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Federal workers earning double their private counterparts

Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY 8/11/10


"At a time when workers' pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees' average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn, a USA TODAY analysis finds."...




Public employee unions say the compensation gap reflects the increasingly high level of skill and education required for most federal jobs and the government contracting out lower-paid jobs to the private sector in recent years.


So how bad would the government be if we didn't have such highly skilled and educated employees running the bureaucracy? <_<


Good! For all the years I was making way less than the private-sector and people were telling me I was nuts. :)<_< This evens things out!


Slow and steady wins the race! Job security and steady employment have always been my goal, even in era when I could have made more. All the years beinig 100's of miles from family, missing functions and child births... Working all kinds of crazy hours...


Sorry Cincy... Cry me a river... In the trades I could have been making a lot more.


Now... I didn't read the article... I am speakiing on behalf of what I do. Even as a surveyor, my salary was nothing to what it would have been in the private sector.


Again I speak from my bizarre, little naive old-school utopia... :w00t:

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