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So what's the take on Obamanomics so far?

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Amen to that. The economy is slowly improving, stock values are going up instead of down, financial institutions have stabilized, American car companies are recovering, and all this despite a Recovery Act that was too small, but was the most that they could get approved, and a continual effort by Republicans to put political theatre ahead of what's best for the economy. Of course it's little comfort for all the unemployed, of which I was one at the end of the Bush term but have been working for the past year. Since private companies are making profits but sitting on their cash reserves, it's left to the government to further stimulate job growth. We've seen the failure of trickle-down economics, hopefully voters will remember it was Bush and the Republican Congress that took a surplus to a deficit, enacted tax cuts for the wealthy without corresponding spending cuts, started an off-budget war in Iraq, and promoted less regulation for the financial and energy industries. That tiger won't change it's stripes.


So how's the stock market doing :bag:



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Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't be worried?

You SHOULD be worried. Because we're not spending enough. We need to spend more. MUCH more. That's the only way to get the economy rolling again. More stimulus. More bailouts. Make the rich pay for all of it. It's the only way.



Paul Krugman

Nobel Winner

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