell."


It was hillarious. The tea party guys all looked blue collar, (probably out of work right now), and the moveon people looked retired; trust fund aura was all over them.


It was fun to watch to say the least.

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Without knowing all the details.. so please forgive me if i'm off base, but most likely Target is supporting candidate A specifically because he is pro-business and will benefit target in some fashion, perhaps lower tax rates. It just so happens that candidate A also does not support Gay marriage. that does not make target racist or run by bigots just business people looking out for their interests...


should they support candidate B who will may harm their business even though he has the liberal viewpoint of gay marraige support? Target will run out of candidate very quickly to support if they are out of business...

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