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This is certainly not to call out moderators, but has there been any thought given to how one could prevent the access of certain posters to the board? Some of the better forums out there for sports are Soxprospects.com and Sonsofsamhorn.net. While those boards probably get a higher volume of posters than this page does, they are very well respected, in large part to their ability to keep the idiots off of the site. Schilling was a frequent poster on Sons of Sam Horn and while I'm sure he got his fair share of taunts, he posted for quite awhile as far as I know.


TBD has a pretty even split between well informed posters and total idiots who like the idea of going after someone while hiding behind the ambiguity that the internet provides. I understand that if you kick someone off, they'll come back with a different user name. So, I'm not sure what to do. But, it would definitely enhance this board if the morons are kept off.



The treatment of TG was not right, classy, or what you hope to see on this message board. With that said, you have to have thicker skin if you're a journalist. You make your money from being in public and giving your opinion, so deaing with the morons who respond to your articles and opinions is part of the job.


I'm sorry to hear that Lori has left the site, I enjoyed reading her previews on gamedays every Sunday as part of my pregame ritual.

I can't even count the number of times I've been corrected by Lori and would have otherwise posted bogus info that everyone would have read and believed to be true. ( not meaning to of course)


Lori chase keeps this forum honest and respectful...



Come on, nobody is going to believe anything you say is true. :thumbdown:


This thread has a chance to take over for the "last post wins" thread. :thumbsup:


Too bad. Lori's one of the few posters here who's posts were actually worth a damn. (Worth a damn sight more than "a damn", actually...but those who matter know what I mean.)

I heard the real reason both Lori and Tim left was that their skin was so thin that typing hurt too much.


Or it could be !@#$s like you.


Agreed. I hardly post any more, and don't visit often. That is especially true in the offseason. But life goes on.


I think part of it is that the site is so stable now it really can't be Rosened any more, so there's no fun in teasing you about it. :-) That's really the only reason I kept coming.


Love your tag line. "Attention planets of the solar federation!"


It's like a neighborhood that's nice but used to be really nice and is now in decline. The people who are just getting there say 'it's so much better here' but the people who have been there say 'it used to be so much better'. Some move away, some stay and hope it gets back to how it was. And some die.
Could be me. Let's face it, I'm a piece of ****.


Nobody is a bigger piece of **** than me, and don't you forget it. Sheesh, people getting uppity!

Nobody is a bigger piece of **** than me, and don't you forget it. Sheesh, people getting uppity!


!@#$ you. You're a !@#$ing hobbyist; I make a !@#$ing career out of being an !@#$.

This thread is bringing in loads of people who look like old timers :thumbsup:


We're gettin' the band back together.


Somebody bring Heitz's cooler; Rosen, make sure the soup is warm. I'll write a commemorative limerick.

We're gettin' the band back together.


Somebody bring Heitz's cooler; Rosen, make sure the soup is warm. I'll write a commemorative limerick.

Petrino could write an ode as well...

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