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Man who watches Mythbusters saves woman's life.

Steely Dan

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Two passersby rescue woman from car underwater

By Johanna Kaiser and John M. Guilfoil

Globe Correspondent | Globe Staff / August 8, 2010




...Conley credited his quick thinking to an episode of “MythBusters’’ he saw about how to rescue car passengers trapped underwater and said anyone could do what he did....




So all of the mothers who say their kids watch too much TV? Whatcha think now! :)

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Not the first time this has happened


A couple weeks ago Mythbusters aired their 100 Greatest Myths, including the car trapped under water. After replaying this myth somebody on the show said that a truck driver had written that he had fallen asleep at the wheel and veered off into a body of water. When the driver came to and realized what had happened, he remembered what he saw on Mythbusters and it saved his life

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i haven't seen this on Mythbusters. What is the "secret" to rescuing someone in a submerged car?


Wait until the car fills with water, so that the pressure equalizes on both sides of the door and you can open it.


perhaps a report on what MythBusters aired would be pertinent?


The one where they test escaping from a submerging car.

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perhaps a report on what MythBusters aired would be pertinent?

I think there were two different episodes which this could be linked to. One tested the effectiveness of different tools to break a car window underwater. Another was Adam escaping from a submerged car. Maybe it was the same episode, i'm not positive.


Either way it is pretty piss poor reporting by whoever wrote the article.

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I'll bet the Real Housewives of Hell can't say that!

Wait a few years, we may see that our kids are not attracted to the shallow, braindead, waste of skin that appear on those shows. Look at the husbands of those women, can you say whipped?

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