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Arcade Fire on John Stewart!

The Dean

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I liked them, but MAN was it one of the strangest things i've ever seen in a non-showy musical act (a-la cooper, manson)



The second song was almost tolerable. The first was as bad as music gets.

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The second song was almost tolerable. The first was as bad as music gets.



The second one i found much better than the first as well. But how often does an indie act w/ 8 musicians get on national TV? Also, not too many acts sound great on the Daily Show and Colbert Report from what I remember.

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Arcade Fire is a pretty good band. Sometimes it seems like they are trying to be artsy-fartsy indie. But their albums are good and their live show is usually good too. I just don't think that "what they do" transfers over to these types of talk-show stages very well, although I've seen them kill it on Saturday Night Live before. maybe just an off night and bad setting? Ive only given the new album one listen, but I liked what I heard.

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