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Everyone a Bigot?

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That's the problem. You see bigotry and I see lack of incentive. You just assume that because I prefer fostering personal achievement, responsibility, and financial success that I somehow don't understand going hungry, living without a roof over my head, or living below the poverty level. That's why I'm your worst kind of conservative; I had every reason to quit and accept a crappy life, and decided the only person responsible for my life staying crappy was me. There comes a time in most people's lives when they have a chance to stop asking "Why me?" and start asking "What am I going to do about this?"


While I fully understand (and help) those people who truly ARE at a disadvantage, a failure on someone's behalf to change their thinking about their situation is something I don't accept. I'm living proof that being poor, lazy, and not so smart about life will only change if you want it to.


Giving people the incentive NOT to change their thinking is one of the least compassionate things you can do, and yet it is the core of the liberal ideology; "It's okay. It's not your fault. Here's some free food, money, and housing to get you on your feet. Oh, is 26 weeks not enough time? Here's an extra 26 weeks. Need more time? Of course, here's another 26 weeks. Take your time. It's not your fault. See that guy over there who worked his way out of a hole like yours and put himself through college and grew up to start his own company; he's the reason for your problems, so he'll be picking up your tab. "




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That's the problem. You see bigotry and I see lack of incentive. You just assume that because I prefer fostering personal achievement, responsibility, and financial success that I somehow don't understand going hungry, living without a roof over my head, or living below the poverty level. That's why I'm your worst kind of conservative; I had every reason to quit and accept a crappy life, and decided the only person responsible for my life staying crappy was me. There comes a time in most people's lives when they have a chance to stop asking "Why me?" and start asking "What am I going to do about this?"


While I fully understand (and help) those people who truly ARE at a disadvantage, a failure on someone's behalf to change their thinking about their situation is something I don't accept. I'm living proof that being poor, lazy, and not so smart about life will only change if you want it to.


Giving people the incentive NOT to change their thinking is one of the least compassionate things you can do, and yet it is the core of the liberal ideology; "It's okay. It's not your fault. Here's some free food, money, and housing to get you on your feet. Oh, is 26 weeks not enough time? Here's an extra 26 weeks. Need more time? Of course, here's another 26 weeks. Take your time. It's not your fault. See that guy over there who worked his way out of a hole like yours and put himself through college and grew up to start his own company; he's the reason for your problems, so he'll be picking up your tab. "



And here I had been thinking that they would have to go after me first. :thumbsup: Looks like you are much more of a threat to this imbecilic ideology than I am.

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Says the guy with the out of context quote in his sig.


Don't bother arguing with ranting extreme conservatives- you can't win, because their propensity for personal attacks can only be answered with the same, and it just isn't worth it. That's why I largely ignore this entire part of TBD- it is a microcosm of what is wrong with politics today, and why we continue to elect the same representatives and have the same problems in this country. Extremists have taken over the debate and are running us into the ground.

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Don't bother arguing with ranting extreme conservatives- you can't win, because their propensity for personal attacks can only be answered with the same, and it just isn't worth it. That's why I largely ignore this entire part of TBD- it is a microcosm of what is wrong with politics today, and why we continue to elect the same representatives and have the same problems in this country. Extremists have taken over the debate and are running us into the ground.


Lol, ya see DC Tom's sig for the days when I thought you could get away with treating others around here with respect.

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The ACLU position is idiotic, never mind wrong. We are fighting a war against a-holes who hide behind civilians and don't have the balls to wear uniforms and formally declare war. The ACLU seems perfectly willing to hold a double standard, and that's idiotic when it comes to war. Having any standard at all in war is hard enough, expecting one side to hold to a higher one is sheer stupidity.


Therefore, we can't rely on helicopter insertions/halo drops and hoping that our guys will sneak in and be able to catch a guy that is moving around all the time, with a guard of 50 armed to the teeth, so that we can arrest him and bring him to trial on lower Manhattan. NO. We have to send in our guys to sneak in and get eyes on, and then waste the guy and all 50 with a Hellfire missile from a Predator.


All trying to make arrests will do is get our guys killed. Remember Jimmy Carter's failed attempt to free the hostages from Iran? If we do things the ACLU's way, we can expect one of those every f'ing week. What a great idea! Let's waste our best special operators because it satisfies some dipschit lawyer's delicate sensibilities.


If these ACLU lawyers want to risk our troops so badly, and are so certain that their way is the only "right" way to do it, then why don't they sign up to serve on the insertion teams? Oh, that's right, these pussies can't actually do the job, can they? So they prefer hiding behind the safety real men provide, and whimpering and whining as they do.

