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Everyone a Bigot?

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A historian calling the name callers out.


Clearly I am not the only one who sees this as a problem:

If everyone is a bigot, then no one is.


If we lose sight of the difference between variance of opinion on how to solve a problem, and honest to God racism, then we are in for a host of additional problems and unintended consequences that make today's issues seem small.


"Crying racist/homophobe/anti-you-name-it" wolf has reached an all time high. Enough is enough. If we don't put an end to this, then real hatred will be allowed to flourish behind a wall of skepticism that will be created by over-use of these names.


People who keep throwing out these names so casually only succeed in convincing us of one thing: the weakness of their arguments. If their arguments could stand on their own 2 feet, there would be no need to start name calling.


Many have confused the concept of principles, inherent truths that we all universally and inherently know, with values. If a person doesn't share your values, that does not, in and of itself, make them a bigot. It simply makes them someone you haven't convinced of the accuracy of your world view. Unfortunately, we seem to have a lot more people who are willing to take the easy way out and call names, rather than put the work in and convince.


Finally, I name call the far-left. I call them "idiots" all the time, because they have clearly established a pattern of making stupid choices when faced with real problems. For example: the far-left is currently suing Obama because he is using predators to kill terrorists. Is there a better example of a stupid choice? How is this behavior in line with their goals? This is only going to get them the exact opposite of what they intend: demoralizing their own base-->a Republican President.


I certainly didn't arrive at the conclusion that the far left are largely idiots without putting the work in. The propensity of the far-left to name call with 0 evidence, and the current intensity of that practice, only serves to reinforce that conclusion. They are once again going to achieve the exact opposite of what they intend if they continue this practice. George Costanza aside, only an idiot sets a goal, and then goes about doing the exact opposite of the things that will achieve it. The far left does this all the time, and therefore, they are idiots. Perhaps they should give the Costanza "do the opposite" method a try.

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I certainly didn't arrive at the conclusion that the far left are largely idiots without putting the work in. The propensity of the far-left to name call with 0 evidence

That is !@#$ing hilarious.


Yeah we know you put the work in, thousands and thousands of hours of listening to Rush Limbaugh and letting him brainwash you.

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That is !@#$ing hilarious.


Yeah we know you put the work in, thousands and thousands of hours of listening to Rush Limbaugh and letting him brainwash you.

Ahh, conner. :thumbsup: Not only can't you argue with me, but you "know" that I listen to Limbaugh? How exactly?


The truth is: I don't listen to Limbaugh much, and haven't really ever. I have to be in a car, on a long trip, with nothing else going on to listen to Limbaugh. And besides, I know what he is going to say before he says it, so what is the point? I don't learn anything, so I usually don't waste my time. I usually listen to sports radio, and yes, WGR. If you want to get on me for that, fine. :devil: Some days I feel like I should get on myself for listening to it.


Similar to your posts: I don't learn anything, because I already know what you are going to say before you say it. All I have to do is turn on MSNBC for 15 minutes. There is a 90% chance that your posts, because they come from MSNBC, will ignore real priorities for minutia, be irrational, be fact deficient, and logic deficient.


Let's have some fun. Pick either question, and let's see if you can prove you're NOT an idiot:

1. Please explain how over-using the terms "racist" and "bigot" will NOT create a dangerous indifference to them.


2. Please explain how suing Obama over predator attacks is in line with current Democratic political goals.


Take all the time you need, and put in the work that provides us evidence that you are not just one more in a long line of far-left idiots, contrary to my, and everyone's, conclusions.

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1. Please explain how over-using the terms "racist" and "bigot" will NOT create a dangerous indifference to them.

Overusing them probably would create indifference. To find out how people of *my* line of thinking feel about this - see this video: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-augu...rd-is-maxed-out


2. Please explain how suing Obama over predator attacks is in line with current Democratic political goals.

The lawsuit is not a Democratic political goal, and does not line up with Democratic political goals. The ACLU is not a liberal organization. They are their own organization with their own goals (namely: American civil liberties). I'm sure many many democrats (including Obama) are not happy about this lawsuit.


So the problems with your statements are you assume things that just are not true. You wrongly assume liberals are not aware the race card is overused sometimes, and you wrongly assume the ACLU is a Dem organization.


Stop wrongly assuming things.

