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Intropsection. Or, if the Republicans take power, what

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sadly people do believe it. I have watched focus groups and some people wouldn't like certain items because Obama wasn't born here, or because he's muslim, etc., etc. It's pretty sad.


Do I think the GOP will do anything if they come back into power... No. They will try to reverse some things. All in all nothing will get done.

If they get into power, they better repeal that Health Deform law.

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As much serious long term damage as Obama is doing to our country it won't be for nothing if he serves to solidify and re-energize the conservative movement to re-take control of this country and to undo as much damage as possible and to run this country the way it should be.


Obama is doing more in 18 months for the conservative party than the previous 20 years combined.


Here's to hoping we find our next conservative revolution starting in 2010 carrying over into 2012

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Which is the best thing that could ever happen...that this screaming train of socialization gets stopped dead in its tracks before cap and tax and other brainchildren of the left take effect.

The deficit will not go away under Republican leadership- we have to disempower the repiblicrat party and take the country back

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Disagree- whoever is in power will bring war to Somalia and probably Iran and Pakistan


We're already at war in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. Iran needn't be prolonged problem. One bombing strike on Bushehr ends their nuclear program for a decade, which may be long enough to have the mullahs ousted.

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