The ACLU is suing under the Freedom of Information Act for information on the drone attacks. Nothing in the lawsuit says the attacks have to stop (could the courts even do such a thing?). They are just trying to get information.


No where in your post did you acknowledge this fact, leading me to think that (as always) you are gravely misinformed and assuming things that are just not true.

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Lol, ya see DC Tom's sig for the days when I thought you could get away with treating others around here with respect.


All you will get is vitriol and a possible aneurysm, for a leopard never changes his spots.


If you ever play online on Xbox Live, it is a lot like playing a game of Modern Warfare 2 against a bunch of trash talking kids who never shut up... debate is useless and the only options are either mute or don't play at all.

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The ACLU is suing under the Freedom of Information Act for information on the drone attacks. Nothing in the lawsuit says the attacks have to stop (could the courts even do such a thing?). They are just trying to get information.


No where in your post did you acknowledge this fact, leading me to think that (as always) you are gravely misinformed and assuming things that are just not true.

Oh, that's right, the reason they want the information is....


...no reason. :rolleyes: They just want to have it, for having it's sake. Right, they don't want to stop the predator attack program, they just want to know what's happening. :D Look, idiot, the ACLU and the far left REFUSE to correctly determine that we are fighting a f'ing war. Instead, they want to criminalize everything, and try people in court. That is moronic, and you are moronic if you don't get it..still...that in order for the ACLU/far left to accomplish their goal, they must stop the predator attacks. You can't hold a show trial in lower Manhattan, in which you blame everybody but the terrorist for his a-hole behavior, with the charred remains of some scumbag. You need to have a live body, so you can talk about how he is "another human being, and doesn't deserve harsh treatment, and none of this would have happened if he wasn't poor". :blink:


You are gravely misinformed by believing that the ACLU's intentions are somehow sacrosanct. They haven't been for the last 10 years at least. They have been political, subjective, and unbalanced. They have not been standardized and objective, therefore, they don't get to sit in judgment of anybody else's standards or objectivity.

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Don't bother arguing with ranting extreme conservatives- you can't win, because their propensity for personal attacks can only be answered with the same, and it just isn't worth it. That's why I largely ignore this entire part of TBD- it is a microcosm of what is wrong with politics today, and why we continue to elect the same representatives and have the same problems in this country. Extremists have taken over the debate and are running us into the ground.
All you will get is vitriol and a possible aneurysm, for a leopard never changes his spots.


If you ever play online on Xbox Live, it is a lot like playing a game of Modern Warfare 2 against a bunch of trash talking kids who never shut up... debate is useless and the only options are either mute or don't play at all.

Well this is ironic. You reference talking schit...


and, at the same time, you bag on Conservatives, while pretending like conner exemplifies knowledge, reason, and solid debating skills, accountability and intellectual honesty, yes, conner, of all people on this board, represents rational thought,


and, at the same time, you offer nothing in terms of the content of this thread,


but we are supposed to heed your "talking schit" reference? Calling somebody an idiot is not a personal attack when that somebody consistently takes the position that only an idiot would take. If you spent the time here you said you haven't, you would be aware of conner's consistent foolishness, followed by obfuscation...unless of course, you are talking schit.

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Well this is ironic. You reference talking schit...


and, at the same time, you bag on Conservatives, while pretending like conner exemplifies knowledge, reason, and solid debating skills, accountability and intellectual honesty, yes, conner, of all people on this board, represents rational thought,


and, at the same time, you offer nothing in terms of the content of this thread,


but we are supposed to heed your "talking schit" reference? Calling somebody an idiot is not a personal attack when that somebody consistently takes the position that only an idiot would take. If you spent the time here you said you haven't, you would be aware of conner's consistent foolishness, followed by obfuscation...unless of course, you are talking schit.

This is "herp derp" at it's finest.

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This is "herp derp" at it's finest.

Ah, so you can't respond to my other post, idiot, because you know that it's over. So, you reply to one that's not speaking to you? And even better, you try to make yourself look cool by using the Urban Dictionary?


Pathetic. Consistent. Obfuscation.

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Ah, so you can't respond to my other post, idiot, because you know that it's over. So, you reply to one that's not speaking to you? And even better, you try to make yourself look cool by using the Urban Dictionary?


Pathetic. Consistent. Obfuscation.

Your post was one big rationalization. You could have acted like a man and admit that you did not read up on the ACLU lawsuit. Instead you spent a paragraph trying to rationalize your stance. Man up and admit when you are mistaken.


I live in Salt Lake City. People here think Native Americans are descended from Israelites. Yes they really believe that. It does not matter how much this has been disproved, there are hundreds of thousands that believe that. They argue it vigorously and rationalize away any proof to the contrary.


You do not need to prove to me that you can rationalize your political belief system. I know you can and do.

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