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Overusing them probably would create indifference. To find out how people of *my* line of thinking feel about this - see this video: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-augu...rd-is-maxed-out

So you agree that people who have been running around calling people racist and bigots are idiots?

Are you an idiot, or do you see them relating this individual bad behavior, to something completely irrelevant = a black president? The fact that the "race card" is being used, or that it even exists, is...Obama's fault? So what, now we have Democrats with Obama derangement syndrome replacing their Bush derangement syndrome?


I have more, but before I go on, are you sure that you want Jon Stewart doing your talking for you? Are you sure that using a comedian is the best approach for proving you aren't an idiot?

The lawsuit is not a Democratic political goal, and does not line up with Democratic political goals. The ACLU is not a liberal organization. They are their own organization with their own goals (namely: American civil liberties). I'm sure many many democrats (including Obama) are not happy about this lawsuit.

1. How many card carrying ACLU members are also card carrying Republicans? How many are Democrats? You can't be serious. The ACLU spends 95% of its resources supporting leftist nonsense, and 5% on token cases protecting Christians....and I am supposed to believe that makes them "objective"?

2. How many of the lawyers suing the Obama administration over predator attacks vote Republican? 0 People that vote Democrat are doing this, you can try to re-classify them all you want, but they are still Democrats, period.


Not a convincing argument against your idiot status...but, at least its a rational attempt at an argument.

You wrongly assume liberals are not aware the race card is overused sometimes,

If you are aware of it, then STOP F'ING DOING IT! NOW!

and you wrongly assume the ACLU is a Dem organization.

The ACLU has stopped doing their age-old mission, and started being a political tool for the left. This is a problem for us as a whole. Instead of sticking to their annoying, but necessary, tenets, they are actively supporting candidates, and going after others, and picking and choosing their issues instead of being consistent.


That is the sign of a political organization, not a civil libertarian organization. I have seen to much evidence for me to believe that this is the same old ACLU that showed up in my high school and prevented our principal from banning us from wearing t-shirts that supported our teachers in their contract negotiations.


No, something has clearly changed when they set out to go after a political candidate and/or people and not specific issues.

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So you agree that people who have been running around calling people racist and bigots are idiots?

Are you an idiot, or do you see them relating this individual bad behavior, to something completely irrelevant = a black president? The fact that the "race card" is being used, or that it even exists, is...Obama's fault? So what, now we have Democrats with Obama derangement syndrome replacing their Bush derangement syndrome?


I have more, but before I go on, are you sure that you want Jon Stewart doing your talking for you? Are you sure that using a comedian is the best approach for proving you aren't an idiot?

You really have something wrong with your brain. This paragraph does not have any logical structure to it. I'm tempted to say that your paragraph is not even written in the English language.


1. How many card carrying ACLU members are also card carrying Republicans? How many are Democrats? You can't be serious. The ACLU spends 95% of its resources supporting leftist nonsense, and 5% on token cases protecting Christians....and I am supposed to believe that makes them "objective"?

2. How many of the lawyers suing the Obama administration over predator attacks vote Republican? 0 People that vote Democrat are doing this, you can try to re-classify them all you want, but they are still Democrats, period.

Almost by definition the ACLU does spend most of it's time protecting minority groups from the oppression of the majority. Are you saying that the 76% of Americans that are Christian is a minority?


Anyways, I have to conclude that you have no idea what the ACLU does or offers for the American people. You have not demonstrated that you understand what the ACLU is about. It's kind of weird to see you type opinions on an organization that you are demonstrably uninformed about.


I mean explain the details of the drone lawsuit, why is the ACLU position wrong?

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What a lazy posting this is.

You honestly think you're the one who should make this comment? :thumbsup:

Or is coming up with half-assed insults really that difficult for you? Did you buy yourself a beer in celebration of clicking reply?

No one raises a beer when they club a seal.

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.. blah blah blah. I know the pattern by now. My position is flawless, and since no one can respond with substantial counter points, the insults and grammar nit-picking ensue.


Do you happen to be related to Brian Fellows?

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.. blah blah blah. I know the pattern by now. My position is flawless, and since no one can respond with substantial counter points, the insults and grammar nit-picking ensue.



You really have something wrong with your brain. This paragraph does not have any logical structure to it. I'm tempted to say that your paragraph is not even written in the English language.
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