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Everyone a Bigot?

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Your post was one big rationalization. You could have acted like a man and admit that you did not read up on the ACLU lawsuit. Instead you spent a paragraph trying to rationalize your stance. Man up and admit when you are mistaken.


I live in Salt Lake City. People here think Native Americans are descended from Israelites. Yes they really believe that. It does not matter how much this has been disproved, there are hundreds of thousands that believe that. They argue it vigorously and rationalize away any proof to the contrary.


You do not need to prove to me that you can rationalize your political belief system. I know you can and do.

Great, another word that conner doesn't know. There is exactly 0 rationalization in that post, idiot.


My stance? WTF are you talking about? This has nothing to do with my opinion. I am merely stating the facts:

1. The ACLU wants to criminalize terrorism instead of treat it as the war that it is....that's a fact.

2. Predator attacks directly contradict the notion of treating terrorists as criminals.....that's also a fact.

3. The ACLU has CONSISTENTLY called the Predator attacks ILLEGAL, and it is therefore on those grounds that they believe they can challenge the President....that is their thinking, that they can prove the President is doing something illegal, and therefore get a court to order him to stop.

4. Due to 1-3, the ACLU wants all Predator attacks to stop, in favor of us either doing nothing, or, going in and attempting to arrest terrorists, so they can be tried in court....that's the only rational conclusion.


Perhaps you confused "being rational" or "drawing a rational conclusion" with the word "rationalization"?


The ACLU cannot stop the Predator attacks, by going to court, if they know nothing about them. They can't make their case if they have no facts....a point that consistently eludes you. So, they MUST sue to get information, so, they can sue to stop the attacks.


That is as simple as I can make it for you. If you can't understand and accept this simple explanation, then I am done with you in this thread. Only a f'ing moron can't see the basic reality here, and I am not wasting any more time on morons.

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You are silly.

Perhaps, but you can't hang with me, and you know it. Once again, I have brought the facts and the logic, and have given you a whipping with them, and once again, you call me names as you run away rubbing your ass.


Now that's silly, but it is also accurate. :worthy:

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