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Fareed Zakaria, Bill Gates, Jon Stewart, Warren Buffett (for some examples) are all very wealthy men who have publicly said they would have no problem paying higher taxes, and have encouraged the government to raise taxes on their bracket.

Jusdt out of curiosity, Conner, do you take whatever extra money you have left at the end of the year and give it to the government to help the less fortunate? I mean, it seems to me like you want everyone else to take care of them, but before you urge others to do that, shouldn't you lead by example?


So how about it, Conner? Do you give what you have left to the government to help the less fortunate? Do you? If not, why not?

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Jusdt out of curiosity, Conner, do you take whatever extra money you have left at the end of the year and give it to the government to help the less fortunate? I mean, it seems to me like you want everyone else to take care of them, but before you urge others to do that, shouldn't you lead by example?


So how about it, Conner? Do you give what you have left to the government to help the less fortunate? Do you? If not, why not?

He can't. That would put him at a "competitive disadvantage" :)

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Obama's are certainly governing and living like a 1-term President and first lady. Get it done now while they can. Belt tightening is not evident at any level in the Federal Government, including vacations.

Scary part is I believe you are right. We are being forced to live with a first term "lame duck" president. Consequences be damned, I am going to have some fun.

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There is no room for either side. Both sides have poisoned this country beyond repair, because they couldn't care less about the country- to be honest, I don't know if either side acknowledges there is a country. They are so full of themselves that all they see is the garbage in the mirror.


Take both sides of the argument and stick them

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Speaking of competitive advantage, if we tax our wealthy people and businesses more than other countries do, wouldn't that put us at a competitive disadvantage?

This is also true. This is the crazy stuff that Geitner has to deal with on offshore tax havens for multinationals and such.


Then again, if we really cared about that issue as a country, then why the hell are our tariff rates so stupidly low?

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This is also true. This is the crazy stuff that Geitner has to deal with on offshore tax havens for multinationals and such.


Then again, if we really cared about that issue as a country, then why the hell are our tariff rates so stupidly low?


shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up :)B-):D

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This is also true. This is the crazy stuff that Geitner has to deal with on offshore tax havens for multinationals and such.


Then again, if we really cared about that issue as a country, then why the hell are our tariff rates so stupidly low?


I'll provide you this, then I really have to go. We'll resume with your education at a later date.



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This is also true. This is the crazy stuff that Geitner has to deal with on offshore tax havens for multinationals and such.


Then again, if we really cared about that issue as a country, then why the hell are our tariff rates so stupidly low?



Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

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It's true.


However if you and every other poster on this board agreed to donate X percent of your wealth to charity, I am excited and elated and super happy to donate the same percent of what I own.

So you're not willing to lead. You're only willing to follow.


You're not willing to do as you say. You just expect others to do as you say.


You have no ability to show people how to behave. Only the ability to tell them how to behave.


You have no desire to help those less fortunate than you. You just want to point to others who don't help those you deem to be less fortunate.


Damn. You're really are a liberal unlike any liberal I've ever met. You're living the liberal dream.

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And Bush took vacations in the middle of a war.



This is such a complete non-issue. :)


Actually, after his first 6 months on the job as president, GWB took a whole month off... That would be the whole month of August 2001. Wait, that was right before 911! Who cares...


You are right... This is a complete non-issue. I don't know why people get all crazy about this. POUS have such great perks... They always have... Can the average worker start a job and take one month off during their first 6 months...


I don't know why people are complaining about this non-issue... It is his wife and it is their money (I hope) they spent on the vacation.

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Decadence is the first lady Michelle Obama amazingly taking a gaudy vacation with forty of her friends and family to a five star hotel in Spain while America has a 9.5 unemployment figure and is currently going through the worst recession it it's history. Millions of people have lost their homes in foreclosure. 40 million people are on food stamps, largest ever. And the fact that the American taxpayer is on on the hook for $250,000 of it, which just adds another log to the deficit bonfire that our children and children's children will eventually have to pay off, sickens me to the core...





She's part of the Hoi Polloi... It's unfortunate Moe, Larry and Curly aren't around to launch about 50 pies at her.

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Why do liberals take slack for this... They get the "limo lib" rap... Sure they want to help people and raise them to their own or ABOVE THAT LEVEL... But where in the world do people get the idea that the libs have to take a vow of poverty?


Like my whole take on it... It is about bringing people closer together financially than wanting to distance myself from what others have. Sure she went on a ritzy trip... So what... It is a sign of the times... According to some around here and on the board, trips like this are common place now.

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Actually, after his first 6 months on the job as president, GWB took a whole month off... That would be the whole month of August 2001. Wait, that was right before 911! Who cares...


You are right... This is a complete non-issue. I don't know why people get all crazy about this. POUS have such great perks... They always have... Can the average worker start a job and take one month off during their first 6 months...


I don't know why people are complaining about this non-issue... It is his wife and it is their money (I hope) they spent on the vacation.

:) Right I remember when they bought Air Force two-in fact I Helped her put jet fuel in it at the pre-pay pump. Are you really that naive?

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So you're not willing to lead. You're only willing to follow.


You're not willing to do as you say. You just expect others to do as you say.


You have no ability to show people how to behave. Only the ability to tell them how to behave.


You have no desire to help those less fortunate than you. You just want to point to others who don't help those you deem to be less fortunate.


Damn. You're really are a liberal unlike any liberal I've ever met. You're living the liberal dream.


Lol. I'll gladly be the first to write a check if there was a way to guarantee everyone else would. But yeah, I'm not willing to be the only idiot giving my money away and then the rest of the you invest that money in your businesses you own, and get a leg up on me in the rat race.

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This is also true. This is the crazy stuff that Geitner has to deal with on offshore tax havens for multinationals and such.


Then again, if we really cared about that issue as a country, then why the hell are our tariff rates so stupidly low?

Can you do anything but vomit back the typical liberal speak? The government touches $.20 of every dollar this country creates but that's not enough, they need more.


It's been awhile but the last time I looked the US government spent more than the GDP of all but a handful of countries in the world. Only a complete idiot would argue that they need or deserve more money when it's quite obvious that they aren't stewarding what they're getting with wisdom.


Oh wait. :)

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