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Great article from the Atlantic...

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“The real threat to Zionism is the dilution of quality,” he said. “Jews know that they can land on their feet in any corner of the world. The real test for us is to make Israel such an attractive place, such a cutting-edge place in human society, education, culture, science, quality of life, that even American Jewish young people want to come here.” This vision is threatened by Iran and its proxies, Barak said. “Our young people can consciously decide to go other places,” if they dislike living under the threat of nuclear attack. “Our best youngsters could stay out of here by choice.”


This is the real crux of the matter- This is why it doesn't matter weather the Iranians have a nuclear weapons program or not, the Israelis feel existentially threatened by the Iranians having the technological ability to build a nuclear weapon.

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“The real threat to Zionism is the dilution of quality,” he said. “Jews know that they can land on their feet in any corner of the world. The real test for us is to make Israel such an attractive place, such a cutting-edge place in human society, education, culture, science, quality of life, that even American Jewish young people want to come here.” This vision is threatened by Iran and its proxies, Barak said. “Our young people can consciously decide to go other places,” if they dislike living under the threat of nuclear attack. “Our best youngsters could stay out of here by choice.”


This is the real crux of the matter- This is why it doesn't matter weather the Iranians have a nuclear weapons program or not, the Israelis feel existentially threatened by the Iranians having the technological ability to build a nuclear weapon.

Not sure what you are getting at. It is not enough to take out Irans active weapons program, or must they bomb them back to the stone age so they can never have a nuclear weapons program?

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Not sure what you are getting at. It is not enough to take out Irans active weapons program, or must they bomb them back to the stone age so they can never have a nuclear weapons program?

Smallpox blankets, Native American style. That'll teach 'em.

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Amusing analysis, but OK. A neutron bomb is significantly different from a normal thermonuclear device or a fissile bomb, is it not?


No, they're regular nukes jacketed differently for increased neutron flux and decreased blast.

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If it means that whackjob Ahmedinijad not having his finger on the launch button, I think it's worth it.


If that's your argument, then no worries. Ahmedinijad's too low in the Iranian government to have launch authority.

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OK, thanks, learn something new every day.


De nada.



As an aside, I'd like to point out to the likes of conner and Hossage (if he can still read): when you're wrong about something, and admit it, and don't keep insisting you're right, you not only learn something, but face FAR less abuse. Actively embracing your own ignorance, like Joe does, can be a very good thing - it's what keeps you from being a moron. Y'all should give it a try.

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De nada.



As an aside, I'd like to point out to the likes of conner and Hossage (if he can still read): when you're wrong about something, and admit it, and don't keep insisting you're right, you not only learn something, but face FAR less abuse. Actively embracing your own ignorance, like Joe does, can be a very good thing - it's what keeps you from being a moron. Y'all should give it a try.



Aw, shucks. You're a well guy, Tom. :thumbsup:

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De nada.



As an aside, I'd like to point out to the likes of conner and Hossage (if he can still read): when you're wrong about something, and admit it, and don't keep insisting you're right, you not only learn something, but face FAR less abuse. Actively embracing your own ignorance, like Joe does, can be a very good thing - it's what keeps you from being a moron. Y'all should give it a try.

Will you do the same?



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