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Hot for non-teacher

Just Jack

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Of course it's different.


But is it so different that a woman committing rape should be treated with general amusement and lightheartedness, like I'm constantly seeing in the "hot for teacher" comments on this board?


And trust me, boys who are sexually mistreated as children have plenty of issues too.


sure, BOYS who are sexually mistreated do have issues later in life.


teenagers plowing the hot mom on the block, and getting video games, will be just fine.


either way, this woman will be punished severely, so justice will be served. i think that is why you see the amusement and lightheartedness. we all remember what it was like to be a teenage boy, so we know there was no "raping" going on here, and we know justice of some sort will be served.

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sure, BOYS who are sexually mistreated do have issues later in life.


teenagers plowing the hot mom on the block, and getting video games, will be just fine.


either way, this woman will be punished severely, so justice will be served. i think that is why you see the amusement and lightheartedness. we all remember what it was like to be a teenage boy, so we know there was no "raping" going on here, and we know justice of some sort will be served.


I get where you're coming from. I had a few hot teachers who I would've done back then without even thinking. But therein lies the crime...these women exploit the naivety of boys who aren't even close to ready for sex from a maturity standpoint, yet they think they are.


What if the woman becomes pregnant? Trust me, I have no misconceptions that it's quite as serious as a 13 year old girl getting statutory raped. But it annoys me when people (not just on this board) talk about the woman like she should be sainted or something.


And it's even worse when the woman is a teacher (as it seems she usually is) because that's such a horrible violation of the student-teacher relationship.

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"...boys who aren't even close to ready for sex from a maturity standpoint, yet they think they are..."


That is only from the pespective of the society we live in today. Biologically and historically (in another era)... They may have been ready. 13 is still a tad young, but heck there were boys fighting wars at 13.

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That is only from the pespective of the society we live in today. Biologically and historically (in another era)... They may have been ready. 13 is still a tad young, but heck there were boys fighting wars at 13.


There still ARE boys who are fighting wars at 13. Cue...Darfur.


Sage, respectfully, I'll come down on the side of those who say "Hoo-Ahh!!" Kids are resilient little dickens. You were, I was. They (and we) recover from the teenage years a lot better than the psychs might think. So some 13-year-old gets his rocks off with a hot neighbor...? Guess what? He'll probably reach 23 years old more well-adjusted than some pimply kid who winds up with blisters on his palm.

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There still ARE boys who are fighting wars at 13. Cue...Darfur.


Sage, respectfully, I'll come down on the side of those who say "Hoo-Ahh!!" Kids are resilient little dickens. You were, I was. They (and we) recover from the teenage years a lot better than the psychs might think. So some 13-year-old gets his rocks off with a hot neighbor...? Guess what? He'll probably reach 23 years old more well-adjusted than some pimply kid who winds up with blisters on his palm.


If it's not a problem for the kids, then how is it that all these women get caught. Someone's telling someone.

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If it's not a problem for the kids, then how is it that all these women get caught. Someone's telling someone.



Uhh.....YEAH!! The 13-year-old kid who tells his pimply pot-smoking buddies that he got his rocks off with Mrs. Smith at the end of the street! Guess what? There's a line at Mrs. Smiths' house! And 13-year-olds are so discreet, the little dickens....


By the way, I'm elbowing my way to the front of that line, and praying for pimples. She must like 'em.

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What if the woman becomes pregnant?


The whole pregnant issue is why there is the historical double-standard between the genders and why there would be outrage if the roles where reversed. What you said... She is a 42 year old woman and already had children... I hope she would be able to handle children.

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The whole pregnant issue is why there is the historical double-standard between the genders and why there would be outrage if the roles where reversed. What you said... She is a 42 year old woman and already had children... I hope she would be able to handle children.

Okay, then here's some male teacher getting students pregnant


Physics Teacher Allegedly Gets Student Pregnant, Takes Her to Get Abortion


Teacher Accused Of Getting Student Pregnant Arrested

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Of course it's different.


But is it so different that a woman committing rape should be treated with general amusement and lightheartedness, like I'm constantly seeing in the "hot for teacher" comments on this board?


And trust me, boys who are sexually mistreated as children have plenty of issues too.

Agree 100%. I think the double standard occurs over the word "rape". Because it is impossible for a female to force sex on a male, a adult woman having sex with willing children[for thats what they are] is OK. But if I as a male have sex with a willing 13 year old girl, "rape" comes much easer off the tongue.

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Agree 100%. I think the double standard occurs over the word "rape". Because it is impossible for a female to force sex on a male, a adult woman having sex with willing children[for thats what they are] is OK. But if I as a male have sex with a willing 13 year old girl, "rape" comes much easer off the tongue.


I am not sure about that... Don't get me wrong, I am not diagreeing with you but I am pretty sure there are some school's of thoughts that says that males can be raped... They would argue the whole erection thing does not contitute consent.



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I am not sure about that... Don't get me wrong, I am not diagreeing with you but I am pretty sure there are some school's of thoughts that says that males can be raped... They would argue the whole erection thing does not contitute consent.





They are correct. An erection is no more consent than a woman getting wet, or having an orgasm while being forced upon. It is simply a physical response. Males can, and have, been raped.


And although many underage boys may like and brag about having sex with an older woman, it doesn't mean it can't do some pretty major and long term psychological damage. And, as they are not of the age of consent, it is illegal. It is and should be considered the equal of an older man having sex with an underage girl.


Now assuming the minors are consenting partners (and close to legal age), statutory rape is NOT the same, or as horrible, as forcible rape, but it is really nothing to be dismissed either.

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That is only from the pespective of the society we live in today. Biologically and historically (in another era)... They may have been ready. 13 is still a tad young, but heck there were boys fighting wars at 13.

You come up with strangest points I have ever read. Because at some point in history, in country's unknown, 13 year olds were sent out as cannon fodder we should change the age of consent?

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