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Trans-Siberian Orchestra schedule announced - 2010


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Agreed about sitting further back. I had I think it was row 4 and the spot lights they had along the foot of the stage would hit us right in the eyes sometimes as they moved them around. But it was cool seeing them perform that close.

I have to say that i prefer sitting up front -- I was 4th row last year as well, and I loved being able to watch them perform up close. I didn't feel like I saw better effects when I sat further back at previous shows.

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Agreed about sitting further back. I had I think it was row 4 and the spot lights they had along the foot of the stage would hit us right in the eyes sometimes as they moved them around. But it was cool seeing them perform that close.


Yeah, the spotlights would hit me, too. I'm definitely glad I did get to see them upclose the one time, though........Another reason I like the lowers - that Chris guy annoys me. He's always telling people to stand up, so then everybody has to on the floor. In my mind, when the band pulls people out of their seats with their music, that's when I want to stand.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are a few dates where they are apparantly playing at 2 different places on the same day at the same time. Wish they were playing in Lauderdale, dont like the AAA in Miami


Yeah, there's two different troupes - and east and a west.


My wife likes TSO, but she always says, "They're not a band, they're a performance. If someone dies, the show will still go on."


She's right. It's still awesome. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Went to the show last night (2nd row aisle), and it was AWESOME. Caitlin Moe on violin was great. The band was hamming it up quite a bit too. Since we were in the 2nd row, they could see us pretty well and they were posing for pictures in the middle of songs. I wish I had brought my camera -- I could've had some amazing shots with my dSLR and 50mm f/1.4 lens. :(


I thought they did a far better job this year than last year -- in 2009 they butchered "Old City Bar" by practically making it a slapstick comedy routine. This year aside from the intro, it was excellent.


Two thumbs up! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Went to the show last night (2nd row aisle), and it was AWESOME. Caitlin Moe on violin was great. The band was hamming it up quite a bit too. Since we were in the 2nd row, they could see us pretty well and they were posing for pictures in the middle of songs. I wish I had brought my camera -- I could've had some amazing shots with my dSLR and 50mm f/1.4 lens. :(


I thought they did a far better job this year than last year -- in 2009 they butchered "Old City Bar" by practically making it a slapstick comedy routine. This year aside from the intro, it was excellent.


Two thumbs up! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


You must have the Western band, right?.......IMO, the band in Buffalo butchered Old City Bar again this year. That is such a beautiful song, and I fell in love with it the first time I saw them. But, if they played it the way they play in the last few years, I would have hated it and never known how good the original is.

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You must have the Western band, right?.......IMO, the band in Buffalo butchered Old City Bar again this year. That is such a beautiful song, and I fell in love with it the first time I saw them. But, if they played it the way they play in the last few years, I would have hated it and never known how good the original is.


Yeah, I have the western group.


Next year I'm thinking about seeing them in Buffalo and then in Minnesota, just to see some of the differences. My family's never gone, so it might be a nice Christmas gift for them if the timing actually works out.

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  • 8 months later...

Great seats Fez...

No show in WV this year.


So me and Mrs. Lew saw Alice Cooper at the WV state fair instead.

Alice is 63 and can still rock the house

I had 2nd row aisle seats last year, so it's a bit of a downgrade. it was cool being right next to the stage.


I wonder why they're not going to WV this year. That sucks :(

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  • 3 months later...

So I purchased tickets for the evening TSO show tonight... And a couple of days ago one of my vendors gave me a couple of tickets to their suite for the afternoon show! Looks like I'll be seeing them twice today! :lol::thumbsup:

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Good for you Fez.


No Christmas show in my neck of the woods this year. <_<

But the Beethoven's Last Night your IS coming

and we'll be there. :thumbsup:

Great shows tonight! They played three different songs from the first show to the second show which was kinda cool too (although I really wanted them to play "Sleep" again at the 2nd show :( ).


I wasn't as impression with the violinist this time. She was ok, but not as engaging as some previous ones. And nobody compares to Anna Phoebe. http://www.annaphoebe.com/


Anyway, glad I went to both - the suite was in the back of the arena giving a great overall view, and our seats for the 2nd show were right up front getting us more involved in the individual performances. It felt like two different shows! :)

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