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Lol. I'll gladly be the first to write a check if there was a way to guarantee everyone else would. But yeah, I'm not willing to be the only idiot giving my money away and then the rest of the you invest that money in your businesses you own, and get a leg up on me in the rat race.


I think you'd find that a lot of people would be willing to accept a tax increase to help pay down our debt if they could bank on it being temporary and if it was done in conjunction with very large meaningful long-term spendng cuts. Until then, those that foot most of the bill are well justified in their objection to being taxed more IMO. Nobody wants to fund waste.

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Ah, I see....someone stopping a car to talk to their friends bothers you.....becuase you have no friends.


I got it now.


You should have told us you have no friends.


Im sorry.


Hey, when you can't seriously debate a point you resort to bs like this. You appear to be a feckless buffoon. A person, male or female, or maybe a combination of both that is so convinced of their own wittiness that he/she roars loudly at his own feeble jokes. Little does he/she know that the only other laughter is not at his jokes, but at him. Nice, you pick a fight and then run and hide behind the figurative skirts of you mother, ie. the bs of not answering the question but changing the question. I guess that when in private life you are really the catcher you must publicly try to be viewed as the pitcher. Doesn't work that way. To be the pitcher you need balls. Maybe you could grow a pair.

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Hey, when you can't seriously debate a point you resort to bs like this. You appear to be a feckless buffoon. A person, male or female, or maybe a combination of both that is so convinced of their own wittiness that he/she roars loudly at his own feeble jokes. Little does he/she know that the only other laughter is not at his jokes, but at him. Nice, you pick a fight and then run and hide behind the figurative skirts of you mother, ie. the bs of not answering the question but changing the question. I guess that when in private life you are really the catcher you must publicly try to be viewed as the pitcher. Doesn't work that way. To be the pitcher you need balls. Maybe you could grow a pair.


Lighten up, Francis.

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Lol. I'll gladly be the first to write a check if there was a way to guarantee everyone else would. But yeah, I'm not willing to be the only idiot giving my money away and then the rest of the you invest that money in your businesses you own, and get a leg up on me in the rat race.

Do you own your own company? If you don't, then are you giving your extra money to your employer to help make it more competitive and allow it to hire more people and provide them things like a weekly paycheck and health care?


So is that what you do to help others? Give your extra money to your employer?


If not, what are you doing to help others beyond insisting that other take care of the others? You just seem SO sure that people need to pony up to take care of others, and yet you seem to do nothing yourself. Why is that?


I'm also curious has it is you want everyone with money to help those who don't have anything, but in the same thought you also refer to these people as idiots. Are Buffett and Gates idiots now?

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t-bars? never tried those...are they like aero bars?


I think tri-geeks are ghey. Ever notice how all the tri-geeks who are on that "Team in Training" are all short legged, fat women. Ew.



Your attempts at comedy are somewhat less funny than Al Franken.

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