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(NB[Not Bills]) Best Sci Fi Movie?


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the two best SF films made for accuracy would be


Destination: Moon, and 2001 A Space Odyssey


2010 was a very unrated sequell.


Star Trek 2, the Wrath of Khan and Star Wars IV: A new hope were very good space opera.


Funniest SF film would be Spaceballs

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Funniest SF film would be Spaceballs



I thought Galaxy Quest, myself. Not as much of a full-on spoof, but nails every Sci Fi cliche there is.


Underappreciated sci-fi series: Odyssey 5 on Showtime. That was a very interesting series, but apparently didn't have enough homosexuals to be picked up for another season.


Manny Coto and the creative team from O5 was hired for this season of ST:Enterprise, which has been vastly improved, but I don't think anyone has noticed.


Favorite TV Series: Gotta be ST:TOS. However, I'm one of the minority that really dug ST:DS9... I thought ST:TNG was passable and ST:V was awful.

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My favorite Non-Bills Sci Fi Movie is John Carpenter's "The Thing" which I believe is a remake of "It - the Terror from Space"


My favorite Bills Science Fiction movie, however is "The Greatest Comeback." THAT movie is simply UNBELIEVABLE! :rolleyes:

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My favorite Non-Bills Sci Fi Movie is John Carpenter's "The Thing" which I believe is a remake of "It - the Terror from Space"




My brother used to call me "It - the Terror from Beyond Space". :lol:


It was a good movie though.


P.S. He called my sister "Creature from the Black Lagoon". :rolleyes:

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My brother used to call me "It - the Terror from Beyond Space".  :P


It was a good movie though.


P.S. He called my sister "Creature from the Black Lagoon".  :rolleyes:



I think you've got the correct name - It - the Terror from Beyond Space.


I actually saw that at the movie theatre when it first came out. I think I was about 7 and I had bad dreams for days. Man, that was scary! Carpenter's remake is awfully scary too in a creepier kind of way.


By the way, what did you call your brother? :lol:

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Firefly the series.




The idiots at Fox cancelled it, but there's a reason it was the #1 best selling DVD at Amazon for months (before and after its release), and there's a reason that Universal picked it up and made a movie (with all of the same cast members - http://www.serenitymovie.com - comes out September 30th).  If you like sci-fi, westerns, or excellent character development and dialog, you'll love the series (keep in mind that it's not Star Trek type sci-fi.  There's no super-scanners, transporters, phase cannons, etc.  You gotta watch it, but I don't know ANYONE who's seen it and not liked it; 1,164 Amazon reviews and it has a 5-star rating).





....and my uncle had a small role with a couple lines in one of the episodes (the one where the star of the show ends up in a duel towards the end). He played some interplanetary dignitary or something talking to the ship's mechanic about engines or something.

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The Empire Strikes Back is one of my all-time favorite movies, but it's barely sci-fi (fantasy?).


For pure sci-fi, I'm going with.....




"My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are."


"Game over, man, game over! We're !@#$ed!"


"Get away from her, you B word!"


Hell yeah. It came out in 1986 and nothing has come close to it since.

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....and my uncle had a small role with a couple lines in one of the episodes (the one where the star of the show ends up in a duel towards the end).  He played some interplanetary dignitary or something talking to the ship's mechanic about engines or something.



I remember you mentioned that earlier. I watched that episode over Thanksgiving weekend and thought about you and your uncle. :rolleyes:



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