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It's one thing to loan some money for a stadium, but for relocation & a stadium, in this economy, I highly doubt it.

You have a good point regarding economies right now but the NFL owners can make it happen if they want.

This is not an NFL caliber stadium. It is suitable for a division II NCAA team. It will not be convertible to nfl quality with luxury boxes, concessions and capacity.

As it stands now, no it isn't. But what happens in a few years while the stadium is still in the planning stages? All I'm saying is if you already have a plan in place, you can always upgrade it.



As it stands now, no it isn't. But what happens in a few years while the stadium is still in the planning stages? All I'm saying is if you already have a plan in place, you can always upgrade it.



I haven't heard of the owner of RIM (blackberry) express an interest in the NFL. He is too busy trying unsuccessfully to bring a hockey team to hamilton. While he could afford to be an NFL owner, he would not be able to own a hockey team as well.

It's one thing to loan some money for a stadium, but for relocation & a stadium, in this economy, I highly doubt it.

Keep the posts coming Jerry, I like her more and more every time I see her. I think that I might

be developing computer trouble.

You have a good point regarding economies right now but the NFL owners can make it happen if they want.


I have agree with the first half of the statement. There just isn't the money out there like there was 15-20 years ago.

1) The NFL can waive the relocation fee AND/OR help build an LA stadium if they see fit

2) Toronto would not be a "relocation" any more than the Jets/Giants stadium proposal in NYC (which became NJ after) in the eyes of the league, thanks to Ralph's "claim" of the Toronto market.

3) I still do not see them going anywhere. Ralph has had a plan for a LONG time


Not sure Ralph has a plan (I was hoping he would tell us he did last year during his induction at HOF in Canton as it would be the right thing to do...At least tell me that you are trying like hell to make certain the team remains in Buffalo for a very long time)...Anyways, it would be very expensive to buy and move the team, but it could still easily be done....Point is this...The Bills are a brand. A succesful consumer brand that has a loyal following that buy into that brand every year for the past 50 years. If the Bills could win, the brand becomes more valuable but thats another story...It isnt wise to gamble on taking a succesful brand like the Bills and moving them and changing the identity (see "NEW" Coke). Dont buy into the BS everyone spews about Buffalo is dying/too small etc....It doesnt matter...Goodell and The NFL want the Bills in WNY so long as they continue to have clients buying into the brand (tickets, merchandise etc). LA and Jacksonville are proof that not all cities are a sure shot of success in the NFL. Even The Raiders with all of their tradition couldnt get more than 30-40,000 people to come out last season. The Bills were #7 in attendance last year in 7 games, you average out the attendance and add that number to an 8th game that we lost to Toronto and we become #4 in attendance! And that was for arguably the worst Bills on field product of the past 25 years! If Buffalo slips big time in attendence you may be in trouble...But for now...The Bills are a proven commodity and I do not think they will be relocating. If they begin winning again...watch out! Lastly, the Bills are a team that a lot of people actually like (or at least dont hate) I get that a lot from people out here. People pull for The Bills and seem to like us, maybe because of tradition, maybe because we are a small market underdog/ blue collar town/team. Anyways, I get a lot of positive feedback and The Bills bar in San Diego crams in about 150 Bills fans each weekend for games-every year-win or lose...We outnumber Bears Eagles Giants Dallas bars and so on by a mile...Only one that beats us is Pittsburgh, and it aint by much!Go Bills-Cant wait!

I asked Chris Brown (Bills reporter) questions about how much money would it take for a new Bills owner to purchase the team and relocate it to another city, here's Chris' response: "The attractive situation with the Bills franchise is there is no debt. No debt on the stadium, not a lot of dead money on player contracts etc. With the lease expiring in 2012 it makes getting out of Buffalo easier as well. Relocation fees can be up to $600M and Commissioner Goodell I believe has discretion to make it even higher as a deterrent. If a team costs up to $1 billion (Forbes valued Bills at $909 million this year) I still think despite the lease and no debt issues that the relocation fee would be enough of a deterrent."


If a new owner were to decide to move the team, he would have to come up with at least $2.5 Billion at minimum, to include purchase, moving & building a new stadium in a new city. That might work heavily in Buffalo's favor to keep the team in WNY.


That is probably the most coherent and intelligent posting on what would happen to the Bills should Ralph pass than anyone I have ever heard talk about this subject. And that includes WGR, Channels 2, 4, and 7, ESPN, Tim Graham, the Buffalo News, and all of the gossip sites out there too (TBD, Buffalo Rumbling, etc).


Good job, man! :thumbsup:


This makes the most sense for a potential owner. The Bills are a viable franchise because they are in solid financial shape. This makes them attractive to a potential suitor.


Question: to play the negative side, would anyone suspect that this is why the team has been mediocre for the last decade? Could this possibly explain the "cash-to-cap" philosophy as being one of not what is best for the team on the field, but what is best to make the team attractive overall to unforeseen circumstances? Ralph's wish to get the house in order, kind of like getting a will and life insurance and affairs in order?


Not to be morbid here, but this makes a lot of sense as to why the Bills, after the Super Bowl years have been content to settle for 2nd rate. For the health and viability of the future of the franchise, play it conservative just in case.

really people again with this-


Bills aren't going anywhere



3) I still do not see them going anywhere. Ralph has had a plan for a LONG time


1. When Ralph passes, his wife Mary will inherit the team...no estate tax that way

2. Mary plans to sell the team to Kelly's group of investors, which includes a guy with some very deep pockets

3. The only thing we as fans have to do is keep supporting our team...a lack of support could cause Kelly's money man to back out of the plan

4. This plan came out publicly, though not officially, about 2 1/2 years ago

5 It would also be good for fans to stop talking about the team moving because all it does is piss people off..we lose the team and WNY's economy will go farther downhill fast

As it stands now, no it isn't. But what happens in a few years while the stadium is still in the planning stages? All I'm saying is if you already have a plan in place, you can always upgrade it.




KC is undergoing a three year major upgrade to their current stadium. In essence, it will be a rebuilt stadium. Their stadium is very similar to our stadium. It was designed by the same engineering firm. The team is paying a sizeable contriubtion and so are the local authorities to this major project. Until there is new ownership here it won't happen.

Across the street? I guess that depends on if it's cheaper to build a new stadium across the street, or just re-route the current street. :thumbsup:

Two Bills Drive is here, the website you're reading/posting on, it's not a physical address.

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