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Lori Chase

Guest dog14787

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In case any of you were unaware as I was, Lori Chase is no longer with us. After Tim Graham, a very good friend of hers was rudely treated on this forum, she decided enough was enough and it just wasn't fun anymore. When you look at it from her perspective, how could you blame her, Tim takes the time away from his busy schedule to come onto our forum and we treat him like trash.


I say we because unfortunately a few bad apples can make the whole bushel turn rotten if you don't remove the bad ones.


This is Lori's Twitter http://twitter.com/LoriTBD Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lori.chase



You guys get a chance, drop her a line, let her know what she means to our Forum and how much we miss her, or post your support on this thread,



Lets get Lori Chase back home to our Forum where she belongs...



It's a shame that someone as intelligent as Lori would allow a few morons to get to her. The same applies to Tim Graham.

Unforutnately, that's the nature of internet message boards. Anonymity brings out the worst in some people. However, every message board in existence has this problem, and the only way to solve it is to restrict access through lots of moderating. That's time consuming and expensive, which is why few message boards are totally moderated.


Message boards designed for the general public are unpredictable, and while I would love to have Lori and Tim back, they're going to have to understand that they will encounter this problem in any unmoderated message board, no matter where they post.

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Tim Graham and his haughty holier-than-thou, worship at my feet because i work for ESPN attitude, is definitely NOT missed.


I'm gonna disagree on this one. People tended to address him as one of our own, forgetting that he worked for ESPN, and had a responsibility to the company. I don't think he was asking for any kind of special treatment, only that people not turn his thread into a place to bash ESPN.

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